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<br /> snd receive ell rente or inco�ne of eaid proporty whic� may beaome
<br /> due And owiagt
<br /> � To pay any and all taxee, charges and aeseeem�nta tha�t mny
<br /> be levied, acczued or impoaed upon the proper�y, or �ny part
<br /> thereof t
<br /> • To purchaee, acquixe, contract to purohase anci ae�ll, to
<br /> eell and convny the properCy to any (3rantee or person whamsoever,
<br /> �or� �uch euM, such terme anc� wi.�h auch agreemente ae ahall seem
<br /> praper to the attorney.
<br /> • To make, execute, acknowledge and deliver good and
<br /> euffieient conveyance, deed, mortgage, leaee, or other inetrument,
<br />� whe�her with or without cavenante an3 warrantie�, in reepect of tha
<br /> property, or a�ny part thereof;
<br /> • To manage, repair, rebui3d, improve, alter or reconetruct
<br /> • any bu3ldings, etructuree, or hauae� on tha property, and furtl��x,
<br />- � to contract with othera for tha managemer�t of the propexty.
<br />� • To obtain ineurance a£ any kind, natuuce or deecription
<br /> ' whateo�ver, oa any of euch property and/er in coruiection with the
<br /> � mariagement, uee or ocaupation thereof and/or on any personal
<br /> �'' propezty balonging to us on euch property and/or in reepect of the
<br /> rente, iseuee and profite arisiag therefxom, and to make, ex�cute
<br /> t�
<br /> and file proof(s) of all Ioss (ee) sustained o.r claimable
<br /> '� t�►ereunder, and all nther instruments in and about the eame, and to
<br /> �
<br /> :;f
<br /> make, exeaute and de].iver receipts, releaees or other discharges
<br />:� therefor, under eeal or otherwi�e.
<br /> `� • To demand, gue for, Collect, recover and xeceive all goode,
<br /> �t
<br /> , claims, debte, monies, intereate and dgmande whateoevex now due, or
<br /> ' that may hereafter be due •�r belong ta us (inaluding the right to
<br /> �� inetitute any action, euit or legal pzoaeeding for the recovezy of
<br />