<br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR�NCUMBF[ANCE. Bene�ciary rnay, dL i�.ti c��r�ion, declare the entire balancc of thc
<br /> 5ecured Debt to be immcdiately due and payable upon t1�e creatiun uf, �ransler ar saie of all or any part
<br /> uT the Property. This right is subjcct to thc restrietions imposed l�y federal favv(12 L.:.�'.K. SNi j, as
<br /> a}�plicable. Tfiis c:vvenanl shall run w�iLh the Property and shall remain in effect unYil the Secured T]eht is
<br /> paid in full and tY�is Security Tnstri�tnent is released.
<br /> 10. PR�PERTY CONDI'TIDN, ALTERATIdN5.A.ND I�TSF'�C;'I'lUN. "1`rustor will Eseep the Property in
<br /> guod con�iilion and ma[ce all repairs t�at arc reasonably necessary_ Trustor shall not conzanit o�• allau�atty
<br /> waste, impairment, or deterioratiun uI`the Progerty_ Trustor wilT keep the Praperiy free af naxious weeds
<br /> and prasses. T'rustor agrees that the nah�re of the occupancy and use will not suhstantially change withoat
<br /> Benefieiary's prior writYen consent. 'E'rustc�r witl noT permit any change in any liccnsc, restricti�e
<br /> cavenani or easement without Benefieiary's prior written cunsent. Trustor wil l nntify Benefici�ry of all
<br /> demands, procccdings, claims, and actiaats against Treistor, and of aaiy loss ur ilamxge C<f Lhe Prnperty.
<br /> Reneficia.ry ar]3eneficiary's ageats ma.y, af Beneficiary's opiion, enter the Propezty af any reasonable
<br /> time ior lhe purpose of inspecting the ProperLy. Beneficiary shall give Trustor notice at the time nf nr
<br /> before an ins�ection Grecifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. �nV�nspection of the Property
<br /> shall he entirely for Beneficiary's benefit and Trustnr will in no�c�tty rely on Bcncficiary's inspcction.
<br /> 11. AL3THORITI' TO PERFOBM. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenaa3ts epntained
<br /> in tliis Sectu•ity Instrurnent, 13eneliciary may, witl�out notice, perform or cause them to be perfornraed.
<br /> Trustor appoinYs Beneficiary as attarney in fact to sign'lrustor's na�ne or pay any amount necessary far
<br /> performance. Bene.fxciary's right to perform fc�r Trustor sh�1l not create an obligaYion to perform, and
<br /> BeneficiarSr's failtve to perfar�n wil�iaot p�•ecEude Benefia;iary frum exercising any af L3eneficiary's other
<br /> rights undcr thc law or this Security Instrurneni_ If airy co�istructiort on tlie Property is[liswnlinucd c>r
<br /> nui carried on in a re�sonable i�iam�cr, Bencficiary may take all steps necessary tq�3rotect Bex�eficiaty's
<br /> security i�itet�est it3 ttic Yr�perly, including completion of the construction.
<br /> 22. A5SIGNM�NT OF LEASE$AN�RENTS. TrEutur urcvuc;ably atitiigns, grants aa-ic� ct3nveys, to
<br /> Trilctee, in trust for the bcncft of Bencfic�ary as additional security atl the right, tit[e atiti ititerest iti the
<br /> fallowiti�(all rclerred Lo as Propertyj: existing or future lcascs, sublcascs, ticenses, g€�aranties and any
<br /> other w�-itten or verbal agreeraents fc�r tfse use and occupancy of the I'roperty, including any extensions,
<br /> rencwals, modifcations or replacements(all refen-ed to as L.eases); and rents, issues�nd prc�I�ls(all
<br /> re#erred to as Rents)_ In the event any item]isted as Leases or Rent�is determinecl t.n Lze personai
<br /> property°, this Assignment tuil] also be regarded as a security agreement. Trustor will promptly�rovide
<br /> Beneficiary with cnpies of the Leflses and will ccrtify thcse Leases are treie and con-ect eopies. Tlie
<br /> existii��Z,eases wiLl bc pruvicleci c�n cxecution of the Assignment, and aIl future Leases and any other
<br /> information u�ith respect to these Leases c��ill bc provided immediately after they aze executed. Trustor
<br /> may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rent� sn [nna�.s Trustor is not in default.
<br /> CTpon default, T'rustor w�ill receive any Renfis izx trust for Beneficiary and wit} nnt camrx�ingle t.he ltenrs
<br /> wiith any other fiu3ds. 'Trustor agrees tl�at this Security Instrument is irnniediately efFective between
<br /> `I`rustor and Seneficiary and effective ns to third partics on thc rccordin�of this Assignment As long as
<br /> this Assigrunent is in effect, Trustur warrants dncl represet�.t.s th��t no defauEt exists�.mdcr thc Lcascs, and
<br /> thc partics subject to the Leases ha�e not violated a�iy applicable law crn leaties, licenses a.ncf lancllords
<br /> anci tenants.
<br /> comply w�ith tlie�rovisions of aziy lcasc if lhiti Security Tt�stritment is on a Icaschoid. If Yhc Praperty
<br /> includcs a unit in a condominiu�n or a}�lai�ned wzit develupment, 1"ruslor wiil perfbrm at1 of Trustor's
<br /> duties under the covenants, by-laws, ar regulations ofthe condomuiiiun or plantxed tuiit devclopiaicnl.
<br /> 14. DEFAULT. `I'rustor will he in default if any plrty obEigated on thc Sccurcd Debt fails to rr3ake payment
<br /> whcn due_ Trustor will be in defautt if a breach occurs utider Ltie Lerms nf this Seci�ri�r Instrument ar flny
<br /> other dncument executed for thc purgase of creating, securi�ig or guaraiityitag the�ecur�ci LJcb[. A�ood
<br /> faitl�belief by J3enefi�i:sry Chat Benefieiary at any timc is insccure with respect ta any persan or entity
<br /> obligaied on the Secured Debt or tlaat tl�e pruspecl�I�any payment or the value of the Praperty is
<br /> irnpaired shall also constztute an event€�f default_
<br /> 15. RFMFnIES ON DEFAULT. In somc instances, federal and sfate law wi11 reaauue�3etieficiaty tu
<br /> provide Tt-ustc�r with noLic:e of the right ta c€u-e or other z�otices and rr�ay estahlish time�c3aed�i3es for
<br /> fi�tc�[usure ac,�inns. Subject to these [imitaEions, if any, Beneficiary may accelerate tlie Secuc•ed F�eUt at�d
<br /> foreclose this Sec:uri€y lnslrument irt a trtanner provided hy law ii Trustor is in defaulT_
<br /> u'f Ins[rumeni-Cona�imPr-NF S22Q49
<br /> VMPF(_j 6ankers5ystemsTu Hk-l3I-NE 7l112095
<br /> �F�IPCS85(�3se(3'[�s)
<br /> Wolters iCiuwer Financ�al Services QQ 7994,2091 a
<br /> �e'_,_'
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<br />