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201206710 <br /> in tlze Praperty aad rights undes tlus Security Instrument; and(d)takes such actiou as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure tliat Lender's interest in the Property and righes under This Secnrit7 Instnunent, <br /> and Borrower's obligatioa to pay the swns secured by this Sccurity 1n5trument, shall cont,inue unchanged <br /> Lender may require tha#Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one ar more of the following <br /> farms, as selected by Lender. (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) cerfified check, bank check, treasurer'S cl�eck or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institurion u�hose deposits are insured by a <br /> federal agenc}; instrumenTality or entity; or(�Electconic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, <br /> this Security Instrument and obligations sec;LQcd hereby shall remaui fiilly effective as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred. However, this tight to ieinstate shaR not apply in the case of acceleration undet Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest ai the <br /> Note(together with tlus Security Instrument) can be sold one or m�re times withou.t prior norice to <br /> Barrower. A sale inight result in a change in the entity(lmown as flie "Loar�Servicer'�that collecta Periodic <br /> Paymen4,n due imder the Note and trus Security IpstrumenY arAd performs olhei inortgagc loan servicing <br /> obligafions under the Note, this Security Instrument, and Applicable Law: There also might be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Servioer unrelaYed to a sale of tho Note. If there is a chauge of the Loan Servicer, <br /> 13orrower will be given written notice of the change which will state lhe name and address of the ncw Loan <br /> Servicer, the address to which payments should be made and any other information ILESPA rcyuires in <br /> connection with a notiee of transfer of servie3ug. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Services other than the purchaser of the I`ote, the mortgage loan servicing obiigations to Borrower will <br /> remain�vith the Loan Servicer r�r Uc trausferrcd to a succ;cssor Loan Scrviccr and ere not assumed by the <br /> NoTe purchaser unless otherwise pro�ided by the Ivote purchaser. <br /> Neithex Boccow�nor Lendei may commence,join, or be joined to any judicial acrion(as eithec an <br /> indi�Ydual litigant or the member of a class)that azises from the other pariy's actions pursuant to tlus <br /> SecLvity TnstrLunenY or tt�at alleges that the other parCy hzs hieached any provision of, or any duty owed bq <br /> reason of, chis Security Instrument, until such Borrower or I,ender has notified the other pazty(with such <br /> notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the <br /> other party hcrcto a reasonable period atler lhe giving of such nolice Co [ake conective action. If Applicable <br /> La��provides a time period wluch must elapse before certain action.can be taken, that time period will be <br /> decmcd to be rc�sonable Por purposes of this pazagraph. The notice of acceleration and opporLunity to cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Secrion 22 and the noticc of acccicration givcn to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section 18 shall be deeined to satisfg the aotice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this <br /> Secrion 20. <br /> 2 7. Hazardous Substanees. As used in this Secli4n 2L (a) °Hazardous SuUstances"are tl�ose substauces <br /> 3efmzd as toxic or l�azardous su�stances-, yollutants, or wastes by�nvixoninental Law and the following <br /> subsfances: gasoline, kerosene, other flaznmable or foxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, <br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehqde, and radioacrive materiais; (b) <br /> "Environmenta£Law"means federal lakrs and Iaws of the jurisdiction where Yhe Properry is located tl�at <br /> relate tp health, safety or environmental pcotection; (c) "E�avironmentcal Cleanup"includes any response <br /> action, remedial aetion, ai removal action, as defined in Envirpnmental Law; aud(d) an "Environmental <br /> Corzdition"means a c�ndition that can canse, contribnte to, or orherwise trigger az�Envuonmental Cleanup. <br /> Aorro�✓er shall not cause or pernut the presEnce, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threaten to release any HazardoLus Substances, on or in ihe PxoperLy. Boire�wer shall noY do, <br /> nor allo�v anyone else to do, anything affecting tlie Property(a)that is in violation of any Environmental <br /> Law, (b)which creates an Environxnental Condition, or(c)which, due to the presence, use, or release of a <br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adv�selq affecCs the value nf the Froperty. The�receding two <br /> 2400t]fi] <br /> NEBft9SKA-Single Famity-Fannie M aelFcetltlie Mac UMFOFtd INSTRUtdENT Form 302A 1101 <br /> VM F� VM P6(NE)(1 i05) <br /> Wolters Klu�rv er F.nancial Services Page 13��of�] <br />