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<br />.._.,,_i . �. �i�'�..M�l1M�.�! ,�CiY'�-Y' s:a. �Yt . � : . .-, --. :�fil:e�oiurx_c.�..�. ".+'�"'�."""__
<br /> _ . � �R 'ir-i/� 4n�i1..�w•1R(i�.�. vR•n�.M� .r ...- ..r..w. ..... . .
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<br /> .��. -w 6. TRAMSF'Eii OF TkE PROPERTY:/188UMP'nON.It�II or�ny put o1 th�prop�Ay or Int�rNt th�nln M�old,tnn�Arr or
<br /> � � oth�rwh�eonwy�d by 7ru�lor without Ei�n�tic�ry'�pr{or wrM�n cona�nt, �xetudmp(�) Ih� cnation o1 w INn or�neumbr�ne�
<br /> � . � �! � � wbordin�t�to Ihl�DNiI o1 Trust,@)th�cn�twn of�purchu�mon�y��curAy Int�ntt for hu�t+hald appli�na�.(o)�Ir�n�h►by
<br /> d�vh�,dsac+nt or!ay op�rstlon of I�w upon Ih�d�alh o}��oIM t�nant or(d)th�pnnt o}any kRa�hold MteNt of thrN yMn or N��
<br />_ � not conGik�k►y�n oplbn to�rchu���ueh�dlon M e bnach of thN�qrNm�nt and B�n�Ncluy may,at B�nNkNrf►9 optan�d�ekr�
<br /> *"' �N th��um�Ncuwd by tha Dwd o1 Tru�l to b�wnm�dMdsy dur �nd payabt�,or uuw th�tru�tM to fib� �wtic�of d�huk.
<br /> . �". � B�n�ficl�ry�MJI h�vs watwt!�uch opan W aooNH�t�M,prbr to th��al�,lr�nst�r of wnwyana.B�n�Nclay�nd th�p�non to
<br /> "��^= , �,c WhOrtl tlN P�Op�AY M!o b�s0id W t��HN�f�d INICh�Q�Nrtl��lt kl Yv�AkfQ th�l Ih�Cf�dil O)tUCh pOf�Ofl N MtN1�CtOry IO BsM6Cliry
<br /> x" end Ih�t Ih�Mt�nst payaht�on th�Rum�a�cund by lhM D+�d ot Truat sfiatl b��t�uch nte es B�n�4ciary�h�M r�qw�t
<br /> �� �
<br /> _s ' E, A�CELERATION UPON OEFAULT:REMEDIEB;9ALE.TM f�Uun by th�Trustor to maln�ny p�ym�nt or to p�Aam�ny of
<br />=�T'� ' th�t�rm�and conditwns o1 tM Nat��a�ny nn�w��modiAe�tlons a�xt�nsbn�th�aol,orlh�paym�nt oi any otMr ind�bt�dn�u
<br /> � t�cur�d h�r�by w kt M�p�rlotrr��c1 anY of tM ccw^�nts o►W�°�"N^b h�reund�r thtt b��bnach of MM�qrMm�nt u�d th�
<br /> -::,:� g�{�ry �y d�cMn�ddauM�nd may d�du��II sums��d Mr�bY MnmadiWN dw�d p�ysbb u+d Ih��un�shdl
<br /> >'�T� th�rwpon b�com�dw�nd payabM wiCwut pt�ntm�nt,dNnand.probat ar notla o1 uiy kind.TMrealUr,BmHfcNuy ma�y dNiv�r
<br /> .. . �^`�1,� t0 TNiIN t WfRhfl d�Cl�tatW11 0l d�f�uk �nd d�mand tor�aM•TcuNa�pr��^d ha�by pranU th�t th�Tru�tN�h�ll haw th� �
<br /> ' pow�r of sAN of lh�Prop�+ty usd d 8�n�fxuuY dscfd„th�Prop�rry�s to b�sold d�haN d�FosR with TtuNM 1�M Dkd ot Trun md t
<br /> ���7��,':� lh�Not�or noMK�nd�ny olhn doeummts�+i+d�ncwW�xP�ndtun�s�eund h�nby.�nd eAaN dNiv�r to Ttu�a wriU�n nodc�ot
<br /> °;•,�'y; : . ds1+�uN u�d.McUOn m caus�fh�Prop�rty to b�sotd.�nd Tru�tN.In tum,sh�ll pnp+u�a sknilar notio�in tM form nquk�d by law.
<br /> "��',° ' '. � whkh�heM M duy f�d hr r�tord by TtuBN. �
<br />���}�%' (�) AR�r th�Irps�of auch tim�u may b�rpuk�d by taw bNorrinp th�noordation of Notic�of D�huN.�nd Notia of D�fauk
<br /> � and Notk�of Bal�hRVinp bNn ph�n w nquwd by law.Sru�IN,without d�m�nd on Truttor,thaN wN th�Ptop�Ry In on�
<br /> --'�'';r�� w mon pucNs and in sueh ord�►as Trustor may d�rmin�on tM d�t�iu�d th�Gm��nd plaa dNlpnat�d in Rald Motic�
<br /> ��;�;�:� of 9aI��at pubYe auction w tM hqhNt bidd�r�Ih�purchas�prie�payabw in cash In kwlul mon�y ot th�Unibd 3tWa at
<br /> -�1k;��;i.�.�11 th�wn�of sal�.T't�pNwn canducbriq th�snle may.tor dny cnu�h�a sh�dMm��xp�dixit, PatPon�th�saM kom
<br />'�::�`.:"re��i�1 Wn�m Wn�unW it�hall b�oompl�d�nd.In�wry sueh eas�.notla of postpon�m�nt shW b�piwn by pubNc d�ckration _
<br />-z n:__ if tM raN N postpon�d tot brqe fhan -
<br />_5„�_.,. } tMrwf by such p�non at 1M tlm��nd pl�a Md�PPa^t�d tor ih�s�M�provfd�d�
<br /> ' • on�(1) day b�yand th�day d�sqnwt�d in tM Nofk�of 3a1��noda tMr�of sh�l b�pM�n in d�anw manr�u tM
<br />:�:slr,:-, oripinal Notic�of BeM.TrustN sh�N�x�cut��r►d d�Nwt to d�purch+wr ilt ONd oonwyinp th�Propxty w sold.but
<br /> •�a without�ny wwmnt a w�rru►ty,ucpna.a knpNad.TM rait�M in th�DNd of any mmn�rs a fada sh�N W 000clu�iv�
<br /> .,� prao}of th�trudtiultNS�th�rwf.Any p�reon�ineludiny xiUrout limitetion 8�n�fielary or Tru�tN,maY P�rchw�t th�sab. �
<br /> ""%�3�-'' h�nln.TrustM ahall�ppy th�proeNds of th��N 10 paym�nt of th�oosa •,�•
<br /> .r.• . . (b) yyhM TrustM NIN purtua�lt t0 dl�pow�rs �r�
<br />���• a►d�xp�nsN of unrckY�p Ih�pow�r of�aM�nd of tM saN�indudinp.witlaut Ymitatlon�tfM paYm�nt o}TrustM'�FMS y.
<br /> :�.• inaund�which TruttM's FNS shaN not In ttN ayyrp��xa�d th�foAowkp�mouMs bits�d upon th��mount Ncur�! ..�
<br />�^��'�:�., h�nby�nd nm�inln un 5 prrantum on th�bal�ne�tMnof;and th�n b IM iMms In�ubpanprwph(a)in th�ord�r ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> -•,l� �1N��d. �fM
<br /> ----_ — (o� AR�r payhy tM R�ms sp�af�In subpar�raph (b).if th�rat�b by Tru�.or th�prop�r oourt and olhs►cosb of
<br /> tonclo�ur��nd sal�N ttN sw M punua�iv judiawf�w.�Gtt�.��-'�ol•�r aFMM b�odNd in ths ord�r stat�d
<br /> _ .=— b�bw to th�P+�Ymmt ot
<br /> -- (1)qtbm�y�t��nd cosu o?eoM�tion�
<br /> -- - (2)Cost of�ny wid�of tRN proau�d fn eonnw�bn wRh such sal��nd of any nwnw��quK�d to b�paid;
<br /> ($��pWia�dQM f�CUf�d�t 111M TNd���
<br /> (A�Th�ntnaind�r.if�ny.lo tM p�rsot+MO�IIY�ntitl�d tMtNo.
<br /> 7. ADDITIONAL SECURITf IN3TRUMENT3.Ttusla,d i1s�xp�ns�.vr�l�x�art�u�d d°fi�er t°t����Y•D�W�Y uP�
<br /> --� � d�mand.such Meurity�nstru�r��nts a may b�nqur�d by B�r�fiet�rY,in lorm�nd substanca satfst�rf►to B�f�i�Y���W
<br /> � eny of th� Prop�rty eonwY�d bY thM DNd of Trust.Mfiich��eunly InstrurtNnb sh�N b�additiond s�curity i�a Tnnbr'�f�ithlul
<br /> -° p�rformana of aN tM hrm�.oov�nanls and conditions ot thb DNd of Trutt th�promfuay nw�s s�cund h�nby.�nd�ny oth�r
<br /> - s�cuMy Instrurt�nts�yncut�d in conmction M+ilhtha transadbn.3ueh fnstrumonb shal b�r�eord�d or f�d�tT►��to►'�ucp�nN.
<br /> p. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCE3SOR TRUSTEE. B�►»ficlary mari h'o^�Urr�to tkrn,by a wriC�n inNrum�M uc�aA�d �nd
<br /> adcnowMdpd EY B�rnfici�uy m�Md tO TNftOr tlnd v�cOtthd in th�county or countiN h wfifch ttt�PropNy k lor�bd�w!by
<br /> otl��iwk�oompyiny wi�h th�provisfona of th�appGcAbr k+vm oi th�Stat�of tV�braska substilut�a succ�s�o+or�uoas�on�to ti»
<br /> 7ru�natrNd h�nfn u�cbnQ h�rwnd�r.
<br /> 9. INSPECTIONB.�I�rf►.or its yenb�r�pns�rMatlw�m wodcm�n,an wulhoriz�d to�nt�r�t any na�onabN tlmo upon
<br /> _ a in�ny p�R of th�Prop�rry ior th�purpoN�ot lntpktlnp th�s�rrN�nd ior th�purpoa of P�rlortnfn��n1►d tlw�cb it M aufhorlx�d
<br /> to p�Aorm und�r tM tYrms of tM De�d of Trust
<br /> - 10. OPTION TO FOFIECLOSE.Upon th�oa:urnnu of anyl brNeh and upon fh�d�elatatbn of dMauk henund�t,B�n�fiefary
<br /> — shsM h�w tl�option Eo tondos�tfik DNd of Tiurt In tM mannK provid�d by{aw ior th�ior�alosun of mortp�p�s on n�t Prap�tY.
<br /> �xucNinp�ny rfght or nm�dy h�nund�r,or otMrwls�aMord�d by appiicabb Isw.sh�M not b��watwr of or pr�dud�fh��xKCEN
<br /> ___�� ot any sueh ripht w nm�dy h�rwnder. Lfk�wia�.tl��weiwr by B�n�fichry or 7rustN o}�ny d�lauk of T�und�r thi�ONd o4
<br /> - Truat�heM not!»dN+n�d to b�a wdwr ot eny utMr or�fenilar d�fnuks wbNqwMly opaurin9.
<br /> -- — 12. TRUSTOR NOT RELEASEI7.Ext�nslon ot tM Wn�1or paymont a modificetbn a�morti�atlon of fM sums s�cund by thls
<br /> DNd of TruK pr�nhd by B�n�ficiary to any suce..sor in Int�nst o4 Trudor�hRN not op�ra�to r�Nas�,In any mann�r.th�liebi�ty of
<br /> _ -� lh�oripind Trustor nM Trustoro sux�swr M inbnst.8�n�fic�ry�hall not b�nqulnd to comm�na proc��dhg��Intt such
<br /> :�;,?�'� r �ueo�ttor a ntuM to�xUnd 4m�tor paytrhM a oth�wiN modiy emaritation of th�sums s�cund by thi�DMd ot Ttust by
<br /> .6ji�� '• nnson of�ny d�m�nd m�Q�by th�orpind Truttor and Trusta'�sucasson In Int�r�tt
<br />:,:r�• y?' ':
<br /> ,..�c��•..•�t,�k
<br />-- �z�.�;+. ':, 13. BENEFlCIARY'8 POWERS.W�hout�fwctnq or tNMSk�p th� O�bGRY of ttN 7rustor a any otMr pewn li�bb tor th�
<br /> . • paymmt of any oblgaUon A���h m�ntior.w9,and WRhout sthcUnp U»ken or eher9�of thls DNd of Trust upon any portion ot th�
<br /> -. , Prop�rty not th�n or tfi�ntofon nlaa�tl Rs a�curity 1or th�1uN amount ot aN unpafd oblpations.Ben�ficiary mny,ham tim�to Umt
<br /> ..�..,��.
<br /> nnd wAhoul notia et th�nqu�st of on�o�mere Trustan(�)rofk►s�eny p�non so Ii�bN.(�)�xt�nd or nn�w th�msturity or�Ihr any
<br />_ of tM t�rms ot any such obligations,(M)prant uth�r Indulqencas.(iv)rcl�a�s or reoonwy,or cnua to b�nlNS�d or neonvey�d at
<br />_ -- eny tim�at B�noficlary'�optlom any paral.portbn or e104 th�Prop��ty.(v)tek�or n�ce any otMr or additiond s�cuMy tor any
<br /> �_ �c oblipetion h�r�in m�ntbn�d. (�) meke composiUOns or other nrrnnpements wRh d�bton in nbition th�nto. AN Truston shaN b�
<br /> _s_ ........,.��.�..�...���.d
<br />_--- ���F:a4flU�T �OfflRyl CRd t�WfM�I dDll�a[W MO DOYna�r itw 6iaiivTiG v�u�aw:.�:�...��.��.j«�.�.—..---�.._.---
<br /> � •� 14. ATTORNEY FEES,COSTS AND EXPENSES.It th�8�n�fidery of lhis Deed of Trust fa a bank as d�fin�d by N�breskn law,
<br /> - •• . -+' any�tntsmmt contain�d fn any other s�cUOn of thb de�d nohvRhstendinp,th�B�n�ficiary sheB not b��nt�tl�d to r��w or tsk�and
<br /> _ � deEtor ahd not b�obGyatod to psy a piw:eny conhssbn o1�udyrtMnt pow�r of attom�y to conftss Judnm�n�pow�r of sltom�y to
<br /> app�er tor e borrow�r m n j�dki�l proeNdinp or aprNm�nt to pay ffi�coib of eolNctinn or Ih�ntcom�ys'1�e�.unNss th��ntu�st
<br /> � payabl�by th�hrms of th�Not�r�hrc�d to�n this de�d N 1896 p�t ennum or N�s.or th�not�nbrnd to�n lhfs dMd N t�payabN b
<br /> ,. Nvo or mon�qual or unequal nstellmenta and ov�r a p�rwd of mon then or►�hundnd lortytsw(td5)mantha.Prowd�d,how�v�er.
<br /> _ � that thK s�ct�on do�s not appy to th�trutta�iN r�ttrr�d to M 1'araareph 8.8(b).Prond�d furth�r that th�s Pnraprnph 8.14 shaM not
<br /> ,�, appy ro thn D�ad of TrusR A th�B�rnbciary h�nin K not e benk.
<br /> ,.�, `
<br /> �. . �
<br /> ONOINIIL(1)
<br /> co�er�AEV+v i rvwr��.� dORpOWCR COPV(1) oois�C w
<br /> RETEHTION CO�Y(t)
<br />