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<br /> contliaN wkh �ppl��bb N►w, tuoh oonllbt sh�ll not dlecl othe�provislana ol ihis SeCUrBy Inetrum�nt or th� Note whbh c�n ba
<br /> phr�n �f1�C1 wkhout th� ConlHCtlnp provlibn.To this�izd lhe provlslond of this Security Instrument tnd th� Not� ar�d�o�nd to
<br /> b� Ewanbw. _
<br /> 15. BO�fOWQi'i COpy. Borrower shnll be gNen one Contormed copy ol the Nolo and of Ihis SeCUrRy InetrumN�t. �
<br /> 18. Haxerdou� Substencee. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storaqe, or nk�a� of � •
<br />, any Huardou5 Subst�nces on or In the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor a�iow enyone else to do, enythlnp ellectinp th� �
<br /> Prop�rty thtt l� h vbt�tbn of 11ny Envlronm�nt�l L�w. The pnceUhp two sentoncas shall not apPly to th� pns�nc�, ut�, or �
<br /> atorap� on tM Prup�rty o1 small qu�nt�les of Marsrdous Substunces thal are generally recognlzed to be approprlate to normal c
<br /> r�Sld�Mtl�l U6�S�nd to mihtMinC�01 lh9 PrOpYrty. �
<br /> BoROw�r thall promptly plvs L�ndsr writtsn notice of eny Investipntlon, clakn, demand, awsuR or othK aotbn by any
<br /> powmm�nt�l or reyuiatary apenay or private party InvoNhp the Property end any Hazardous SubstanCe or Envkonmental Lew o1
<br /> whbh Bonowsr has totual knowledys. If Bortower learns, ar Is notified by Any povernment8l or reyulntory authorRy, that any _
<br /> nmoval or other remedletion ot eny H�iardous Sub6tanGes ellect�y the Property Is neCessery, Borrower shall promptly t�k0 etl
<br /> nacessary rernedlal�ctlons in accordance wNh Envkonmental Law.
<br /> Aa ussd fn thfs parayraph 16, 'Hezartlous Substences" ere those substances detined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br /> Envkonmontal Liw end tha folbwhq suhstences: gasoline, kerosene, other Ilemmable or toxfc petroleum products, toxia _
<br /> pestbldes and herbfcldes, votutlle soMents,meterials contein�ng asbestos or form8ldehyde, and radloaCtHe metert�ls.As uaed in
<br /> the paraqraph 16, "Envkonmentel Law" meens federal laws and laws of the jurisdfction whe�e the Property IS located that felete
<br /> to heaRh,setety or envkonmentol protecGon.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. 8ortower and Lende�r further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 17. Asalynment of Rents. eorrowe� uncond��,�naiy ass��s vnd tra� �ers to Lender all the rents and revenues ot the
<br /> P►opMy Borrower authori=es Lender or Lender's apent6 to Coll6ct the rents and revenueS and hereby dkects oaoh tenant of the
<br /> Proporly to psy the rents ta Lender or Lenders agents. However, prior to Londer's nolice to Borrowe: ot Barrowers breach of
<br /> �ny oov6nmt or aqreement in the Security Instrument, BorcoKer shell collect and receNe aN rents and revenues o}the Property
<br /> as trustee tor the benetit of Lender and Bortower. This asslgnment o1 rents constitules an absolute assi�nment and not an
<br /> assipnment for nddkbnal sacurity only.
<br /> I} Lender qNas not�e of breach to Borrower: (a) aY rents received by Borrower ahIIll be held by Borrower sb trubtee for
<br /> benetit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by Ihe Security Instrument;(b) Lender shall be entRled to collect end
<br /> ncelw all of the rents of th� Property; and (a) each tenant of the PropeRy sha�l pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or
<br /> Lendars�9snt on L9nder's wrkten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Borrower hes not oxecuted any prior assfpnment of the rants and has not and wiM not pertorm 8ny act that would prevent
<br /> Lendor hom exxCisinq its riphts under this Paragraph 17.
<br /> Lender shltil not be requked to enler upon,take control ol or melntain the Property before or aker qNinq notiCe of dreech ta
<br /> BoROwK. However, Lender or a Judicialy eppointed recehrer may do so at any tMne there is a breach. Any eppltcatbn ot rents
<br /> sh�W not Cura or waNe any defauk or invelidate any other ripht or remedy of Lender.This essignment of rents ot the Property
<br /> shall tsrmhate wfier�the debt Secured by the SeCUrity Inst�ument is paid h tull.
<br /> 18. Forectosure Procedure. If Lender requirea tmmedlate peyment tn full under Parepreph 9,
<br /> Lender may invoke ti�e power ni ssaia ano nny vli�ar ramruia;e �+rtiii�tiEa'� �3�i :.�3�!!C�'s!e !e!�!�.
<br /> Lender ahatl be entitied to collect all expenses incurred tn pureuing the remedies provided i�
<br /> this Pa�s�raph 18, including, but not Umited to, reasonable ettorneys' fees snd coats oi title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power oi sete Is invoked� Trustee ahall r�cord e notice ot deteult In eech county In
<br /> which any part of the Property is loceted end shall mefl coplea ot such notice in the manner
<br /> preseribed by applicable Isw to Borrower end to the other peraona preacribod by appllcable Isw.
<br /> Aiter the time requtred by applicable tew, Yruatee ahall give public �otiee of eale to the persons
<br /> end In the manner presarlbed by spplicable lew. Truatee, without demsnd on Borrower,shall aell
<br /> the Properry et pubtla auction to the hlghest bidder at the time end place and under the terms
<br /> deslgnated In the notlae of sele in one or more percels e�d i�e�ny order T�ustrse determtnes.
<br /> Trus3ee may postpone a�le of all or eny parcel of the Property by pubitc announcement et the
<br /> time end pleee of any prevtouely acheduled sate. Lender or Ita destgnee mey purchaae the
<br /> Properly at sny sale.
<br /> Upon recelp4 of peyment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaaer Truatee's
<br /> deed conveying the Property. The recttels In the Trustee's deed shall be prime fecle evtdence of
<br /> the truth of the stetements ntade therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeda of the eale tn the
<br /> fAilowinq ordar: (a) to nll costa end expenaes of exerciafng the power of sate� end the aale,
<br />_ Includinq the payment oi the Trustee'a fees ectually Incurred, not to exceed 3 `�+
<br /> of the principel emount of the note et the time of the declaration of defeult, end reasonable
<br /> stt�rrieyu' fees ea permttted by law; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Inatrument; and (c)
<br /> any exceas to the person or persona legally entitled to It.
<br />- If the Lender'a Interest In this Securlty Inatrument is held by the Secretary end tha Secretary
<br /> �equlres tmmediate payment in full under Parag�aph 9, the Searetary may �nvoke the nonjudtciel
<br />._ power of sale prov(ded In the Singl� Famtly Niortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994 ("AaY') (12 U.S.C.
<br />- 3751 � �e_g.) by requesting e foreclosure commisstoner designated under the Act to commence
<br />- forecloaure end to sell the Property ea provided in the Act. Nothing in the preceding sentance
<br />- �ha1t daa:[srn l.hr, P�cratarv nt anv riahts etherwise availahle to a Lender un�ier thts Paragreph 18
<br /> - �.r.. -�-•-- •- ---� --- - - - . .. --
<br />'- or appltaable law.
<br /> 1y. Reconveyer.ce. Upon payment o} all sums secured �y this Security Instrument, Lender Shail requast 7tustee to =
<br /> � reconvey the Property and shell surtender thls Security Instrument and ull noted evidenctng debt secured by this Security
<br /> : Inslrument to Trustee. Trustee shail reconvey the Property without warranty and withoul charge to the person or perso�s �egalry
<br /> entilled to It.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
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