<br /> Togetlier w�itlx all �•ights, easements, apgtu-fenances, royalties, minerat rights, oil and gas rights, all waCer
<br /> a��d riparian rights, ditches, and water stock and all existins and futurc improvcrnents, sEtucTures,
<br /> fiatures, and repiacemcnts that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of tiie real estale e3esc,-ribeci
<br /> above(alE reterred to as "Properly").
<br /> 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security instrumcnt at
<br /> any onc timc shall not cxcccd$ 7 219_€3� This litnitfltion of flmotmt daas nat incli�de
<br /> interesl and olher L�s and char�es validiy maile pursuant t�this Sec;urity lnstrutt�et�t. Also, this
<br /> liz�titatloaa does z�at ap�ly to advances rnade undei the terms ofthis 5ecurity Instruncent to protact
<br /> Bene�ciary's security and to perform ar�y of the covenants coniained in this Security Insirument_
<br /> 4. SECUItED DEET AND FiJ'I'UItE ADVANCES. Thc term"Secured DebY' is defined as follows:
<br /> A. Debt incurred under the ter�ns of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(ies)or olher evidcnc;e
<br /> ui�lebt�lescribcct belo�r au�l all tf�eir extetisions, renet�als, [T1Ud1{�1Cat10l15 0[' SU�75I��L1C30�75. ��1�'P3
<br /> referencing the dehts helnw it i.s.eugge.cted thai ynu zndarde ztem.s.ruch as hnrrn�vers' narnes, note
<br /> amoxmts, interest sates, maturity�dates, etc.)
<br /> Promissory Note#522049 dated 07/24f2012 in the amount of $7,2yS.fl0 maturing on
<br /> 08J03/2017
<br /> ]3. At l fiirirre advances from 13eneficiar,y to'1'r{zstor or other future obligations of'I�rcistor to I3enefrciary
<br /> unr�er any promissory nnte, contract, gLl�r3nty, nr ott�er evidence o#'debt exec��tec�by Tn�stnr in
<br /> favor of Benefxeiary executed after this 5ecurity Instrurnent whether or not this Security Instrument
<br /> is specifcalIy referenced. Ifmore than one persan signs this Security Instrurr�ent, each Trustor
<br /> lgrees th�t this Sect�rity Tnstn��nent�ill seciu-e flll hihare advances and fi�tiu-e oblig�t'sons th�t flra
<br /> gi'ven to or incurrrd by auy oire ur rtiorc'1'rusWr, ur aziy ui�c ur riivrc'1'ruslur a€xl U1l�ers. All luturc
<br /> advanc;es and other future abligatiorlis are secured by this Security Instrunient even though all or garY
<br /> may not yet be advanced_ All future advances and other future obligations are seeured as if made€an
<br /> the date of this Security lnstrument. No#hing in this Sec�u-ity Instnurcent shall corestitute a
<br /> commitment to make additional nr fi�t�lre toans or aciva.n.ces iz�an.y art-�ount.. An.y s�tc€� commitment
<br /> znust be a�reed to in a separate writin�.
<br /> C. All obligadons Trustor owes ta Beneficiaiy, which nzay[ater arise, to the extent nat prohibited by
<br /> law, including, but not limited[o, liabilitics for overcf.rafts relating to any deposit account
<br /> agreement between Trustar and Benefieiary.
<br /> 17. All actditiutYal sutris�lvax��c�l arid expense5 iniurred by Bcnelici:iry l�r insurin�, pre5erving c�r
<br /> otherivise protectina the Progeriy aa�d its va3ue and auy otl�er sums adcauced and�penses iucui-reci
<br /> by Beneficiary under the teems of this Security Instruia7ent.
<br /> This Security Instrument wiil not sec�u-e�ny other debt if Beneficiary fails to give any required notice of
<br /> the right of rescission..
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trustor agrees tliat aIl pay�rieizts uuder the Secured Debt will be paid wl�e3�due and in
<br /> accordancc w-ith Yhc tcrr�is of thc Sccurcd Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> S. WARRANTY OF TI"I'T_.E. Trustor i��rrnnrs thnt Trustor is or�rill be lawfully seized of thc cstate
<br /> wiiveyed by ttiis Secutity EnsCrumen[ancl ha_ti the righL tci irrevc�cahly grant, cnnvey, anr2 sell the Prnperty
<br /> to Trustee, in trust, with power of ssle. Trustar also warrants tl;at the Property is uc�e��ctuzibe��ed, �Ycept
<br /> for enciir�ibrances of reeord_ �
<br /> 7. PRiQR SFCURi'TX INTERESTS. Wifi.Fx regarc�to�ny other mort�flge, deecl of tncst, security
<br /> a�reement or otlier lien dociui�ent tlzat created a p1'ior security ix�tcrest ur erl�uiubrei�ce uix t��e Pr�perty,
<br /> Trustor a�rees:
<br /> A. To make all payments when due and[o perform or comply w�th all covcnants.
<br /> B. 1'u�r�����uy a�i��� Eo l3�nelic;iary Ecny nolices thaC Trustar receives from the laolder.
<br /> C. Not ta alla���any m�dificatinn c�r extensi�n nf, n�r to req�iest any fuh�re aclvances under any note or
<br /> agreement secux'ed by the lien d€rcumeni t�rithout Beneficiary's prior written cpnserct_
<br /> ki. C:LAIMS AGAINST TTTLE. Trustor u�ill pay all tatces, assessments, liens, enciz��ibrances, lease
<br /> paynients, gro�uld rents, utilities, a�zd atlzex�cl�arges relati�ig tu t}te Yruperty whcn�iue. 13e�ieiiciary inay
<br /> require Trustor to provide to Beneficiary copies of all notices that such amnunts are d�ze and the receipts
<br /> evidencing TrLEstor's payment. Trccstar wsll defend title to the Froperty against any cta�ms fhat uould
<br /> impair the lien of this Security Fnstrument_ Trustc�r agE-ee.s tn assi�m tn ReneficSary, ��requesYed hy
<br /> Beneficiary, any rights claims or defenses Trustor may have against parties who supplv labor or
<br /> materials Yo ma�nfain or improvc thc Propexty_
<br /> 522Q69
<br /> Securrfylnstrument-Consumer-NE REfIT-NE 777f20Yi
<br /> VA,lP� $ankers5ystemsTnn vh�RPC165(NEj('€2�7j
<br /> Woit6r5 Kluw Br FlnanElal ServlGe6 QY99A,203 Y $� , Page 2 of 6
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