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201206723 <br /> sl6isflc[ion, provicied that such 'ri�spection ahall be undectalcen piroinptly. Lender may pay for Chc repairs <br /> aud restoration in� single disbursen�enl or in a scrics of prc�gress paymenTs as the worlc is cornpleted. <br /> Un1ess an a�,neement is made in wriYing or Applioable Law requiies inCeresti to Uc pEiid on such <br /> Misoellnneous Procu�cds, Lcnder al�all not be requirzd to�pa�y Rorrower nny interest or entnings on sl�ch <br /> Miscellaneous Proceads. If tlie restorafion or icpair is tiot cconc�mically feasiUle or Lender's seeiarity would <br /> be lessened, tihe Miscellaneous Proceeds shall ke npplied Co Clie sun�a securcd by thts Security Instrumen�, <br /> wl�ether or ilot then due, wiUi lhe excess, i£any, paid to Boirower. Such Miacellancous Vrocecds shall be <br /> applied in She order provided for in Section'L. <br /> In tMe event of a total taking, destiuction, or loss in vnlue of the Proper4y, tl�e Misccllaneous Yroceeds shall <br /> bo applied to fhe sumy secured Uy tl�is Sectiuity I�isYiuinent, whether or not then due, with the axeess, iF any, <br /> paid ko Iiorrower. <br /> In tlte event of a��rtinl tnldng, desh�nclion, or loss in t��hie of the Property ii��vhioh the faii madiet valua of <br /> the Property unmediately befora tihe pt�rtial talaug, desEruction, or loas in value is eqnal Co or greater tl�at� tho <br /> amoiu�C of the sun�s Fecured by this Secin ity Instrument immediately before tha�artial talcing�, destruction, ox <br /> loss in value, tixileas Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wriking, tha suii�s secured Uy this Security <br /> Inst�ument shall Ue reduced by tha aanount of�lie Miscellflueous Proceeds mulliplieci by lhe following <br /> fraction: (a)the Yot�l ainount of the smns secuced 'umnediately before Yhe pnrtiAl taking, destruafiou, or loss <br /> in valuo dividcd by (b) tl�c fair ma�9cet va1ne of the Property immediately be�Pore the partial Yaking, <br /> deatruoLion, or loss in vnlue. Any balance shall be paid to 13on'owcr. <br /> In fl�e evenC of apaelial taking, dastruction, or loss in value of t1�e Property iu which Ehe Fuir marketi value of <br /> tiheProperty ix�nediately befoso the pnrCial laking, aiestructioix, or Lose in valuc'ry lcse th�z the aanomrt ofUie <br /> sums secured immediately before the partinl teldng, destruction, or loss in value, nnleas Borrower�nd <br /> Leuder otherwise agXee in��n-it9ng, tlic Miscc1laneous]'roceeds sha11 Ue applied Yo tha smns seoured by ttris <br /> Secur%ty&istrument whether or not tihe suins u�e ihen due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or iP, a'ner notioe by Lendcr to Borrowar that Uie Opposing Party <br /> (as defined in the nexk sentence) offers to make nn�ward Co settle a olaim for dainages, Borrowc,r f�uls to <br /> respo�id to Lender witl�in 30 days afier Yhe daCe Che noCice is given, Lender ia authorized to collect and apply <br /> fhe ivlisecllancous Procceds eithcr to restoration or of the Proparty or Yo Yhe eums secured by this <br /> Secm�ity Insi��ument, wheYher or not then c1ue. "Opposing Pnrty" means the 191ird party tl�at ov✓es Borrowar <br /> Misce1lnneotii6 Piaceeds or the part�y againsC whom Borrower has a right of action in regnrd Lo Miscellnne��us <br /> Proceecis. <br /> Bortowex sliell be in dePaiilC iP any ac6ion ar procccda`ng, whetl�o��civil or criminal, is Uegun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, coidd result in forfeiCn�e of the Pxopecry or other material impnirmenti oFLmidcr's i'nterest in the <br /> Property rn� rights nncler tUis Security Inst�wnent. �orrower ean cm'e such fl defau(t�nd, if acoeleration h�s <br /> occurred, reii�iatate as provicieci in Seclion 19, by ca�.�sing thc action or ptoceeding to Ua clismissed wiCh a <br /> ruling�t$at, in Lender's judgment, preclndea farfeiture oP the ProperLy or oEl�cr matcrial itnpairment of <br /> l,ender's�nCerest in the Property or righta uudet'this Security InStrumenk The proceeds oP rury awarci ot <br /> claim for damages tr�at are attribetfable to the impaimient of Lendar's interest in the Proper�+are hereby <br /> assigned nnd shall be paid to Lenden <br /> All Miscellaneons Propeeds that arc not applicd to restbrlkion or repair of the Property shell be applied in the <br /> order provided fox ixi SecCion 2. <br /> znoot��e <br /> NEliRA9KA-SingleFamlly-FannleMaelFl�etldleMacUNIfORM INSTRUM€NT Form�30281/01 <br /> VMPr�y VMPBNC) 110G) <br /> Woltere KluwerFinanoial Services Page f0 of 17 <br />