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<br /> , , ,�, 4. INBURANCE. Trustor, at ds�xp�nf�.wiN munG�in with In�unrs epprowd by 9�n�ficMry,inauranc�wAh rt�►�ct to th� —
<br /> ;,,, Improwm�nt�and p�non�l prop�rty,con�tdutlnp th�Prop�Ry,�p�inft bN by fln,liphtn:np,torn�do,and oth�r p�nls�nd hasard� .
<br /> i cownd by�t�ndud�xhnd�d cawr�pa�ndore�m�nt,in�n�mount�qual to nt kR�t on�hundnd p�rc�nt of th�tud r�plaam�nt _
<br /> �� wlus thsnol�nd msur�nc�ap�ln�t rueh oth�r hYUard�and In�uch amounts es h cwtomany wrrNd by own�ro�nd op�ntoro of a;.
<br /> , � �Im�r proprrth�or�t�n�tfcluy m�y nqutr�ior iM prot�ctbn.Ttuttor w�l aomply wRh tuch oth�r nrqwnm�nb n Btn�ficl�ry m�Y ,
<br />- hom txn�to tkns rpuNt 1or th�prot�ctwn by�nwranc�ot th��nt�aat�of th�n�p�ctrvw p�rti��.AN Inwr�nc�poMcM�m�mt��nsd
<br />- ;� punurr►t to thh pwd o17ru�t�hdl nam�Trwtor�nd B�mfic�ry�u in�ur�o�,M Ih�k nsp�etnh x�Urob may�pp�a�nd prowds __
<br /> " th�t th�n�h�ll bo no canc�Il�tlon or rnodfiutbn wRhout no(�n th�n 16 d�y�prlor wrRt�n nWific�don to TruttN and d�n�fiaary.In =
<br /> .' , IM�wnf�ny policy Mnund�r N not nn�wM on or bNon/6 day�prar to d��xpk�tbn d�t�.TrustN or 8�n�6ciary may pracun
<br /> �.r �uch m�unnc�In I�ceotd�ne�wdh tfi�provMbns o1 p�rlwrl�ph A.8 h�no}.Trustor sh�ll doNwr to B�n�fic�ary th�oripmal poi�cMS o1 �
<br /> mwranc�and nnwvaw lh�r�ol a�»anio eapw9 09�uch poliewz und ronawal�thereo}.Fealuro ta tumt�h cuch mcuranea by Tn��tor, _
<br /> • .,,,�:.�� ar nmwal�ru rpuk�d h�nund�r sh�ll,Nt tM optbn o}B�n�fiewry,constitut�a d�huM. _
<br /> ..r,� .•
<br /> 6. TAXEB,A88ESSMENT9 AND CHAROES.Trustw shall pay a!!tax�s,a:sssm�nb and oth�r charp�s,Includmp,wrthout
<br /> ImRatwn,ffn�� �nd NnposRbnf attr�buGtbM to th�Prop�rry,�nd N�s�hold peym�nts or qround rertU, if any, bdon th� pm� _
<br />'r�� Meom�dNinqu�nt.Trwtor shaN promply 1urn�h to B�n�ficwry wA nobas ot arnounb dua und�r thn parapraph,and in th��ver.t :-
<br /> Trustor�h�A mak�paym�nt dk�ctly,Trustor thaA prompty furn�ah ro B�n�fie�ry rec�ipts�v�dmeinp such paym�nta.Trustor shaN
<br />_ �� - pry aq tax�s and ass�ssments whlch may be Nvled upon B�n�ficiery'a int�rest herexi or upon this D�sd of Tru�t wRhout repard M =
<br /> • � any law thet mny t»�nachd knpostnp payrrNnt of th�whol�or�ny p+irt th�nof upon th�B�n�fieinry.
<br /> e. AODITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'8 SECURITY.Tru�tor�hap mak�all paym�nb of nt�nst and
<br /> prineipnl and paym�nb of any oth�r charpn, 1MS and �xp�ntN conbact�d ta 6� pafd to any�xlstlnp lim holdan or prar
<br /> • ' Mn�fielerNs und�►Rny prbr dMd of t�utt or moA9�bHor�ffi�dnt�th�y an dNinqwnt�nd prompHy pay and dlscharp�any and
<br />= eG otha li�ns,et�kns a chuq�s whkh may J�op�rdit�th�s�cunty pnnbd h�r�ln.I}Trustnr hik to mak�any such paym�nt or isds
<br /> �!��w•. .' � to p�rlorm�ny ot th�eown�nb�nd�prNm�nb oontein�d 1n this QNd of Trust or In a�y ptior rreorlpap�a dNd of trus�a i��ny
<br /> � ation or procMdinq b comm�nood whlch mat�rlsNy�M�eb B�n�fickuy'��nt�nst in th�P�op�rtyr. Indudlny.but not IimR�d w.
<br /> • ` �min�nt domNn proc��din9�,or proc�edinps fnvoNf�y a d�c.vd�nt,or d Trustor faN to pay Tru*tor s d�bts p�n�nYy as ttwy bocama
<br />. � dw,lh�n B�n�fid�ry,at B�ficlnry's option�nd without notk�to or d�mand upon T�ustor�nd rnthout r�f�astnp Tru�tor trom any
<br /> � oblipation h�nundK, may mek� �uch app�ar�no��. disbu� sueh sums and tek� such action a� h n�aswy to prot�ct
<br /> ..� B�n�fidary'� Inbnst, indudinp, but not Gmd�d to, dkbun�m�nt of nasonabN ettomoy'�h��, peym�nG purrfiw. cont�st or
<br /> ?�' � '��. oomprom�u oi any�ncumb►ana,chup�a INn,and entry upon 1M Prop�rty to m�k�r�p�ks.In th��wnt that Trutta sh�ll fail to
<br /> �: � proeur�insurana or to pay tax�t,ass�am�nts,or any oth�t charp�s or to mak�any payn»nU�o any�xlstln9 P►wr I»n hold�n or
<br />�� '•��� � bm�RciarMs,B�rMfiefay may procun tuch hsunnc�end mak�such psymmt Any amounts ditbun�d by B�n�fielmy punuant to
<br />.� : � thlt Puapraph A6 shell b�com��dditlonal lnd�bbdn�a of Trustor s�cund by thh DNd o}Trua. 3ueh amounb shaN 1»payabl�
<br /> 1 j�� upon notia trom B�nNicl�ry to Trustor nqwsGnp psym�nt Ih�rwf,and shaN b�ar Int�rnt trom th�dat�of dkbun�m�nt it th�
<br />-Zc,, , rN�pay�bN from tim�tn Wn�on ouht�ndinp principal und�r ffi�Not�unwp p�yment o3 int�nat st euch rab would b�contrary to
<br />�;;,.J. �� , �` appNcabN I�w, In whbh �wnt�uch amounb shuM b�ar inbnst at th�hlphat rat�p�rmiubb und�r appNcabN law.NoMlnq
<br /> ., . contaln�d in thM Pu�yrnph A.8 shaM nquk�B�n�flelary to incur any�xp��a or t�k��ny edbn h�nund�r.
<br />�... . , f.
<br /> ��;".::; w. iT iS mt)Ti1AtL:'AG:iE[L`?t-1,:T:
<br />�._.,bh�;,;_ •n 1. AS3IGNMENT OF RENTS.B�nNfc!uy shaq haw th�rlpht,povwr end euthoriry durinp d»condnuano�of thb DMd of Ttu�t
<br /> `�`�T�`�� to coM�t th�ronU,lssws�nd profib of th�Prop�Ay and oi any p�nonel prop�rty locat�d ffi�nan with or without tekfnp paMSSloo
<br /> �:�;��:1'�`;y.
<br /> --_-_;rY� of th� prop�rty afhet�d hmby,and Ttustor h�nby abooluhly and unconditionally�sslpns d sueh anb. NsuM�nd profib to
<br />��=��_� B�n�fielary.B�fictery,howw�r,heroby oons�Ms to ths Trustor's eolNction aeid nbntlon of such hnta.i�:wt and profits as th�y
<br /> a%`�;� socru�and bscorr�payebN so bnp es TruNor h not,at such tim�.m d�fault wdh r�sptet to payment of eny ind�bbdn�ss t�curnd
<br />��y�� h�nby,or in tt»p�AomiRno�of any ayrNm�nt h�nund�r.Upo�my wch d�f�uk,B�n�ficl�ry may at my tim�,�ith�r In p�raon,by
<br /> p�nt or by n r�iwr to b��ppoi�t�d by a couR, wdhout notla and wRhout npud to t!N adpuacyr of�ny acurily io►lh�
<br />— =L"'�� ind�badn�ss h�rohy acur�d,(�)�nt�r upon and tek�poss�nbn of th�Proputy or any paR th�r�of,and in ds own n�m��ue for or
<br /> �'�--"'``'���� olh�rwlu colf�ct weh nnb.Issws and profM,includinp thon patt du�and unpaW,and�pply th�tam�.Nss coat�er►d�xp�nat
<br /> _=`=`'�`��� ot op�rAtlon wnd ooN�ctbn,lncludh�y n�son�bN attom�yrs 1NS.upon eny i�d�bt�dn�u acund hrnby,and 1n wch ord�r as
<br /> ���� B�nefldary may d�t�rmMr,(b)p�rform such ecbt of r�palr or prot�tlon u may be n�xssery a propsr b oons�rw tM valu�of CM
<br />��v�� Prop�rty; (c)I�at�th�aam�or any pett tMnof br such r�ntsl,t�rm,and upon such conditlon�s�ita�udpm�nt mq dk�nt�a
<br /> t�rmin�U,or�djust th�brm��nd conditlon�of ucldiny N�.Unl�ss Trustor and BsnNiclary Mwnof apn�otMrwfs�In writkip.
<br /> ny�ppliealbn o1 nnb,Ms�»�or profib W any Ind�bbdn���und h�nby thall not�xt�nd or podpon�th�dw d�of th�
<br />----= fnttaNm�nt paym�nu as provfdM In �ald promissory not� or ehanQ� th� nmount of such instatm�nts.Th� �nbrinp upon and
<br /> --�-s--° lakinp poss�asbn of th�Prop�rty.M�eoll�ction ot wch nnb,itsws and profib.and th�epPlication thK�of�u dorKald.sheM not
<br /> ____.;.�i� wdw or cun arry dH�uR or nodu�of d�inuR h�nund�r a�nvelldate�ny�ct don�pursu�nt to weh nodC�.Trustw dto aufpn�to
<br /> - B�n�fiel�ry,Rs lurth�r s�eunty for tM p�►krma�a of tM obRpatfons s�eund h�nby.�11 prrpNd nnts�nd�C monMs which may
<br /> � haw bMn a nuiy h�nalta b�d�paft�d with s�Id 7rurtor by any MssN ot th�Pro�rry,to��cun th�paym�nt ot any nnt a
<br /> —
<br />