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<br /> '���s�*.,��'K� TO(3BTH�R Wl i H dl the improvemeata now or henaRer erected on the pro�petty, and all e�semeu�e,
<br />:�`!;"` opPurtenujc�s,aa¢�'}�cture�now or herex�tor •put ot tl�e property All repl�eementa er.ci�ddtdoaa shall vso be coveted
<br />'����. . .';.� � by thia Sa.r;rity Iastrumea[.All of the fongolag ii refenred to ia thli Securlty Isutrumeat at the "Property."
<br /> •i�.•; Bow�bwER GovEa+�Nrs thu Borrower ia 1�wtWllX eeised of the estate hereby conveyed md d�e the dght to gr�at wd
<br /> :���k;.�:.� . conv�y We P m p e A y u�d th�t the Pmperty i�unencumbered, except for eacumbnmca of rxord.Borrower warr�ats wd
<br />- "� � �ti wil l de fen d Rener ly t he t i t le tn t he Property�gxiiut all cl�lma and dernw�da,eub Jxt to an y encumbr�acn of record.
<br /> '���`�.;'.- 1'Nts Sscuarrtr ldsrRUM�'r combtnea w�iform eoven�au for n�tiotu�l tue urd non-uaiform covan�aa with limitad `
<br />�`��` � v�rl�tlom by juriedlctlan to corutitute a unifc►nn�ecudry leuttummt ooverin�r�l pr�operty.
<br />��.: UN��a�Covr�+�Nrs.Borrowa and Lxnder cov�a#nt usdt�rac a�followa -
<br />_� 1.P�yatieat o!PMndI�!�nd Inta�ati ��W�t�a A I.�te ClutrRa. Borxowec�hail pmmptly piy whea due
<br />:��,,;,,.,_,� the priacipd of and interat on thn debt evideaced byWthe Note�ad�ay prep�ytr�ent wd I�te chuge�due under the Note.
<br />,�.• .^�� 2.F'un�for'1'iuca�ad Iawr�oee. SubJect ta�lle�ble 1�►w or to�writtrn watver by l.eoder, �orrower thd!pay
<br /> to Lrnder an the dR moa�hlypayrt�rnu u�e due under the Note, ��atil tha Nota ie a1d ia Nll���um ("Fuads")for: (a)
<br /> ;� yruly uucee u�d usitmenu which may utaia pdority ova thb Security Iauru►uenp a�a Ilea oa the Property; (b)Y��Y -
<br />=4 � .,,' lea�dwld paymeuu or ground reab on t1x Propeny� if u►y;(c)Yeuly huud or pro ylnnuruxe premiums: (d)Y��Y
<br />;:; �� ;; •;, ' flood Inauruwe prc.mtume�if wy:(e)Yeuly rport��ge inauraace pmaIuau.lf�ay: aud�(tj�ay aums paytble by Bon+owcr
<br />`�=;s'�js;.f.�: to Leader, in�cxnrd�nce wlth We provlalons of ptngniph 8� ia lieu ot the paymnt of mortg�ge insuruxe ptaaiwra.
<br />--' `�'�'�'': Thpe ue�are callod"P.scrow Iteme."Lender tmy. M any tlme,colIect ond hold Fuads in an uAOUrxt aot w excxrd the
<br />�����. :;� •
<br /> _-==;'1-•�5..3�,,�4� maxin�un�cnount a 1GOder for�federnlly ntatod alortgage loan may nequi�e for Borrower's acrow xcount uader the
<br /> ---'!�:�i„�,,,� foderd Re�1 Estate Settlaaeat Proadura Act of 1974 �e amended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C. 4 2601 et acq.
<br />-r�'������'t ,. ("RESPA").ualesa aaother law thatapplies to tha Funde ecta a Icsaer amouat. If so, Leader may,u any time�collxt tnd
<br />��!�k�_:-.�. . . hald Funds ia sn emount not to exceed the laser emouut.Lauder r�y eriL►mte tbe anwuut of FuRda due on ttse basis of -
<br />'�'°f�='�'�:`;.�; curnnt dnta wd reasonable eatimuea of eapmdiwres of future Eecrow Iteme or othenviae in a000rduxe wtth applicable
<br />�y���a�•M1„ laW.
<br />_ .- •• The Funds shall be hdd ia�a institutIoa whose depoaits are insu�d by a feder�lagency,insttwneutaliry.or entIty
<br /> _-'-=�`c'=•'=�:- (ineluding L,ender. if L�ender is suett an Inadtution)or ln aay Foderal Home Lo�a Banlc. I,axler t1u11apply the Fnadn to
<br />=�'"'?''�"�`' pxy the Escmw Itema. I�end�r may qot charge Borrower for holding and applytng the Fonds, aauwdly eaalyzing the
<br />-���s..���, escmw account, or verifyiag the Eserow Iu�as, ualess Lender pays Borrowor iaterest on the Funds andapplicxble law
<br /> -_�--,�r;;.��� pem�its Leader to me]ce such a chfirgo. However. L�eader may roquire Borrower to pay a onatime ch�rge for u�
<br /> ivdepeadent real estate t�repocHng eervice nsod bp Leader ia ooanoction with this loan.unlea�appliqble law provides
<br /> ;>�..i:�f othe�wise.Uniess sin tgroeanent is made or epplic�ble 14wrequires interest w be pud,Lender shall not be roquired to p�y
<br /> �:�s�� Borrower any intereat or e�minge on the fi�nda. Aorrower�od I,ender may igra in wrI�,however,tbu iaterest�hall be
<br />__���� paid on the Funds.Leader ahall give W Borrower,without chuge.u�aanwil acxounting o the Punds,slawing credits�nd
<br /> __ deb[te to the Funda�nd the pucpose for wlilch rash debit to the Funds wa�m9de. 'ltie Funds ue pledged� additional
<br />-- - — �,vrir�r far atl stu�x�srr�!b,!h3°�r3t;In_Ln:a�tt.
<br /> If the Funda held by I.eader exoeod the amounu pemiiued to be held by applicable law,L,enda�hail account to
<br /> h
<br /> v��'-N��� Bomawer for tbe eaoas Funds in acoord�ace with the requinmeate ofappllcabk law.If the acnount of the Fuade held by
<br /> I.eader at any time la not aufficient to px the Escmw Itam when due. I.eader may so not Botrower in wrl ,and,Ia
<br />-- such case Bomower ehall piy to I�►dei the�unouat necessuy to make up tho defce{rne�Borrower ehall�up the
<br /> _- deflcIency ia ao mon then twelve monthlY P�Y��.u Leader'e sole dlecnUon.
<br /> - — Upon paymeat!n fuU of aU suma secured by this Securtry lnstcumeat. I.eader shall prompdy refl�ad to Horrower
<br /> any Fund� held by l.endu. If. under paragraph 21, I.eader eh�ll acquin or sell the PropeKy, L.ender. prior to tite
<br /> e�cquisidoa or s�le of the Property��4U�a�pl�y Funde held by Leader at the time of�cqutsition or a�le as a ct�dQit
<br /> —= ag�inst the suma eocured by this ty
<br /> 3.A ot P�ymeat�. Unles�appltcable law pmvldes otLe�wiee. all prymenta roceived by I�eader under
<br /> �
<br /> Par�grapha and 2 �hall be appllod: first. to anY prepayment chuges due under the Note; aocond. [o au�ounte payAble
<br /> under par�graph 2;third.to iaurest due;fourth.to prIncipal due;and last,to any latechar�es due undex the Nou.
<br /> 4.CLar�ea; Lieag. Borrower�tull pay �ll taaes. a�amnate. chugea, fwes md impo�[tioos ataltwtable to the
<br /> Pc+opecty which may atuin priority over t6ia Security Inauwnent. and laiedtold piywents or ground reate, If any.
<br /> Borrowa eh�ll pay tlx�e oblig�tioas in the mant►er pmvidod in paragraph 2,or If aot d 1n th�t mwner.Bormwer aba11
<br /> pay them on time directly to We person owed payment.aorrower ahaU pmd�ptly w Lenper tll noticer of amowlts
<br /> to be paid under thia paragraph. If Borrower a�akes these payments dinctly, Bomower stull pmmptly furniah to L�eader
<br /> realpte evideacing the paymer,te.
<br /> Bomower shaU promptly dischuge any lien which hav priodty over Wia Sxurity Inatrumau unleas Bormwer: (a)
<br /> - = agrxa In writiug to the payment of thc obligation secu�d by the lien in t mAnner aaxpu�ble w L�eader; (b)conteats In
<br /> gooQ faith the ltea by. or defeuds ageinst enforce�r�ent of the lien in. legal pmcoeclinge which ia the i.esder'�op9nian
<br /> operate to pnvent the enforcemart of the lien; or (c)secuns fmm the 6older of tLe lien m agrees�oa►t a�tlafictory to
<br /> I.euaer subordinatia�the liea to thia Securlty InstNment. If Leader detetmtnes thu any part of the Proprrty�i aubject to a
<br /> lim which may atta�in priodty over tWa Security Instcumeat. Lender maq give Borrower a notice identifying the liea.
<br /> - BorrowCt ah�ll eatisfy the llen or take one or morc of the acdona 6et forth above within 10 days of thc giving of nodce.
<br /> S.Hasard or Propaty L�urance. Borrower shall keep the ia�provemmt�now eaiating or here�lter erecud on the
<br /> ____� property insured against loss by t3re, hazards includod withln the tetm "extended coverage" and any other hazu�ds.
<br /> Fam 302! 8190 fpayl 2 0/6)
<br /> -- — sANtH15 SYSTEMS.IM;..ST,C60UD,MN E6301(1�800-3�7•�9411 FOHM MD�1�NE2/E/91
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