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201206723 <br /> coTTtin[ic to pay to l.aader the ainounti o�P Uie separately designated p�yments LhaC were duo whcn the <br /> inaur¢uce ooverage ceaecd to be in cffoct. l.euder will accept, nse and rekain tllese p�tymenta ns a <br /> non-tefiuidable loss xeserve iii lieti of Moxtgage�Instu�ancc. Such loss reserve shall be non-refimdable, <br /> nohvithsfanding tiie fact that Uie Loau is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be i'cqu9red to pay <br /> Borrower u�y inLerest or cat-ninge o» such lo�s reserve. Leixder can no longer require losa reaerve palyn�ents <br /> if Mortga�ge Insur�nee coverage(in the amolmC and for tkie perind that Lender eequires)pcovidecl by en <br /> institrer selected by I.ender a�gaui beoomes a�vailable, is obtained, and Lender reqiures reparately designated <br /> paymence to�vard tUc prc���iums for Mortgage Insurauce. If Leiider reqtured Ma tgage Ineueauce as � <br /> condition of making fhe Lo�n and Borrowcr was required to n�alce separately designated payments townrd the <br /> premiums for Mortgflge Insurvice, Borrower shall pay Yl�e prcmiums �roquired to mvntain Mortg�ge <br /> Insurvice in effecC, nr to provide a non-refuudaUleloss rasei've, wilil Lender's requirerneuC fur MurC�age <br /> Inauranee endE in awordai�cc witlz any written ag'eement Uetween Borrowar uid Lender providing fox �uch <br /> termination or unril te��min�tion is requiied by Applicable Law. Nothing ia1 fhis Section 10 afY'ecYs <br /> Borirower's obligatlon to pay interest at the rataprovidecl in the 1Vote. <br /> Mortg�ga Insuiaxioe reiixiburses Lendex (or�ny entity that piirchases the Note) £or ccrtain losses it may incur <br /> if Borrowet does nof repay the I,oan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the 1Vlortgage Insnxauoe. <br /> Mortgage insw�ers�evaluate their tota�l risk on all such insm'ance in force from time to tnne, and n��2y enter <br /> into agrccn�ents witli otl�c� parYi�s that sl�eu�e or modify theie rislc, or reduce losses. These ngreemente are on <br /> terms and ooncii[ions Cbaf are satisfacCor}�i�thc mortgage insurer and tl�e other party(or paa�tias)fo t$ese <br /> agreements. These�agreements may require the mortgage insurer So make paymente using rniy source of funcis <br /> that tiie mortglge insurer may have avail�ble(which may inelude fwids obtained &oin Mortga�a Tnsm�aiicc <br /> prenuums). <br /> As a result oP these agreeinents, I,ender, auy purchaser of'tha NoCe, another insurer, any reinsurer, niiy other <br /> entity, or any affiliatc of a�ry of thc fot�cgoing, may receive(direetly or indirectlg)amom�ts thnY derive fiom <br /> (or might Ue clisuacferized as) a portiou of Bortower's payments far Mortgage Instu'aneq in cxch�nge for <br /> shEu�ing or modif'ying the mortgage insmer's risk, or reducing losses. If such tigreament provides thnE an <br /> afPiliaLe of Lender take� a share oP tho insurc�'s rislc in exchange for a share of the premimns paid to tihe <br /> insurer, the arrengement is often termed "captive reinsnrance.° Ftu�Cher: <br /> (a) Auy snch ngrcca�onts will not nFfcct the amo�uits that 13oirower hns agreed to pay fm•Morfgxge <br /> 7n5urnnce, or any uf.l�er terms of the Loa�i. Snch agrcements will not incrense the amonnC <br /> Borro�ver will owe for Mm�tgage Insnrance, and they will not enfitle Bm��rowcr to any rafund. <br /> (b) Auy cnch agreen�ents will not ait'ect the ri�;tiks Rurrower has -if xny-with respect to tlie <br /> Mortgttge Insm•aame mider tlte IImneownerg Protection AcC af 199R m� any ofher luw. Tl�ese rfght�s <br /> may u�clnde tlic riglit to recoivc cortain discloenres, to reqnest and obta�n c�ncellation oF CLe <br /> Mm�lgage lneurance, tu have the Mortgage insur;mce termivated natomnticall3�, andPor to reccive <br /> fl refintd of s�ny Mortgnge Insnrnnce premiiwis th�f were �menrned at the time of sncli <br /> cnnccllation ar Ccrmination. <br /> 11 . Asslqnment of IN iscellaneous Proceeds; ForfeiYure. All Miscellaneous Procecds aro 1�ereUy�tssigncd to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> If the Properry is damaged, such Miscellaneons Proeeeds shall be applied fo reaCorafion or rcpair of thc <br /> Property, if the restoration or xepair is econoiniczlly feasiUle a�id Lender's aecurity is not lessened. DLu•ing <br /> snch re�ztir and restoration peri�d, L�nidcr nh�ll have fl1e iight to l�old sucli Miscellaneot�s Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had au opporhmity to inapect such Property lo ena�ire the work hae bcon coniplctcd to I.endcr's <br /> aaoovvs <br /> NEBf3A51<ASingle Famlly-Pannfe MaxlFreUdle Mac UMFORM INSTRUMCNT Form 302D 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPB(NE)(11a5) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnenclel 9ervlcas page B oF 17 <br />
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