<br /> in the Froperry and rights under this Security Instrument; and(d) takes such actiqn as Lender�ay
<br /> reasonably sequize to asswe that Lender's interest in the Properry and rights imder tivs Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums seeuted by this Security Inatrument, sUali continue unc�wged.
<br /> Lender may require that Sorrourer pay such reinsta[ement swns and expenses in one or more of the following
<br /> forms, as selected by I ender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, trcasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, pravided any such checic;s drawn upon an insfiLuCion whose deposifs aze insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instnunentality or entity; or(d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,
<br /> this Security Instrument and obligarion, sec;urc;d hereby shall remais fully effective as if no acceleration had
<br /> occurred. However, this xighf to reins�fe shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18,
<br /> 20. Sale ofi Note; Change of Loan Servicer, Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pa�tial interest in the
<br /> Note(together wi[h this Security]nstrument) can be sold one or more times�vithout priar netice to
<br /> Borrower. 9 sale might result in a change in the entlty(known as the "Loan Servicer'� that collects P�iodic
<br /> Payinents due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage Ioar servi.cing
<br /> obligazions imder the 1Vote, this SecLuity Tnstrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one ox more
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servieea,
<br /> Borrowet wi11 be given�itten notice of the change which�vill stata the narne and addcess of the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the addsess fo which payments should be inade and any other inforxnarioa R�SPA requires in
<br /> connection.with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Noce is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced 6y a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than the piuchaser of tl�e Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligatic�vs to Borrower will
<br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and aze not assumed by rlie
<br /> Note purchaser unlegs otherwise provided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Neither Boizowcr nor Lender may commence,join, or be joined to anyjudicial action(as either an
<br /> individual litigant or the meuiber of a class)that arises from the other party�'s actions pi�rsuant to this
<br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that the other pazty has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, this SccLu-ity Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notificd the other parhr(with such
<br /> notice given in compliance with the requireincnts of Section 15) of such alleged breach and atTorded the
<br /> other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice Lo take correcrive action. If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse before cer[ain action can be taken, that time pexiod will be
<br /> deemed to be reasonable far pLuposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and apportuniTj�to cure
<br /> given to 3orrowex pucsuant tq Section 22 and the motice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Seetion 18 shall bc deemed to sarisfy the notice and opporhwity to take corrective acrian provisions of this
<br /> Sec�on 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substanee3. As L�.sed'ui this Section 21: (a) "Hazczrdous Szibslancas°ace those substances
<br /> dcfuicd as toxic or ha��az-dous suUstauces, pollutauW, or wusles by L.nvironmc7rtal Law and tlte following
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, to�c pesCicides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, maferials contai�3ivg asbestos or formaldehyde, aud radioactive ma.terials; (b)
<br /> "Envtronmental Law"means federal laws and Iaws of'the jurigdicfion where the Proper[y is located that
<br /> relate to health, safety or envlronmenbl prcttection; (c) "Environmental Gleanup"3ncludes any response
<br /> action, remedial action, or removal action, as dcfined in Environmenral Law; and(d)an "Environmental
<br /> Condition"means a condition that can cause, contribu[e 20, or otherwise triggcr azi Enviro�mental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or pemu[the pr�sencc, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazazdous
<br /> Substances, or tlirea.ten to release auy Hazazdous Substances, on or in the Properry. Borrower shaII not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anything afPecting the Praper[y(a)that is in triolation of any Environmentat
<br /> Law, (b) which c[eates an Envuonmental Condirion, or (c) �vhich, due to the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazazdous Substance, creates a condition that adz=exsely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two
<br /> 24001/83
<br /> NFBRFSKF-Single Femlty-Fannie f.1 ae/Retldie M ac UNIPORM INSTRU M FNT Fprm 3028 1l01
<br /> VM P(g' �(M P6(NE)(1 t O5)
<br /> 1VeLers Kluwer Financiel Services Page 13 of i]
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