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<br /> 'J�y�. _ -.L.' '
<br /> �v� _ _
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<br /> , any euah proFerty or ariy part(e) th�reof, t4 the poaseeeion wheraof �-
<br /> we may }ae entit].ed) , and to make, execute and deliver receipt�,
<br /> releaee� ar other d�.echarges thereEar, under eeal or otherwiee.
<br /> � To defend, adttle, adjuet, compound, eubmit to arbitrg�ion
<br /> and aompromiee all actiona, auite, accounte, reckoninge, claims and -
<br /> demsnds whateoevar wi�h reepect to the property t2�at now ara, or
<br /> hereafGer ahall be pending between ue and an� pereon, fixm,
<br /> aeeociation or carporation, in euch manner and in al]. reepects ae
<br /> our said Attorney ahall think t ie.
<br /> • Te h3re accauntanta, attorneys at law, clerks, inepectore,
<br /> appraieer�, brokere, workmen and orhere, and to remove t�em,
<br /> appoint othere in their place, and to pay and allaw to the pereone
<br /> eo emplo�r�d such ealaries, wages or other remuneratiQns(e) , ae our
<br /> eai.a Attorney ehall think gi� with respect to thc property.
<br /> � � Tv conetitute and appoint, in its place and atead, and ae
<br /> its� eubsti�ute, one or more attorney(s) , for ua, with full power of
<br /> rerrocation.
<br /> • To �xerciae euch other powere ae may be necesaary or
<br /> - de�irable with respect to the eale, purchaee, mortgage,
<br /> � diapositicn, manag�ment aad control of said property, whether the
<br /> k
<br /> � sar�ee be likP kind or chaxacter to thoae h�xein e�umerated or not, �
<br /> � 3n partiaular, to enable the Attorney to act under changed
<br /> �
<br /> �� conditione, the exact nature of which canaot. now be foreseen, it
<br /> ` baing inten3ed to veet in the Attorney, and we do hereby vest in
<br /> $
<br /> the Attorney, full power to contro]. and manage eaid propaxty,
<br /> gi•ring and granting to L•he Attorney-in-Fact full pawer and
<br /> authority to do and perEorm every act and tk►ing whateoever
<br /> requisite and nece0eary to be done in connection with said property
<br /> r'4�.' _�T;;f.-T -r��a,a , -�,..s: . k
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