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<br /> includina flood�or flooding.for which Lender requlre�iruurw�ce. '!'hi�inaurwioE���e aWatalaed�n tUe�nte u�d
<br /> '="` for the perlods that L.esx{er�equlm. 'Iho In�urusca c�rrier providtng the in�uraaoe�ha11 be chacn by Borrower�ubJect to
<br /> '�'''�' � � Lender'� �pprovd whtch �h�11 aot bo unerwonably withheld. If Borrower fdl� to maintda covera�e deecribod abova,
<br /> :..,,,_ L�cr�der may, ae l.endor'�option.nbaln cover�e to protect L�erider'e ri�hU ln the Property In accord�ace with pu�ar�h
<br /> _��_,ur'� —
<br />� ''� 3 �� All tnaurauce pollcla�nd renewal� �h�ll t�o �cceptRbla to Lender end eha11 Includo• st�ndard mortgaae cl�we.
<br /> l�etjder�tul!h�vc tdo d�ht to hold tt�c policia rncl rrnrw�lr. iP Txudf;r rcquirc:,Lorrotivcr shall prorn�tly IIiv��n t.cndcr �
<br /> �-�� �ll rccefpt�of p�id premlum��nd rcnew�l no�ica.la tho eve�nt oi lou,Bomower�h�ll giva pro�t notlx ta the in�uru�ce
<br /> _��..��� r.�ssier�°•!L•�e•.L�der m�y mnk�prc�af of lo»1f aot m�de promptlY bY Borrower.. --
<br /> Un1ps 1,rnder�nd Borrower othenvieo�groo 1n wdtina,kuur�nce pmcadi�h�il be ePplied to tteronulon c►rrcpair
<br />—`� of tbc Prop��tydamt�god�If tde rator�tioa or repdr i�economlc�lly fc�ible and Lender's eecurity is aot laeeacd. If the
<br />' ;�,��� reawratinn or rep�fr f:not ecorwmically teaalble or l.eader'� �ecurity wottld be letaened�tbe insuracwe proceeda�h�il bc
<br /> applied to the sunn eectu�od by this Socurity Inatnwrnt, whether or not Wea due.witb any eaau pafd to Borrower. If
<br /> Borrower�bandons the Pmperty,ar does uot as�wcr uithla 34 daye a aotic�from Len�ler th�t tho insuranca curia hu
<br /> �,'`.,"�' : oKerod to s�ttle a clelm,thea Lender may collect�he i�uuru�ce procaodt.Lend�r mty use the pmcade to �epair or restore
<br /> .«�,,,r. , the property or to pay ewna aecurod by this Security Instniment.whether or aoc then due.'!]�a 30-d�y perlod wiU begin
<br />"�;t.�'�°.�, whea the notice is givea.
<br /> _ "'"'; Unleas I.erider aad Borrower otlxzwise�gcee 1n writiuug.wy Itculon of procaeds to principal shall not estend or
<br /> .:;`.'� l�oatpone tl�ee due due of the mont6lY WY� P�B�P
<br />_-,:i,T.. ta refarod to fa 1 wd 2 or change the�a�ount of[he pAymente.If
<br /> �."=i� uader ar+BraPh 21 the Prnperty ie by I.eader�Borrower'e right w any insur�ace policies and proctods resulting
<br /> � -',�' frora e w the Propercy Prlor to�ui�ition sls�ll pus to Le�der to the exunt of thc aunu sacurod by t�s Soeurity
<br /> •i.•--•, Iasm�meat ttely prior to the acqulslu.oa.
<br /> ;���r., ,' PreeervAUon, M�inteo�na pnd Protection of the Pro�uty: BaTawa's Loan AppUcaUon3
<br /> '= 6. Oocupwcy. a�Bormwer a tlnci residenca within ai�csy drye
<br /> � �, Leasehold�. Borrower shdl axvpy. eatabliah. u�d uac the PmpertY P Pil
<br /> '.,_,:�,;��=' afta the execudon of thia Securtry Insaumeat and shall coatlnue to occupy the PmpertY as Borrower•a prineipal reaideaa
<br /> --- for�t least one year after tbe due of occupancy.ualess Leader oth�cwise sp,rees in wrlting, wWch coasent shill not be
<br /> -��'��� unrcasonably witLheld,or unloss exuaua�ag circumstanoea exist wbich ue beYond Bomower's comm�l.Borrowa sbaU not
<br /> " deauoy, dunage or imp�ir the Pro .�llow the Propecty to detedorate. or oo►nmit wastc on the Propercy.Borrower
<br />��''�a' sh�ll be in default if any fodeiture�on or procoediag.wluther civll or crimitul� ie 1x8�n that in Lender's good falth
<br />�'�''� judgment could resulc In furfetture of the Fceperty or othecwise nwcer1a11Y impair the lien created by tliie Secur[ty
<br />_'-'_,�''°� Ynstcument or I,eader'a sxudty Interest.Bornnwer may cure auch a defiult and reinsWe.�s pmvldod in puagr�ph 18,by
<br /> ' F, cauaing the action ox proceedin8 to be dlsmisaed wltb �rWing th�t� In I�ender'e good fdth determinadon�Pncludea
<br />�-'� forFeiture of tLe Borrower's intarst in the Prnperty or other materi�l �aim�eat of the lian cretted by thia Security
<br /> s' ti Insaru�»ent or I�eader'e security interest.Borrower�shtll aleo be in defiult if rrower.during the lou�ipplicatioa proceas.
<br /> ;`�`� .ve ,�-r1�12y fsl�ar 3ss�us�ts infQma�tle� or a�emmra w Lmder(or fdled to provide Lenda with any m�terl�l
<br /> -„a-u;� �ornution) in connaK[on wlth the lo�ivid�en�raihdeace.If this1uSaurlt3►InaMuneat�ie n�a 1�1d,�Borrow�
<br /> -- Borrower't ocatp�ocY of the Pt+opsrty P P
<br /> comply with �U the pmvisioas of tLe lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to tl►e ProPertY+ the leuelrold �od the fa title
<br /> =-- shall not merge unless I.ender pgrea4 to the mrger in writlug.
<br /> -- 7.Protecdon ot Lenda'� RI=hb in tbe Property. If Borrowrr faile w perform the coven�nts andagramwta
<br /> ---- oontained in this Secudry Losuumeat. or there is a 1ega1 pmoeaiing thu may aigaiflc�atly effat Leader's �rigtita in the
<br /> pmpe�ty(�vch aa a grocaeding in baalauptcy,pmbate� foc oonderoauion or forfeiture or to eaforce lnva or ngnladuns).
<br /> tbea Lender may do and piy for whuever is neoeaauY to Pmtect the value of t6e Property and Leader't rlghta in tl�e
<br /> -- property. Leader'e �ctlons mty include paying any sams socural by a lien which tw pdorlty ova tbU Sewrlty
<br /> __ -"= Iaa�um�t, appearin8 ia court,payin8 reasonable attorneys' fas aad eatcring oa the Property w makc r�ira.A1tLough
<br /> - Lender mxy take�ction under thi� ari h 7.Leader does not h�ve to do so.
<br /> Any amounta disbureed by er under this puagnph 7 ahall becotne�dditional debt of Borrower ooc.ured by thie
<br /> Sxuricy Instnurmt.Unless Bacrower and Leader agrx to other tem�e of paymeat,these�mounu s�U bar anterest from
<br /> the due of disburaement at the Note nte and shall be payablc, with iaterest. upon notice from Leadec to Bomnwa
<br /> requeating paymeat.
<br /> g.Mortp�e Imuraaee. If Lwder nqutred mortgaQe iasurance a�a condition of maiang.the loan aecurod by tlris
<br /> — Seauity Iaatmm�ent, Bomower eh�ll pay the premiumg required to maintein ffie mortgage inanraxe in effect.[f, for aay
<br /> ,—_-- rca.wn, tue ubrig�ge inaurance covernge xequired by Lender IYpses Qr ceaaes to be in effect,Hottower sbalt p�y tve
<br /> -=°-m— pnmiuuu cequirod to obtain coverage sub�teatially equivalent to [Le mortg�ge 'vssurance prcviously ia effoct, at a coat
<br /> _--. substanti�ily equivaleat to the cost w Borrower of the mortgage insurance previoualy in effect,from an altemate mortgigc
<br /> inaurer appmved by Leader.If snbatantlallyequ�ivatent mortg�ge lnsuru�ce ooven�ge le not avsileble,Sorrower shaU piy
<br /> to Ixad�er each moath a eum cquil to ono-twelfth of the yeuly mortgage inaur�n�e Prwnium being Paid by Borrower wbea
<br />� the iaaurance coverage I�psed or ceased to be in effect.L,enda will acapt.uae uxl retain these piymats�s a losa reaerve
<br />--_ in lieu of a�ortgage insurance. Loss xcscrve paymenta may no loager be requiral, at the option of Leader. if moctgRge
<br /> inaur�nce coverage(in the amount aad for the perlod thu I.mder requires)pmvided by an iasurer�ppmvod by Y.ender
<br /> ag�1n beaomea available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the pcemiucns requ�red to miinta3n :portgage insurwce in
<br /> _- _ ` effect, or to provide a loss reserve,andl the nequiremeat for mortgage insurance ends in accordanx with uiy wcltcea
<br /> agrcement betwan Borrower and Lender or applicable law. wrm 3o2s erlo ln,ys 3 0l sl
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