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2012066�� <br />For the Purpose of Securing: <br />A: Payment of indebtedness evidencxd by the Second Promissory IVote of Trustor in tha emount of $ 815.00 <br />in favor of Baireficiary (tha "Promissory Note"); and ' <br />B. Payment of all sums advanced by Benaficiary to protect the Trust Estate. <br />The indebtedness described in paragraphs A and B above !s referred to es the `9ndebtedness." <br />This Second I?eed of Trust, the Proml�ory Note of Trustor in favar of Bensficiary ead any other iastrument given to <br />evidence or further soaure tha paymant and performance of any obligadon secured hereby are referred to collecHvely es the <br />"I.oan Instruments", <br />• T�vstor covenants that (i) Trustor holds title to .the Trust Estate and has lawful authority to encumber the Trust Estata, <br />(li) the Trust Estate is freo and cleaz of all liens and encumbrances except for easements, resWctions and covenants of record and <br />the Deed of Trust from Trustor ancumbering the Properiy dat�d on or about the date hereof (ihe "First Deed of Trust'�, and <br />(iti) Trustor wip defend the Trust Estate against the lawful claims of eny person. � <br />To Pratect tbe Security of this Secoad Deed of Trust: <br />1. Paymeit! of Indebled��ess Trustor shall pay when due the principal of, and the interest on, the Indebtedness <br />and aU other sums as provided in the Loan Instruments. , <br />2. Taxes Trustor shall pay each installment of all taxes and special ascessments of every ldnd, now or hereafter <br />levled against the Truat Eetete or any part thereo� before delinquency, without notico or demand. <br />3. Insurance and Repalrs, Trustor shall maintafn firc and extended coverage lnsurance insuring the <br />Improvemants constituting part of fha Trust Estete for suoh emounts and on suah tarms ressonably satisfactory to Beneflciary. So <br />long as tho Property is sewred by a first deed of trust or mortgage, complianca with ti►e insurance requirements of the First Deed <br />of Trust or mortgage ahall be sutl3cient to sedsfy the requlrements of this paregraph 3 relating to insurenee. <br />Trustor ahall promptly repair and raplace the Trost Estate or eny part thareof so that, except for ordinary wear and tear, <br />the Trust F.stete shall not detariorate, Ia no aveat shall the Truswr commit weste on or lo the Trust Estate, or commit, suffar or <br />germit any ad to ba done in or up�n the Trust Estate ln violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. Trustor. shall pay and <br />promptly discharga at Trustor's cost and axpense ell Uens, encumbrances and charges lavied, lmpo�d or a�essed agalnst the <br />Trust Estate or any part thereof. <br />4. AclJons �}Jj'ecting TYusf Eslat� Trustor shall .appear in and contest any action or procceding purporting to <br />affect the securlty hereaf or the rights or powers of Benaflaiary or Trustee, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including cost of <br />evidenca of titla snd ettorneys' fees, fn any auch acdon or proceeding in which Beneficisry or Truatee may appeer. If Trustor <br />fails to make any payment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in any of the Loan Instruments, BanaRciary and/or <br />Trustee, each in thelr own discretion, wfthout obligation so to do aad without notice to or demend upon Trustor and wlWout <br />releasing Trustor from eay obflgation, may make or do the same in such mennar aztd to sueh axtant es aither may deem necassary <br />to protact the security hereof. Trustor shall, imraediately upon demand therefor by Beneficiary, pay all costs and expenses <br />incurred by Beneficiary in connecNon with the axercisa by Benetiaiary of the foregoing rights, including without limitation costs <br />of evidence of title, court costs, appraisals, eurveys and attomeys' fees. . <br />S. Eminent Domalm If the Trust Estata, or azry part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason <br />af any publio improvemant or condemnaHon proceeding, or in any, other manner including deed in lieu thareof <br />("Co�emnation'�, or if Trustor receives any notice or oWer informadon regarding such procecding, Trustor shall give prompt <br />written nadce thereof to Beneflalary. Trustor shail be endded to all wmpansatIon, awazds and other payments or relief thereof <br />and shall be endtled at its opdon to eommence, appear in and prosecute in its own namo any action or proceedings, Trustar shall <br />also be entitlad to make eny compromiae or settlement in c�nnecdon wlth suoh taking or damage. , <br />6. Appoinlmenl of Successor 7Yaste� Beneficiary may, from time to time, by a wrItten instrument executed <br />and aclrnowledged by Beneficiary, mailed to Trustor and racorded in the County in which the Trust Estate is loaated and by <br />otharwlsa complying with the proviaions of tha applicable law of the State of Nebraska subsdtute a auccessor or successors to the <br />Tnutee named harein or acdng hereunder. <br />NII'A HBA Advantage Loan/Form H <br />(03/2012) <br />4826-5279-3871.2 <br />
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