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<br /> Any �mounts dbburs�d by l�nd�► unWr Ihi� Puopraph ehall b�com� an�dddbnal debt of Horrow�r Nnd b� tocund Oy
<br /> Ihk S�curhy In�trurt�t.Th�t��mounts �h�il bwr ht�ntt Irom th�dato o� disbura�m�n1�t th� Not� r�t�,�nd tl tM optfon o�
<br /> Lendar,�h�ll he knm�dl�tely dus end p�y�bi�.
<br /> BorrpwK �hall promptly dlLOh�rp� �ny IMn wh�h h�s prbr�►y Ov�r Ihis Sacurity Incirumanl unN�Y BorrowM: (�) �p�Ni h
<br /> wrBNip ta th� piymMf ol th�oblfp�tion 1oCUr�d by Ih� 1Mn In a manner ecCeptYbla lo Lbnd�r; �A�oont�st�� puod 41i1h lh� IiNi �
<br /> by, or d�hnds py�hst anlorcern�nl nl tn� ibn In� My�l procaadinps wn�ch n tno I.�nder�e ap�nwn opK�a to prw�nl ln� '
<br /> onlorcem�nt of ths Ibn; or(o) socur�s from th� hold�r of tne Ipn �n cQreamenl satisl�c�ory lo Lsndir subordfnptfnp ih�Fi�n lo
<br /> thk S�CUfky Ut1fUlMflt.I)LMdM dN�ff�h�f (h�l Y�y p�ff 61 lh� PropQrty it subJ�Cl lo •�Mn whfoh rrNy lttRin prbrMy owr thM �•�
<br /> S�urity Inlfnimnnt,Lender mey pHe Barrow�r� not��Id�ntMylnp tA� lien.9orcower dhall�alisfy ths IWn or tak�orn or mor� o� _
<br /> !h��cltons �et torth abov�wRhin 10 days o}th�pkinp ol not��.
<br /> d. Feea.I.MidN m11y CoNSOI fws�nd Ch�rp�f�utAOrkYd by lh� SoCrYt�ry•
<br /> 9. Grounda for Accelaratlon of Debt.
<br /> (II) DOtSUIt. L�nd�r may, �xcopt aa IknkW by rpuktbns Issu�d by Ih� S�c��tuy In tne c+.s� of paymmt d�f�uN�, �,
<br /> nquk�kr►rtNd�ts puym�nt In fuA pf�A aum9 ssCUnd by this Securky Instrummt H:
<br /> (I)8orrow�r d�tauka by tsilinp to pwy h����a�Y monthly payment raquked by thh&ecurky �nstrum�nt prbr to or on
<br /> the due date of the nsxt monthy peyment,or
<br /> (i)8artpwer defauke by/aillnq, for e perbd ot thkty days, to perform any other oblpatbns ccr,',afnM in thfs S�curity
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> (b) Sale Wlthout Credlt Approval. Lender shnll, H permittod by spplcable law (fncludktq sectbn 3t1(d)of tM
<br /> (iam-St �emwh Deposkory Instdutbno Aat o} 1992, t2 U.S.C. 1701J�(d)) and with the prior approval ot th� S�cratary,
<br /> nquin in►msdinte payment tn fuN of all tho sums securad by this Security Instrument ff:
<br /> (I) All or p�rt ol the Property, or s hene(icial t�terest h � tn�st ownlnp all or part of th� PropKty, b eotd a
<br /> otherwfso tr�nsferrsd (other than by devis�or descent),and
<br /> (II)Th�Property fs not occupied by the purchaser or grantae as hb or h�r prho(pal r�sld�nc�, or th� purahas�r a
<br /> prantee does so oCCUpy the Property, but hts or her Credit hos not been approvad in �Caordancs wilh th1
<br /> nqukements of the Secretary.
<br /> (C) NO Waiver. II cfrcumstances occur that would permft Lende� to require fmmediate payment h IuN, but Under
<br /> doas not require such payments,Lender does not waivu its rights with respecl to s��bsequent evvnts.
<br /> (d) Reyulatio�s ot HUD Secretary. In many orcumstances requlationtt issued Dy ths Secrwry wW umt
<br /> Lendws rqhts, In the case of payment delaurts, 4o requke knmediate payment h tuN and toracbse M not ptk1. Thb
<br /> SeCUrity Instrument does not authorize scceleratton or forealosure H not permitted by reputations of the Sacr�tary.
<br /> (e) Mort�eqe Not Ineured. 8orcowet nflrees lhat H this Security Instrument and tha Note an not d�termin.d ►a
<br /> bs slipibN 1or hsurencs untler tne tvatanai Housiny iict wiinh : 84 tl�,s(�Q�. :ra.r i`s d»� ls��al� !��
<br /> rt►ay,at ks optbn roquke knmediato psymeet h full of a11 sums secured by thls Security Instrument. A writtm attt�nad
<br /> of�ny authori:ed ayent of tha Seorotary dated subsequent to �¢� dllV� (90) hom th� data hKwf, d�olinirp
<br /> to haure thk Securky Instrument and the Note, shall be deemed concluslve proof of such ineli�fbiiky. NotwkhttandYp
<br /> tAe tOrepolny, thfs optbn may not be ezerClsed by Lender when lhe unavaikbil;ty of insurance is 6ololy du�to L�ndws
<br /> faNun to nmk a moRpepe Insurance premWm to tha Secretary.
<br /> 10. Reinstetement.Oo�wwei t�rs n�wht ta ba ra«,siaia3 �t Ldr�3ar h:s r,q;:G'sd ks:cs:��'.:ta g�;KS:�tt:t ittx b.^,:CUL.^. Gf
<br /> BonowM's MNurs to pay an flmount due under the Note or this 5ecurity Insln�ment. This rlpht applies w9n aRar for�obsutl
<br /> prxs�dinps are instituted. To rehstate the 5eaurity Instrument, Borrawer sheli tender In a lump aum aH �mounts nquk�d to
<br /> brhp Bonowers ncCOUnt cunant hcludh8, to tha oztent they ere obl(pations of Borrower wider _this Security Instrurr�nG
<br /> loncbsur� oosts and reasonflble and ouslomary flttomay's lees and expenses prope►ty assxtatad with lh� fonabsun
<br /> procs�dh�. Upon riktEtatement by Borrower,this Security InStrument and Ihe oblipations that d sacuros thall ranaM in iMact u
<br /> if 1.ander h�d not requirod knmodlate paymont In full. However,Lendar Is not requkod to parmR rainstat�t M: (1)l�nd�r has
<br /> acceptW rohstatement eRer the commencement of foreclosure proceedinqs wknh two years immWktNy pTacsd�np tM
<br /> commw�c�rt►ant o!a curcant foreabsura proceedtnp, (il)rahstatement wfll preclude foreclosure on diRerent prounds in the lutun,
<br /> or(IH)ninat�tement wlll advsrso�y allect the prbrity ot the Ifen created by thls Secu►ky Instrument.
<br /> 11. eorrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not e Wetver. Exten�bn ot the tims of payrtNnt a
<br /> modMbatbn ot�martlzatbn at tha sums seourad by thla Securky Instrument prnr�ted by Lender to a»y euccKSOr(n int�rost d
<br /> BorrowK shaN not opa�te to rakase tho IInbNRy ot the oriyinal Borcower or Borrowers successor in hterest.Londa sh�N not be
<br /> nqulnd to commencs proceedinps eqahst eny successor In hterest or refuse to extend time Tor paymer►! or oth�rwis� modiy
<br /> ' amortitatbn of tho sums socured by thls SecurRy Instrument by reason of eny demand made by the oripinal Bortnwor a
<br /> BOROw�s 6uCCessors in inixest. Any forbearanCe by Lender k� exerC�s�ng any rqht or remedy 6hall nOt ba 11 wafvx of a
<br /> proobd�the exerCise of pny ripht or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succeasors and Assiyns Bound; Jolnt end Sevc�al Lieblliry; Co-sipnera. The co�anen�a ana
<br /> eyreernmt6 01 thlS SeCUr$y instrument shalt bind and bBnefit the successors and assipns of Lender end Borrowor,subJect to the
<br /> prov{Slons of PArayreph 9(b). BorrowePs covenants and apr6ements shall be Joint and 8everal. Any Bortower who Co-sqns this
<br /> SeCU�tty InsWment but d08b not exeCUte the Note: (a) is co•slpninp thls Securily Instrument only to mortpape,prant and conve�
<br /> that 8ortower's interest In the Property under the terms oi thl5 Security Instrument; (b) Is not pet6onaly oblqated t0 pay lM
<br /> sums aecured by this Seaurity Instrument; an0 (c) sgrees that Lander and any other Bonower may agree to extend, modilr,
<br /> fOrbear or meke any aCCOmmodatlons wRh repard to the term of thls Securily InstNntent or the Note without thet BOnowere
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Noticea. My not�e to Bortower provlded for in this Security Instrument chall be qlven by deliverinp H or by mall{nq R
<br /> . _ . . .. .... .........._ ._...__..�_ ..._..��.....�......e�w..w r�nnl:nn ehull Yw AYnntnA}n eho Proeortv Addnss a
<br /> oy trat awaa mau urr�a s{rynvav�o a..�oy...00 ..�...�.......... ..._...__. ..._ .._.�__.._---- - --•-- -- � - • •
<br />— eny other addres� Borcower desipnates by not�e fo Lender. Any notfce to Lender shall be given by first ctass mail to Lenders
<br />- address statod hereln or any nddress Lentler desf�netes by nolfce lo Borrower. Any not�ce provided }or In this Socurdy
<br /> InStrument shal!be deemed to heve bean given to Bortower or Lender when grven as provided in thfs parsyrpph.
<br /> 14. Governing Lew; Severebilfty. rnM �urity Instrument shei�bo govemed by Fedenil i�w and the mw ot tne -
<br /> jurisd�tbn in whkh the Property IS loceted. In the event that any provis�on o� C�euse of thls Sacurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> Fse�a�MO�e�ot� rac•�o�s
<br />- 674
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