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<br />- by thia Securiry Inatn�meat•If Borrowcr fdle to pay theae suma prior to the cxplration uf this pstlad,L.endcr mAy invoke
<br />� �, any remedies permitted by this Securlry lastrumrnt without tLrthcr notice or dsRUnd on 8orrower, �
<br /> 18. Horrower'e Ripht to Rda�tats. If Born�wer mee4e artain condltion�, Borrower sb�l h�ve the rigl►t ro h�ve �>
<br />? • t �uforcenteat of thi�Securiry lnatrumet►t dlscontlauod�t any titne pdor to ttie eulter of:e•�s n:y,co«u�n ocnor�e�«t a+ _
<br /> U
<br /> appiicable law raay spocify for reinatatcarat)beforr sde of the Propeny punuun to u►y powa of ule conttined in � ��
<br /> Secarity Instniment;ar(b)rntry af n judgment enforctng this Sa:ur(ty Insttumemt.Those condidons ue that Borrower:(a)
<br /> � ptye Leador all sums which thrn would be Qut under thi� Secudry Uuuwnrnt tnd the Note a if nu�elerAtfon liuci �
<br /> -,' . - �, �ccu„�3; (tj zur,.v aaY daf»�!t of!.ny �ther covetutlte o[agteettleRit; (c)psy��11 expenacs incuccal in enforcing thie _
<br /> " Securiry Instrument, includiag,but aot limi�ted to. reason�blc �ttomeye' fa7: end (d) uka aah �ctiair�+w i�.'�sd"�"y
<br /> � reasonably require to assure thwt the lien of thie Security Instiumcat�1�nder's riBhte in the Pr°perty w�d Borrawerb
<br />_ �;. obligadon to puy the sums secured bY thie Securiry Iustn�me°t shdl contlaueuach�nged. Upoa relaatxernent by Borrower. •
<br /> , r', thie Security Instrumeat aad tho obligatioas sec�red hertby shall mnaia fuAy effxtive as if ncs�oceleratton hAd occucred. ��:
<br /> ��• However,tfiiA right to r@iaswte shaU not�pQly in the case of eccelention under puagraph 17. �
<br /> 19.Sale of Note CbanQe oi Loan yavlca'• 1'he Note or a pa[ciai iaterest in the Note (tagethcr with this Securtty
<br /> Instcumeat)trui be sal�one or more times wlthout prlor notice to Borrower• A 6AIC Illiy resuit In�chwge ia the endty _
<br /> � (kaoam as the�Loan 5ervicer")thet coUects montLly payments due under the Note and this SlCllllty IASLIU1qC[1t. There
<br /> also may be one or more chauges of the Lo�n Servicer uu�celated to a aale of the Note. if then(s�chwge of the Lonn _
<br /> n
<br /> f Serviar. Borrower will be given written aotIce of the change in eccord�na with parngraph 14 ibove and appliceble l�w.
<br /> � The nodce wiU state the nux end addm3s of the new Loan ServIcer and the address t°which p�Y�en�s should be m�de.
<br />,�,`+' ' ,� The notice will�Iso contaic►any other information required bY appltcable 1 aw. _
<br />- 1A.Hpsar�Nws Substan�. Borrower shalx not cause or perinlc tbe p�ce�use.dispostL.storAge.or releaae of
<br /> ` bs ■
<br /> � any Hezardous S�bstances on or in the PropertY. Bortuwer shall not do. aor aliow anyone elseto do. anYthin8 uffa�n6 �
<br />-;•.. .�_ :.<:. �.
<br />:�s.� -' :t,. the Ptoperty th�t iR in violttion of eny Eavlrounenud Lxw.The preceding two aeutwces ahall aot �pply to the presatce,
<br />- use.or storage on the Prnperty of staatl quaudties of Hazardous S�bsUncea that are generally reoog-nizod to 1x aPproprlAt� _
<br /> � to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Pro�erty. -
<br />���'.=:`� `•� Bortowa shall pmmptly g�ve Lender wrltten noucc of any iavadga�oa,claim,demuid,Itwauit or other action by _
<br /> any governmental or ngulatory ageucy or prlvate p a r t y involving t�e Property and nay Humrdous Shbstance or Environ- _
<br /> .:.-';ry mental Law of which Borrower has ac t u a l l m o w l e d g e.I f B o r r o w e r l e a m s. a{s notifiod b y an y g ovemmental or ngulatory
<br /> � authority,that aay removal or other rerndiation af any Hezardoua Substana affecting the Propeity ia neassary.BorroWer =
<br />�'.'Y'�� shall promptly take all uxessary n�actions!n'accordu�ce with Eavimomeatal Law.
<br />�_. pe used in this paragralh 2Q,"H�zudous Substances"are those subs�ences deflned as toxlc or hazudous substances
<br /> by Environmental Law aad the foUo�ving substancxs: gasoli�ne,keroseue,other flaiamable or toxlc petroleum pmducts,
<br /> �TM �.� wuc pes t ic i des a a d her b ic l d e s,v o l a t i le solvents,ms�tedals coataining ubesros or forn�aldehyde,u�d radioactive matecials•
<br />�,.,�:"�.:,�.�`'� Ae usal in this paragraph 20."Eavimnmentel 1.aw"m�ns foderal laws and lawa of the j u r Isdiqlon wbere the Property Is
<br />�:.;.#'��i^�t�: located thtU rNate to dealt0,sataY or envuonaKU i a l�wia;t i�u.
<br /> �u n.h�,�A,� NOH-UNIPOItM COVFNAN7'9.BOTCOR'C[f1Ad LRRder further covenant and Agree as followa: �
<br />�, ��;:� .,:,. 21.Accda�tUon;Remedies. Lentla'sMall tdve notiae to Bon�o�nr pdor to a�ceeteraHon followin�Borrowa e
<br /> �i2r'•'.:��;�i� bra�ch oi any rn�awat or a�reement ln tbi�Sec�uity Instrument (but not prior to accd�flon undar pwragraph 17
<br />�'ki��" ? uuleaa�rppllcable IRw pmvida oth�).The notla shall spxifys(a) t6e default;!b)the �ct[oa reqWred to cure the
<br />���^'� detault; (c)a date,aot leae thon 30 daye fn�m tha date We notice i��t�ea to Borrowa,by xhfch t6e de�l�dt m�ut be
<br />��...fsy11.� „
<br />—_-���,;�,�, curedi and(�t�t tailw e to cure t6e det�Wt on or betore the date cpedRed in the nottce uu�y result in acalaatlon
<br />_—=�•!� • ot tbe s�eecured by thts SecurltY I�trament xnd sde oi thc P�operty. The noHce ehaU further iniorm Borrower
<br /> --��r"', o[the rl�ht to rdn�tate atter Reodentlon and tLe rl�ht to brtn�a court�edon to�ssat tUe non-adcta�x o[x
<br /> u�ii:�� default or aay otha dekase¢f Borrower to aocda�tion and sala Ii't6e de[4ult is not cwecl on or be[on the ds�te
<br /> - T-�-,-_��=� apecitied in tLe notfoe. L!flllQ' AZ I1s O�IOII rillly tlQUII�E �III�lC�lt!�YyI11Ea�Ili tUll Ot1II iUlYli 6E�Ul'!'d f!y�
<br /> ----�-_-�'� Secw�jty Instrumaat withant turtter demand end may invoke t6e power of e�le�nd any ot6a�' ran�ies Ixrro��1 bY
<br />�_ � appllca6k lAw. Lender a1�U be eaUtled to ooUect all expeascs Incurred in punuiaQ the rarxdlea prnvtded in this
<br /> ph 21,includin�,but not Ilmited to,rw:onable attorneys'tees�nd ooWi of dtle�wida�a.
<br />— __--�� P�►y�i(t 6 e p o w e r o f s a l e f s t n v o k e d,T n m t x s h a ll r e c ord n notice of default in e�cL eouat�In which aqy p�rt of the
<br />--�...—.�. Prop�ty ia locatal aad shall mall coptes of such noNa[n the manne�'prescribed by appl i a b le I�w to B o r r owrs an d
<br />--- -- — to tl�e -oWa per�ons Prescribed bY apPlicable I�w. Mta the time reqn[red by applica6k lsw, Tn�etee eha9l g[ve
<br /> ��- � public ttotia ot sale to the pa�eons and tn the manna preacribed by�pplla�ble law.Tru�tee,wIthout demand on
<br />� Borroyver,�6�1 sdl the Property at public auction to the hl�hhest bidd�r at the tla�e�ad plaee and under the terme
<br /> ^:�c8� de�danated in t6e nottoe of s�Je In one or moreparoda and In wy or�kr 1Yvsta detecminn• 75�stee mnY P��
<br />�r� sole of al!orany lared of tLe Property by pubHc nnnoun��emwt�t the tlme�and pl�a ot�ny previQUaly�ech Wai
<br /> e�le.Leader or its designee may purchRSe the Pro ot any sple. , '
<br /> -- Upon reedpe oi p�yment of theFrioe btd �ee shall ddtver to th�purcbaxr'Ileuit�e'�deed oonveyln�tha
<br /> ` """"¢' p i+o p p�y. T h e r e c i t e l s in the 'IYusta s deed s�all bc prima iade a.wideaa: ot tLte triith ot tt��tatl�ata made =
<br />� ._�� theretn.'tlnistee sba11 apply the proceeds ot the sale[n the tollewing o r d e r:(a)to a l l rn s t s�ri d a c p e n s e e o[e x e r c l s t n� _
<br />�= .�`�° Farn 90�8 9l80 fPays b a/61
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