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2012066�� <br />7. 'Successors and AssPgr� This Second I?eed of Trust applies to, inuras w the benafit of end binds all parties <br />herew, their heirs, legatees, deviseea, personal representativ�s, succassors and asstgns. 1'he term "Beneficiary" shall mean the <br />owner and holder of any promissory note given to beneficiary. <br />8. Merger, ConsoUdation, Sales ar Tran�jers. Trustor covenants that Trustor will not sell, traasfar or <br />othemisa dispose of any of the Trust Estate. 1n the avent that Trustor sells,transfers or othenviae dispose.s of any part of the <br />Tnist Estate, BeneSciary may at its option declarc the Indebtedness secured hereby immediately duo and payable wlthout any <br />presendnent, deraend, protest or nodce of any kind, whether or aot any default exists. BeneScisry shell consent to a transfer of <br />the Trust Estata to a thtrd party to the extent such third pariy meets the requiremanta containod in, and assumes the obligations sat <br />forth in the First Deed af Trust, Tbe covenants contained herein shall run wIth the Property and shall remain in full force and <br />effect until tha Indebtedness is peld in full. <br />Evenls of Dejau/[ My of the followin� eventa shall bc deemed an event of default hercunder: <br />(Q) ' default shall be made ia the payment of the Indebtednass or any ott►er sum secured hereby when @ <br />due; or <br />(b). Truswr shall perform any act in banlwptcy; or <br />(c) a court of competent jurlsdiction shall enter an order, Jud�nent or decree approving a petttion 8led <br />against Truator seeking any reorganization, dissolution or slmilar relief under any presant or future federal, state or <br />ather statute, law or regulation ralating to bankiuptcy, lnsolvency or other relief for debtors, and suoh ordar, judgment <br />or decrea shall remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty (60) days (whether or not consecudve) fioom <br />the first date of entry thereof; or aay Uvstee, receiver or liquidator or Trustor or of all or any part of the Trust Estato, or <br />af any or all of tha royalties, revenues, rents, issuas or proRts therco$ ahall ba eppointed wlthout tha consent ar <br />acquiescence of Trustor and such appointment ahall remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty (60) days <br />(whether or not conseoutiva); or • <br />(� a writ of execaUon or attac6ment of any similar process shell be entered against Trustor which shall <br />become a lten on the Tcust Estate or any portion thereof or interest therein and such execuUon, attachment or similar <br />process of judgment is not released, bonded, satisfied, vacated or stayed wlthin slxty (60) deys e88r lts antry or levy; or <br />(e) there has occurred a breach of or dafault uader any term, covenanf, agreemenl, condidon, <br />provision, rapresentetion or warranty conteined in the First Deed of Trust or any prlor deed of trust or mortgage <br />affecting the Trust Estate. <br />10. Acce%radon upon Defau/t; Add/Nona! Remedles. If an event of default occurs, Beneflclary may declare tha <br />Indebtadness secured hereby to be due and payable and tha asme shall thereupon become due and'paysbla without any <br />presentment, demand, protcst or notice of any k�nd. Thereafter, Beneficisry may: <br />(e) eithar in person or by agent, with or wlthout bringing any actton or proceeding, or by a receiver <br />appeinted by a court and without regard to the adequaay of its security, enter upon and take possession of the Trust <br />Estate, or any part thereof, ln its own nama or in the name of Trustea, and do any acts which it dcems necessary or <br />desirabla to preserva tha value, marketabllity or rantability of the Trust Estate, or part thereof or interest thareln, <br />increase tha income therafrom or protect the securlty hereof and, with or without taking poss6ssion of the Tnist Estats, <br />sue for or otherwise collect the renfs, issues and profits thereof, fncluding those past due and unpaid, end apply the <br />same, less costs and expanses of op.eration and collecdon Including attoraeys' fees, upon any indebtedness secured <br />hereby, all in such order as Beneflciary may determine. The ant6ring upon and taking po�ession. of We Trust Estate, <br />the collection of suah rents, issues and proflts and the application thsreof es aforesaid ahall not cure or waive any <br />defsult or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act doae in r�ponse to such default or pursuant to auch notice <br />of default and, notwithstanding tha condnuance in possassion of the Trust Estate or the collection, receipt and <br />applicatioa of rents, i�ues or pmfits, Trustee or Benaficiary shall been entitled to exerclse evary right provided for ln <br />aay of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any event of defaWt, including the right to exercise the <br />power of �le; <br />(b) commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a recBiver or <br />specifically enforce any of tt►e covanaats hereof; <br />1VIFA HBA Advantage Loan/Form H <br />{03/2012) <br />4826-5279-3871.2 <br />