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<br /> �� 41.tnapectlon. L�ender or ita�ent msy mtka nuonablc eatriee upoA u�d inr�pecNone of tho Propercy.l�ender�hvl
<br />;�:.����` give Borrower aotla�t the tia4a of or pdor to ur lnipxtlon�pect in�re�soaiblo cwae for We laepectioa.
<br /> 10.Condana�tioa. T'hepcnceeds ou�t of twhcdPc+opei�cy��rrfod*magaeywxetinrlieu of�,ondeiiaaitloa. ue� hereby --
<br />,;��, any condenuution ot other takln� of#nY P
<br /> ' ueiRned uid rhdl be pdd to l..ruder.
<br /> �' ��� In the evcnt cf a totd t�king of the 1'ropertY�1he procads ehall be tpplled to tho�um+�ecured by thie SecuritY r
<br />.^� Iatuument,whetha or aot thei►due wlth iu►y eac�s�a paid lo�orrower.In tho event of n parti�l tnkin�of the Propeny #n
<br /> - which the i�ir marica value of the �ropanY Immodi�tdY befan th+e t�icina i�eqw� l to or 4rcuer th�a the emouat of the
<br /> �' eums�ecured by thi�Securlty Iwtrwneat lcarnodluely before the takU � unlea�Eorrower u�d Leside�othawi�o la
<br /> mt
<br /> --"'�j writin � the�umr �ecured by t6b Sxur�ty In�tnut�ait ehall be redu�by the�mount of the proceede muldplled y the
<br /> foilow�ng fr�ctioa:(a)the wta!unouat of tho uune Kcurod immalluely before the Wcing.divlded by(b)the f�Ir zauket
<br /> �� v�lue of the Pco�erty iaunedlately befare tue taklx► .Any bdu�c°rhUl be p�id to Bormwer.In tLe event of a partW t�icing
<br /> e
<br /> of thep�e�ty in which the fair muket value of e Propaty ima�lakly before We akiag Zs les�than the imuunt of the
<br /> •,: . e�um recuied�tnmodiauly befote the taldng,unless Bomower aad I,rnder othecwiee agree ia wrtting or�atles.s�pplicable
<br /> ."��� law othetwi�e pmvldes, tlu procoed�sh�l!be�pliod W the eume secuted by thi�Securlty Inauumest whaher or oot the
<br />::';�� sume tre thea due.
<br />_��: I f t h e P m p e r t y i s a b i a d a a e d b y Bormwcr, or if, afler notice by I.ender to Bormwer th�t the condemnor offeics to
<br />,,;;��.. �ko�n�wud or sectle a cl�im for d�nuiga,Bormwec fsile to respond to Lmder within 30 dxys a ft er t he d a t e t he no t ice
<br />--= le givea�I.ender ia authorized to caUect�nd�pply the pc�octala,ec�te optioa,either to reator�tion or npair of tho Pmperiy
<br />- �; or to tbe aua�s eecured by thls Saurity Itntnuncat.whether or not tt�ea due.
<br /> I7aZess Ixnder md Borrower ott�eewlee agroe in wrltln8.�aY�Ppllc.ation af procada to princip�l�thall aot cxtead or
<br />.,;�� ga,;tpaac�Fte�t.-A.�*ef'ihc moathly payrrxm ts�eferred to in par�h�1 wd 2 or ctuwge the unount of tuch prymenta. _
<br />-::':�� il. Borro�rer S�t Rdeased� Fir�ear+u�oe B9 Lea�e�' a Wdva. Bxte�a[an of the time for paymeat or
<br />- modi�ication of uacct�tiwn o3the eutm�ocured by this Socurity I�atn�ment gru�tod by Leader to aay succeswr in intec+eet
<br /> of 13orcower sball twt a,ptr+st �o r�lase the li�biliry of the orlgip�Bonower ot Borrower's suooeasors ln�ntereat. 1.a►der _
<br /> sball not berequirod tp coaa�cse'proxedtags aB+�ins��►Y g�locessor in interest or rct�se to extend tim� for p�y� 3 c�r
<br />�;;;r��n, ,, othtrwlse modify utipr�'s'r.�tic�i aF the sums secured by thb Sewrity Iastcutnent by n;avoA ef u►y d�mand�ntde by iho
<br /> : odgiaal Borrowa ur�wes s sucsessora in inter.dt.Atty forbearan�;e by L�endcr in exerclsing any rig!ht br�dy sbnU
<br />`.''_�_ , not be�a waiver of oc F+�+xlvrie tae exerclse of�ny right or remedy.
<br />;+:k��`.i 12, Succeaeors�adA,�s Round;JrAui�apd S�'aal LiabWty; Co-ei�na�s The covenants aui�eAramente of
<br /> th;s S,xvr�ty Inatrumen� s�l 6ind and baueflt che auccason aud �ssigas of I.eader and Bomower, aub xt to the
<br /> .� a d
<br />�;" pmvistons of parsqraph 17.Homower'a coveaants and agatnents aha111x Joint and several. Any Borrower w co-aigns
<br />��%,��' Wis Sec�eidty Intul�mcat but das not execute the Note: (a)is co-signiag this Securlty Inttiument only w mortg�ge,gr�nt
<br />� and cobvey that Borrower'e intereat in the Property under the tenus af thiQ Secutity Insuument; (b) is not peraonally
<br /> �- obllSaud w pay the sums iecurod by thL Sxarlty Tnstrument;and(c) agma that Leader and aay ot6er Born►wer may
<br /> �to extead,modii�'. iorbar or mwico any ncw��tioao w�ltt2i rg^•rd to stte st�s:of thls�ssrli;L�str+��,t���t�
<br />— — Note without tliat Borrowa's coneeat.
<br /> 13.Laa Ch�a� li the loan tecuced by thle Sewdty Inet�at i�Bubjat to R law whicli Kts ma�tmum loan
<br /> charga. u�d thu law ia ftnally interpreted eo Wat the icterest or other lom cGu�a oollaxed or to be coitected ia
<br /> coauection with the loan exceed tLe peccaitted IimIt�� thaa: (�) aaY �uch loen cb�e�6a11 be roduoed by_the �a�ount
<br /> ,�wry co roduoe tbe clur�a w ux peraacced limcr.aa ro) �nr w,a� alreaay�ool,ecced from soriower wt�ich eaceedod
<br /> per�mittod limiu will be rehu�ded a Borrow w Ho�rrow��i rc�flu�dwc�eduoa pr�iacipal�tbhYe�rodu�cti�oa wiUpbe �tra ed u
<br /> uader the Note or by�r�king s dlrecc paY�en
<br /> p��PnP+� t witt�out�uY P�Y���fe undee the Nrxe.
<br /> 14.�. My notice co Borrower provided for in thii Secudry�nn�t�tuU be�1ven by deliveriaj it or by
<br /> mWing it by fitYt cl� m�il un�a� �pplic�ble l�w requtra we of�ther aietlwd. The notk�e�hW b�dlrected to tbe
<br /> pmpaty Ad�or u►y aher�ddrese Bornower dal�nata by notice to Laider. My noti►x to I.ender shdl be�lvea by
<br /> flrn cl�w m�il to I,eflder'��ddress aated herein or�ny atlxr addreae Leacier dai�uca by aotix to Borrorver.Aay notloe
<br /> pro�vided for in Wi�Socurlty Inanunent eh�lt be deemed to hsve beca givea to Borrower or L.eader when glveu�pmvidad
<br /> in
<br /> iS. ernit�I.�w= &verAbWty. This Secudty lnstiument shatt be govemed by fedeal law u�d tLe law of tbe
<br /> +un�icxion ia which the p�opetty 1� located. In the event that any pmvls[on or el�uee of thta Savrity In�tcunKat or the
<br /> Note ronflicte wIW�pplicAble law,s�ch conflict shdl��T�thia ead We pm�lons of thie Sa rlty Iaauumea��md tb
<br /> wlrich c�n be�ivea e�'ect wlthout the confltcNng p '
<br /> Nou are decl�md to be severable.
<br />.. _� 16.�orrowa's Cop�. Borrower ah�ll be gi�ve�n�onc confom�ed copy of tho Note u�d of thie Secudty Inmua�ent.
<br /> 17. Trsader of the Propaty ur a S�etfcl�l Intereet in Bore'ower. If aU or any part of the Propetty or �ay
<br /> iatereat in it is eold or trwsfared(or if a beneficl�l interest�► Bonower is eold or tr�nsferred and Bomowa i�aot�
<br /> ns�tura pereon)without Leada'e prlor writtea consent. Lender may,at ita option,require i�i�te p�ymeat in fiill of tll
<br /> eume ex�uod by Wie Socurity iaatiumeat. Fioweves,this option sh�U not be exerciaed by L.ender if exerci�e ia prabibited
<br /> by forder�l law as of the due of thia Sawrlty Instrument•
<br /> If Leader exercises ihia opdon,l.euder ahall�iv=Bomower aotice of acceler�tion.l]ie notice ahall provide a perlod
<br /> of not lras thaa 30 daye trom the due the nodce is�eliverod or m�tled within which Borrower mnat pay �ll sums sxurod
<br /> Form 302a 9!!O(po�s 4 0/61
<br /> EANIfERF,6Y6TEMS,INC..6f.CLOUG,MN 6l30S N-e00•�97•7�I11 FORM MD-1�lE 2l6191
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