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<br /> � ��.� 9. IropecUon. I.rnder or in a�rnt m�y aTf�e c+e�son�ble entdes upon uM inspecdone of tde Pmperty. l�ender eh�ll
<br /> give Bnrrower notice u the tfine otor pdor to sn lnipectlon epect}�ring reasonable cauae for the insp�ctlon.
<br /> � � 10.Coade�naatlou. 'It�e ptoceodi of Rny aw�rd or c1�lm�"or dunaga. direcs ar rona^.quenti�l,in coanection wlth
<br /> �ny cutxlemnatlon or other uki af ay put of the Propaty, or for coaveyu�ce in Ileu of condemnatlon, �re henby
<br /> n
<br /> : .„ .'� � �i�ned and�h�ll be p�ld to . c
<br /> `s In tha evrnt o��tot�l t�king of the Property, the procce�d�shdl 6e aPPlied to the auma scctued by thle Secudt�r
<br /> insutu��eut.wfiett�cr�r�wt thcn due. wttla suty caccs���pald to Horrower,In the event of e partiel teking of the Ptoperty in
<br /> whlch U�e fdr mukct vduo oi t�e Property lmmediAtely before the t�kin�ia �u,al to ar gr�ater than We nmouat qf the
<br />_'.�'`�� dtiuii ea;tlial uy tGls.°„xu�tty Ir�+�tnts�t i�3:tely�furt the s•.�n^, unl�..•ihlCOWCi A�I�nde�Ot11etWIfEag rea in =_
<br /> wddn , the eums aecured by thle Socurity Instrument eh�ll be raiuce8by the urount of We�raoeeda multiplied by the
<br /> -�--��� follow�g fr�ction: (�)tde tot�l unouut of the�ume eecured irnn�dluely before the trking,dlvi�l by(b)the fitr aauket
<br />-_--� - � ., vtlue of th�Propeny i�naedUt�rly befora the e Any b�l�ace�htll be pdd to Borrower.In the event of�putid caking
<br /> ��
<br /> �.� of thc Prope�ty in wWch tbc fdr m�rlcet v�lue of � Pc+nperty immodi�tely befoce the taking I�las t�a the unount of Ihe
<br /> sums sccurcd lmmediuely before the taking,unleee H�crower�nd l.eader othcrwise�gree in wsltLi�or unlea�applic�bic `
<br /> •. � law otherwlse mvldes.the proc�eds th�ll be applied to the sutna aocured by thie Securlty Inamuncat whether or not the
<br /> p eds
<br /> aums ue then due.
<br /> • If the Pmperty i�abandoaed by Bomower.ar if,after aotia by Leader to Bormwcr that the condemaor offen to
<br /> n
<br /> m�1ce aa awerd or eettle a cldm for du�es,Borcower f�ile torespond to Leader�lithin 30 dtye after the date the aotice
<br /> . , ., , is given,Lender ie authorizad to colloct twd�pply the peoceecb,at.ite optioa,eitber to restoxition or npair of the Propaty
<br />- ;, ,, or to the sums securod by thia Secur[ty In�tiument,whetha or oot then due.
<br /> '`'� ilnips Lender�ad Borrowa otherwiae agree ln wrltin6,�Y�PAUcuion of pmceede co princip�l ah�ll not extend or
<br /> .. ' �►ostpone tho due due of the moathly p�ymente referred to Inpuagraph�1 �nd 2 or chu�ge the uaouat of euch piymente. _
<br /> :��r�.. �- 11. Borrovrar Not Adeaed; Fortie�rana By Leader 1Vot� Wdva. Batension of the tlme for pAyment or
<br />�.�;.�� .:� wodification of�nortlz�tion of the auma aecured by tbie Security Instnuneat gra►tod by Leader to any euccessor Ia tnurest
<br /> . � of 8orrower ah=U not operate to aleau the li�iliry of the original Borrower or Borcower's et�cceaaore 1a intecest• L.endes
<br /> : ahall not be required to commeax pmceedinga tgainat anp successor!n interest or nfuse to extend time for pt t or
<br />,�:::�.. �.� otheswiae modify unoN7atbn of ttte sume tacured by thle Securlry Instrumeat by�son of aay danuid e by the
<br /> •, orlgin�l Borrower or Bornower's iuccas�ra in i�terest.My forbcarauce by I.ender in exercising any rlght or remedy ehitl
<br />-'�A � • nat be a w�lver of or preclude the exerci�e of�r►y d�ht or remedy.
<br />""�,��:'• 12.Sucasaore�nd� Bound;JoUnt and Saweral Liabilityi� ere. �e cuven�nts and of
<br /> �I� e
<br /> _=`=:�`:-- thia SecurIty Iasmimau sh�ll ind urd benoftC the sucoessors and�ss! o� Lender aad Isorruwer� au Ject to the
<br /> ;_{�,Y�, provisions of paragr�ph 17.Borrower'e covaiant�And agrcemeats ahall be oint and eeveral.Aay Borrower who co-aigaa
<br /> n
<br />__ ,�,.� _ this Securlty Inacmannt but doea not eaecute the Nou: (R)is co-signing SecurIry Instrumoat only w mortg�ge. gruit
<br /> =. .`�- and cao,vey that Borrower'e interest in the Property under the tema�of this Socurity Insaument; @) la not ceon�ll
<br /> a•.�":3� oblig�ted to pay the swn� eecured by this Securlry Ineuument; �aad (c) that I�enAer and any other Bormwer way
<br /> ,� �
<br /> _ -_ '•� ii►CRIv'II�� +���ial�'n."zT L7 +a,.n...1II��C4�tn_Mlotinnc w:�th�� �����renna of ehiv�;ecurIty Instzumeat or the
<br /> F�° ��� +�v►c Wl OUI�lit BOI[OWC!'6 CO�lCIIt.
<br />=�-��`�"' 1�.Loon C6�e�es. If the loan accured by thie Security Inat:um�eat is subject to a law which seta msximum lou►
<br />=�,t j� charga and thu Iaw ia finaUy Iaurpreted so t�m tt►e interea¢ or other to�n cherges collecud or to be collxud fn
<br /> .��--� conaect�on with the lom exceed the pern�ittod llmtte� then: (a) u►y auch low charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> -� aeaeasuy to reduce the chacge to thep cmitted limit•and(b)any swns alread oollxtod from Horrower whieh eacteded
<br /> cha e
<br /> _. --��►�' ,, permittod limits will be reliindod t4 Borrower. Lea�er may chaose to mke s nfund by nducing the princlp�l owed
<br /> -���-_- under the Nou or by m�king i dinet payment to Borrower.If a rxfund roducxs prIneipal�the neducHoa wiU be treated n i
<br /> ----� puti�l preptymeat wlthout aay p[tS►aymeat charge under the Not�.
<br /> __�,.� X4.Natio�. pny aotice W Eorrower grovided for in thie Secudty Insuumeut etull begiven by d�livertng it or by
<br /> mxilIng it by fires cl�aa mail unlcas �pplicable law require�use of uwther axthod. 'Ibe n o dce sh�l l be directed to the
<br /> - - - Propecty Addnaa or aay other addnesc Harrower design�ta by aotia to Leader. Any noticx to L.ender shall be glvee by
<br /> ��� first cl�s mail to L�ender'e ddras stated hercin or aay oWer�ddreas Leader dea igtu�te�by no dcx to B orrowa.A ny n u d c e
<br /> .,.� provided•for in tbia Securlty In�t�umant s h a ll be damod to have beea gtven co Borrower or l,a►der whea givea u provlded
<br /> � 3n thia patAgcaph.
<br /> 15.Go�anin=I.sw;Seva�bllity 'lbi�SecudtY Inst�umeat�hall be governed by falernl law and the law of the
<br /> --� 9urledlction ia which the Propeity is locgted. In the event that any pmviafon or clwae o f tWe Saurlry Inahua►ent or the
<br /> Note oontlicts witheppllcable law, avch conflict sh�il not affect other pmvtsiona of tbie Saurity Inat�enent or the Note
<br />— _ which cau be glven e�fect without tl�e wnflicting provlsion.To thla ead tho pmvisions of this Secudty Instiumau and the
<br /> s Note u�e doclued to be eevaable.
<br /> - - 16.Eurrowa'�Capr. Bomowar shall beqivea one confornaed copy of the Note�nd of this Sec�ricy Instnuaent.
<br /> - °� X7.Tranc[er ot�hhe Property or a Beae�cial Interat fn Bocrower. If all or any part of the Prope�ty or my
<br /> intec�st in it ie sold or transfernd (or if a beneficlal ir'.enst in Borrower ie eold or traaaferred aad Borrower�s aot a
<br /> �'-'�"" - nttural person)without Geader'�prior writtea consa�t,L.ender may.u ita option, require immediue paymeat in full of all
<br /> � eum�eocured by thia Securiry lneuumeat.However. Wis option sTiall nnt be exercised by Lender if exercise ia prohiblted
<br />�_�� by fakrttl law aa af the dat�of this Saurity Inst�ument.
<br /> _�y� � If Lender exercisea tl►ia option,Lender shall ve Botrow�e.r aodce of acoeler�tioa.Ti►e notice e6a11 pmvide R perlod
<br /> „��:.�-� of not le�s than 30 days from the date the notia is�eliveted or mailod within which Borrower must pay sill eum�secure.�l
<br /> -- Form 302B 9/80 fpape 4 ot 6)
<br /> — '�- BANItERS 6VSTEMS,WC..Sf.ClOUD.MN 66�02 tt�E00-397•23111 FORM MD�idJF Y16f91
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