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<br /> •�� � by thie Securlty lnstrurr►ent. If Borrower f�lla to psy these sum+prior to thc capintion of this peri�ad, L.cadcr rrw9 �nvoka -�-
<br /> ="".^; �ny nmediea peripitted by►hi�Securiry Instnunent without fi�rther notice or de[n�u►d oa Borrower.
<br />''���rts�' 18.Borrower'�Ititbt to Rdadata If Bormwer meen cettafn conditbn�. Borrowar sh�ll have the dght to have
<br />_:;�,,;. enforcement of thb Security Iastnunent di�conQnued�t�ny time pdor to tho e uliu�t t�of u�iy Powa�of i�lc con wln��a tliii
<br />.�`�`�"` applicsble law rruy apxltY for roinstuesnent)before s�le of the Propeny pnn
<br /> Skuriry Iastn►m�t;or(b}entry of�Judgment enforcing this�ecuriry I�etrument.'ll�oee wndltlow�+e thit Borrower: (�)
<br /> _-"�[ �` paye Lrnder vl eum which thm would bc due w�der tt�ia Sc.�urity��ns c�ni all expeasa Inwmed ln enforcla��U►� `
<br />- occurnd: (b) curea my default of�uy other coven�ata or �groetr�ec► ' C )p Y
<br /> `°����� Security Inscrumeat. including,but not limltad to, reawaable attorneys' fas: and (d)t�k�s ruch wctton�d��W�d
<br /> ..�,,,.,�� re�aontbly require to aaaure thu the lien of thie SecuritY lnauument� I..cader'a righte la the PropertY
<br /> , . -�� obllgation to pay the sutas secured bg thie Securlty Instsument siWl cantiaucuachanged.U A��t�y�B°�.
<br /> S ou
<br /> this Securiry Iastrument and the obllgAtioas secured heceby shall remain full effecUve h 17.
<br /> m
<br /> " '� However,this right to reinstate shall not epp1Y in� the cas�of accelerafloa er paraSr�► `
<br /> 19.Ssile oi Note;Chan�e:of i.w�►Service�'• Tbe Nou or a pArtial Iatcnat in the Nou(cogdher with this Se�urltY
<br /> : �:':r":' Instrumcnt)ma�be sold oae or more tirna+without prior aotice w Borcowa. A eale tn�y result ia a chaaglnstrumeat The�
<br /> •. . � (known as the Lout Seivicer")th�t caltxts monthly pay�nte due under the Nou aad thiQ SecuritY
<br />, . , .�.,;
<br /> �•`'°��` also rpay be oae or more changes of the L.oan Servicer unnlaud to a eade of the Note. If t�ere I�a chenge�;�ble law.
<br /> J;���j�:��� Servicer.Bomnwer wlll be givea wdcten notice of the change in accordana wlth paraBmPh 14 above and app
<br /> �i�� T6e notice will state th��aame and address of the new Loan Serv icier�a'acdi8". addrese to which payareats should be mado.
<br /> '`•` �� The notice will�lso contain any otLer infomnation requind bY aPP sal. storage�or release of
<br /> :;r_:�•,*.
<br /> ._..��-� 20.Huardou+Subrtances. Sonower shall not cause or peranit the pnsence,use. c�
<br />, .t!''3� two senuaces shalt nac aPP1Y to the prescnce.
<br /> -:.,� ;•.. any Hazardous Stibstances on or 'sn th�F;ro�nY.B�rrower shall not do. aor aUow anyone els� to do.8�►Y�8� rlate --
<br />°:.'.;,;y 1he Propoity that is in violatian of uuy Fn� ronmental Law.The prxedinB to be app P
<br />..;.��f, t, use,or atoragc om the PropertY af siaaU 9unntides of Hszardous Substances that are generaUy recogai�
<br />•°;< ' .'. to nanual reAiden�inl uses and to rna�ntQnan�e a�the PropertY•
<br /> -`,t'� � Aottower s7iaU.pmmpdy�ve Y.endzr written no'tice of any iuvestigadon�� Hy�rdoW Subataiace or Bnviron
<br /> .� :� �►Y Soverumeuttil ar regulatory a.gency or prtvate partY involviag the Properiy a overnmentel or regulatory
<br />.�.;;1, x„ mental Law of which Borrower ha3 act�alla►owled e.If Bonower leams,or io notifi �e���is uecessary,Banower
<br /> authoi�ty,�tal e all�noeesserUy�remcdi�actions in�a cordance�wlth Env �Ig.aw.
<br /> , shall promptly h 20� "Hazerdous Substances"are those su6stancea defmad as to�cic or hezanious sub�tances
<br />'�z: As u�sed iri this parag�
<br /> �°�'�=°� by Environmeatel Law end the iollowing substances: gasollne� kemsene,other flairm�able or toxic petroleum p
<br /> '=•�?�o toaic peadcidea and herbicides,voluile solveate,mater►�ls contaiaing as�tOS or formaldehyde. w�1 radlosYCdve materlsle.
<br /> -_— As usod ia Wie pangc�ph 20,"Envimnmentall-aw"meu�s federal laws aad laws of the juri�dicdon where the Property is
<br />----�= locatod thu reiue w�raitu�s�t�t3r ar cuulran�+t,�t nrotecdon.
<br /> a�fottowe: ,
<br /> _y�,.__ NON•UNIPOAM COYENANTS. BOt['O��d�a to B�orro�p�rl�to aacdaatioa foUowini Borrovra e
<br /> - 21.Aocda�Uoni �• t ln tbL Secudty I�ru�n�t(but not pdoc to socekcalbn under paa�Ph 17
<br /> � brach ot�ny co�aumt or� � a)the d e ladti N) t6e actlou re4 u l r e d to cure tLe
<br /> t�w provida alerwbe?.'!Ue notloe rhatl�pedty ( �rhich t6e defadt murt be
<br />-- d�uit; e •d�cq not la�th�n 30 dn�troas t6e d�te the nMloe��lrea� tn�Othe nodx swr n�ult ia�oedeesHoo
<br /> curedi�(d)tb�t[dlure to cur�tbe de[�ult on or b�iore tiu d�te specttledThe noda si�U Nrtlus'inform Borrovra
<br /> ot N�e wm��ecwrod by t1�L 6ecuritp Ia�tewnent end�tle ot t�e Propaty.
<br /> ot the d�ht to cetwttte �fta� �ooelaation wd tbe rl�ht to brin�
<br /> •eourt �dlon to Meest tLe non�� ot a
<br /> ddiult ar�ny other deleme ot Dorrower to�ooda�ti�ltnmedlate pa�aW in tuU o[� sutm �red by t�hi�
<br /> �e� tn tbe notia� I.ende�r d iu option may req �and my otbx eti+nedia Perm[t�d by
<br /> Imtrwnent witbout hut6ee de:oand�ad may invoke the��� p�� � �a�vtded in thfi
<br /> �ppllcs�law. Leuder s1u11 be eaNtled to cwUect all acpeaue
<br /> �h Zl,indudini.but uot limited to�reawnAble attorn�'a'fea and cod�ot tttle evt����P��the
<br /> ��V the Powet'ot eale�inro�ued►Tn�t��►all record a natia ot ddault�°O1�;h'�ble Uw to Barr�owe�'wd
<br /> �p�t b located wd shall mfl copte�of such botice in the mooner Pa�scri +�
<br /> bed by�pplkabk law. Atter tLe t�me ralu�red by appl�a�bk law. 'IY�uta eha11 �[ve
<br /> t�o tbe rotha'Pa�oos P� ns md ta We manner preacribed bp applicable law.Tnutee,vrtthont dmvan on
<br /> pnblle nottce ot rale to tLe P��t bUc auction to the�at bidder�t the time aad phc�wd unda the tesm�
<br /> Borror►ar.�lull ydl the Propa'�f P� ordar Tnatee dei�rmtaa. Truda mty 1�ul
<br /> ��ed in tLe notke ot wle in one b����t at the Hme and plaa o!�ny pr�viowly �
<br /> sale ot�11 or Rny parcd of the Proparty 7 W - .... _
<br /> er�le.Lender or iu dad�nee msy purchwse th� �t pny sole. .�-���. ,,,;,..�,�c..,��, � • �
<br /> - Up�rocdpt of p�ymmt ot the�►rioe bid,�f����va to the p . �
<br /> . 'fhe rxital� in the Tn�sta e deed ah�ll bc primA facte ev[dea a t�������P�'et acerdoln�
<br /> tha��dn.'I�wtee s h a U 4P P�Y t h e p r o c e e d a o f t h e e a l e i n t h e t o l l o w i n g o r d a ( )
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