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� <br />G�I <br />� <br />CG <br />� <br />� <br />t�"� <br />� <br />� <br />NE-010728 <br />NE-011884 <br />NE-012658 <br />NE-014372 <br />NE-014375 <br />City of Grand Island <br />Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company Inc 9!7/1976 <br />State of Nebraska, Departrnent of Roads Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Comparry Inc 5/18/1952 <br />Fred Mettenbrink, a widower Kansas-Nebraska Naturat Gas Comparry Inc 4/8/1948 V Misc 11 <br />State of Nebraska, Departrnerrt of Roads Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Comparry Inc 5!7/1852 <br />Chlcago, Buriington 8 Quincy Railroad Co Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Comparry Irtc 3/20/1951 <br />Page 10 of 19 <br />8eginning ffi a poird which is Uie intersectlon of Uie Northerly line of Bischeld <br />Street and the cerrter lirre of Beal Street as orlginally platted in the City of Grand <br />Island, NE, which point ls 40' Easterly from the Southeast comer of Bla:lc e, <br />Jcehnck's AddiHon to �e Cky of GrarM Island, on the Easte�iy proj�on of the <br />Southerly line M said Block 8, running thenc� Easterly along the projecUon of the <br />SoutheMy line of said Blodc 8, 471.7' to its irrte�ction with the Southerly ROW <br />line of the Chicago, Burlington arM Quincy Railroad Company, Running thence <br />Southeasteriy along sald ROW, 1308.5' to ffs IntersecUon witli the East s�tion <br />line of said Sec 15, running thence Soutli on sald sedlan Itne 56.8', running <br />thence Northwesterly on a line which is parallel to and 50' Southwesterly from the <br />Southerly ROW line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, <br />870.3', running then� Solithwesterly at right angles, 564.3', running thence <br />Sauthwesterly on an angle to tha RigM of 33 degr�s 37 minutes 211.3' to a poirrt <br />on �e cerrter line of Beal Street projeded Southerly, running thence Northwesteriy <br />11 N 9W 14 � N2SW <br />A 40' wide strip of land cerrtertine of said strip being more futy d�ibed as <br />follows, to wlt Beginning at a poirrt 20' north of the north Gne of the SE and 1160' <br />east of the rrorthwest comer of sald quarter, thence west paralld with the rrorth <br />tine of the SE a distan� of 1160'; thenae south parallel witli the west line of said <br />SE a distance of 883', tertninaHng at this poird. <br />11 N 8W 28 � SW <br />Crossing on Highway No. US 34 southeast of Grand Island approximately 2450 <br />feet east of the southwest tbmer. <br />11N 9W 12 v NENE <br />11 N 9W 14 ✓ SESW <br />11 N 9W 14 � SW <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Attached to and made a part of that certain General Conveyance, Assignment, and Bill of Sale by and between Kinder Morgan, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as Assignor, and Kinder <br />Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, as Assignee. <br />