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Exhibit "A" <br />Attached to and made a part of that certain General Conveyance, Assignment, and Bill of Sale by and between Kinder Morgan, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as Assignor, and Kinder <br />Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, as Assignee. <br />� <br />C�i <br />� <br />� <br />0 <br />� <br />!"� <br />Q <br />� <br />NE-009358 <br />PIE-009359 <br />NE-008360 <br />NE-010727 <br />Henry A Sc�aaf and Rosa Schaaf, h/w <br />August Schaaf and Minnie Schaaf, hlw <br />August Schaaf and Minnie Schaaf, h/w <br />Ciry of Grand Island <br />KansasNebraska Natural Gas Company Inc MBJ1948 <br />Kansas-Nebraska Naturdi Gas Company Inc 4/29/1946 <br />Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company Inc 4/9/1848 <br />Kansas-Nebreska Natural Gas Company inc 8/15/1956 <br />V Misc. S <br />V Misc. 10 <br />V Misc. 9 <br />11N 9W 12 �/ SWNE <br />11 N eW 12 J W2SE <br />11N 9W 12 ✓ NESE <br />Lying soudi of the Union Paciflc Railroad right-0f-way. <br />11N eW 12 V SENE <br />11N eW 14 d SESW <br />A 50' strip that lies Soutliwesteriy of a tine drawn 50' nortnally distant <br />SouThwesterfy of the �r�ter line of the �in hact of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy <br />Railroad Comparry, azM Northeasteriy of a line drawm 700' nortmaly disfant <br />SouUrvvestery of said cerner line of the in tracks. <br />11N 9W 94 � SWSW <br />A 50' strip more partir,ulari}r describ� as beginning at a poirrt whic� (s the <br />intersedion of Uie North line of the SWSW of Sec 14 with the Southerly ROW tine <br />of the Chipgo, Burtington & Quincy Railroad Company, thence running <br />Southeasteriy approx 333.15 to the East boundary of tlie SWSW, thenr.e South <br />45.24' alang the East boundary of said SWSW, thence NoAhwesterly approx. <br />450.8i' to the North boundary of sairl SWSW, thertce East to Ptace of Beginning; <br />also beginning at a poirrt 1854.3' North of the Southwest Comer of said Secdan, <br />mm�ing thence SoutheasterVy along and upon the Southerly ROW line of the <br />Chicago, Bu�lirigWn and Quincy Railroad, 9161.58', which poirrt is the iMersedion <br />of the Southerly ROW line of said railroad wfth the South Iine of the MNSW of <br />Sec 14, thence We,4t 88.8T, running thence parallel to the Southeriy RigM of Way <br />Iine of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad,1063.1 S' to the West line of <br />Sec 74, running thencs North 45.26' to the poiM of be.ginning. <br />Page 9 of 19 <br />Bepinning at a point on the center of the Oid Lincroln Highway 447 f�t North of <br />the Quarter Sedion comer between SecUons 12 and 13, thence nortl� on the half <br />Sedion lirre 862', thence VVest 1452', thenr.8 South 938', thence Northeasteriy ffi <br />an ar�le of 62 degrees and 23 minutes along tl�e ceMer line of said highway to <br />the Paird of Beginning. Said frac� consisting of approx. 3 aaes. <br />