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201206748 <br /> seniences shall not apply to the preseuce, use, or storage on the Properiy of small quantities of IIuardous <br /> SLibsfanees that are generally reco�ized to be appropriate to normai residentiai uses and to mainienance of <br /> the Property(including but not luniccd to, hazardous substances in con.smner producis). <br /> Borrower sfiall prompkly give Lender written notice of(a) any investigation, cla'm demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any governmental or reeulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b)any Environmental <br /> Condifion, including but not limited tq any Spilluig, lealang, dischazge, release Qr threat of release of any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and(c) any condition cau.sed Uy the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whieh adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower leams, ox is notifie$by�y governmental ar <br /> regulatory authority, or any private pariy, tliat any removal or other rcmediat�on of any Hazudons Substan.ce <br /> affecting the Propext�is necessary, Boirower shall pxomptly take a11 necessary remedial a:,tions ui <br /> accordance with Environmenta'.Law. Nothing herein shall creaCe any oblzgation on Lender for a.n <br /> Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Unitorm Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and a�ee as follow�s: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sl�all give notice to Borro�ver prior to acceleration following <br /> Burrower's breach of any eovenaut or agreement in this Securiiy Instruinent(but not prior to <br /> . accelerafion under Sectnon 18 unless Applicable Law pro�zdes othern�ise). The notiee shall specify: (a) <br /> the default; (b) the action reqaired to cure the defanit; (c) a date, not less than 30 days fiom tLe date <br /> the notice is givQn to Bonower, by which the default muat be cured; and (c�that failare to cnre the <br /> default on or before the date specifeed in the notice may result in accelerafion of the sums secured by <br /> tlus Seturity Insiz•ament and saie of the Properly. The notice shall fvrther iuform Borrower of the <br /> righf to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court acflon to assert the non-e�isteuce of a <br /> default or nny other defense of Borro«�er to aecelerarion and sale. If the defatdt is not cured on or <br /> before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option mAy require immediate payenent in£all af <br /> all sums secured by tlus Security Insh-ument without fin•ther demand and may invol:e the pawer oF sale <br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shxll be entitled to collect all e�enses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Secrion 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of tiUe eviderice. <br /> lf the power af sale is fnvoked, Trustee shull record a nofice of default in eaeh county 3n wleic� any <br /> part of the PiroperEy is located and shall mail copies of slick Lotiee in We manner prescrihed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower xnd to the o4her persons prescribed by Applicable La�. Aftes the time <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shall give public notice of sAle fo the persons and in the inanner <br /> prescribed by Applica6le Law. Trustee, withuut demand on Borrower, shall scll tlie Property at public <br /> auction ta the highest bidder at the flme and place and under the terms designated in Yhe notice of smle <br /> in one or more parcels and in xny order 1'rustee determines, Trustee may gostpoue saic of all or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pub&c annonncemenY mt fhc time and piace of any previousty sekeduled s:ele. <br /> Lender or its designee map pnrchase the Property at anq sale. <br /> Lpon receipt of pavmemt o£the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveying fhe Property. The recitats in ttre Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidenee of the lrntix of <br /> the statemen4s made tlierein. Trnstee shall appiy thC proceCds of the sale in the following order: (a) to <br /> all cosfs and e�enses of esercisiug the power o4'sale, and the sale, in&lading tlte pavment of the <br /> Trustee°s fees actually incurre�i a.nd reasonable attarneys` fees as permiMed by Applicable La�v; (b)to <br /> all sums secared by this Seearity instrument; and(c) any e�cass to the pe�son or persons legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> 24001]83 <br /> N'B.RASIU-SingleFzmily-FanNeMaefFretltlieldacUNIFORM WSTRUA4ENT Farm30281l01 <br /> v�P¢ vmasME)(�aos) <br /> W olters Klwief rinandal Services Page 14 of 1] <br />