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<br /> 13.Noticxi.Any nodee to Borrower provickd for in this Secnriry Insuument�11 be�Ivea by delivedqg it ar
<br /> by muling it by flrst c1ASS mail unless�pplicable law requires uae af u�odur met�od.The�dce�11 be dircx'ted to
<br /> the Property Addtrss or any atl�r�ddness Borrower designatea by nodce to Lender.Aay mtics�co Lender shall he
<br /> givea by Brst cl�ss nu�il to I.ender's addres..stated herein or any adds+ess Ltndcr designates fiy motia w Borrow�er.
<br /> Any aoHce pmvIdod for in this Securlty Iacavmene shall be damed W have ban given W Borroaer or I.ender wLen
<br /> given as pmvIded in tbis par�BnPh.
<br /> 14.Go�antn�I.aw;Se�ee�tbWty.This Secvdty Insauaneat si�U b�Bovemed 6y Pcdenl IAw aad the 4w of
<br /> the ju�asdicdon Ia whtch the Property is locaud.Tn the event tl�t anY Pcovlslon or clxuse of Ihie Security Instn�ment
<br /> or t6e Note coaflicts wlth appliatble law,svctt conAtct shaU nc�t t�ect other prov�sioa4 of thia Security Iusuument or
<br /> the Nate wLich can be glvea effoct wlthout the confUcting pmvjaioa To this end tLe pmvlstons of this Secudty
<br /> Iasmwnent a�l the Note ue decLml to be sevenble.
<br /> 15. Borrower'� Copy. Borrocvar shall be glven one confowal copy of the Note wd of Wts Securlty
<br /> Instnunent.
<br /> 16. Hazarflous Subet�. Bozrowcr st�U mt cause or permit�he prescr�cq use�dlspoa�l,;�catage,or nlase
<br /> of�ny Hwudo�.> Substu�ces oa or Ia the Pmperty. Botrower sha]1 nog do,mr altow anyo�els�oo do,anythtag
<br /> �ecdnQ thC Property tt�nt is in violuion of aay SmIronm�ental Ixw. Tt►a precediug cwu sentences sdnll not apply to
<br /> the pce.9ence� use. or stonvge�n tLe Propecty of �+mall quaodties of }[�ardou� Snbsttnces tLat are getrxail9y
<br /> recognized to bo sppropriate w normal�resident3�1 uaes anl to m�faterwnce of tlse Ptapazty.
<br /> Borcower st►all P�PUY�e Lenclar wsluen notice of u►y im►esH�adoa,elnim.dcmu�d,lawsutt or othe=Aedoa
<br /> bY WY 8overaTnenql or regulaWry�gency or prtv�te putty Involvtng the P�npeaty awl sny H�Tardoue Sub�qmcs or
<br /> �a�crvltem�eadil Law of which Borrower has�cfual knva�ledge. If Sontaw�r leams.�7 us�notlfiod bY�Y 5���
<br /> or n;ulatory suWorlty.(b8t�ItIY IC�lOYa10[4t�1ei I�OOttlu�n vi�inj n�8a'n-'i�'w�s�.Z.«o�w»�"a�'�='��°
<br /> oeaasary.Homowtr stull PromptiY take pil oe�es�cY remedid xdoa4 ia�ccorcla�e wlth Bavirc�nrawtl Liw.
<br /> As used ia tt�is pacagrsph 16, 'Hr�a:dous Subs�" ue those substa�xs de8ual �s wxic or Ww�cdons
<br /> subp�ncea by 8rnimnmental Law and tt�e foIIowln� s�bstances: ��oline. kero�ene� otber ft�umn�ble a Wxtc
<br /> pet�oleum pmducts�toxic pesdctda wd herbictdea�vol�dle eolvents�maoerWs oontaininQ asbestos or fornuldehyde.
<br /> �ad radlo�cdve uuterLla. Aa used la this panignph 16� 'Bavlmamental Law'meun federal lawi�14ws of tl�e
<br /> juridicdoa wha+e We Property is locxxted that nLte to bealth.afetyr or enviroamenpil protxdon.
<br /> NW�i-iJDRFOAM COVSNANTS. Borrower and Laadet tnrther covea�at�ad�e a�foUowt:
<br /> 17.Mdp�t ot Redi.Bomnwer u�oadition�lly�d��ad traa�fere w Leader aU tLe nnub ind reveakt
<br /> of d�e Pmpeaty.Bormwer wtfiorjza Leads:or L�enkc'��enb w wlkct�he reats�ad reveaxs aod La�eby dlrects
<br /> akh temmt of tbe P�+ngeicy to pay the c�ena to Lender a i�eadcr'��eaa. Howe.wa. Pcior oo Ixada'� nodoe to
<br /> Barowor of Barower'a breach of�oy vavemnt or�greemont in tLe Socurlty In�umeat.Bonow+er�11 wllect�ad
<br /> reodve ill mm and reveaiw of tLe Propaty u t�ustec for tbe bene8t of Lemer and Bormwec. T]i1a nss�ament of
<br /> rean consdwta sa ab�olnoe aad�m�ent and mt m�a�nent for addidoml eecuctty only.
<br /> If Leader�Ives nodce of bcach to Bormwer:(s)�il rena rocxived by Bo�mwsr sh�ll be held by Hamw�a ss
<br /> tcuaslee for ixne8t of Lenda oely,to be applied w the auma eecund by the Secucity iasuument:(b)Leuder d�ll be
<br /> eadtled w wiket and�eoeive�il of tLe reats of the Proputy:�ad(c)each temnt of tbe Pmpcaty siuil pay all[eMs
<br /> duo iad uapiud to I,encler or I.eadet'a a�eat on Lender's wcittw demi�w the teaiat.
<br /> Hormwer haa rot exocuted wny pdoc asdYnooKat of tLe renti a�Laa not aud will mt pedomn u►y�et that woWd
<br /> preve�Lsnder from acerciaiag its right�unda d�is par�graph 17.
<br /> Leoder slull not be raivIred tu eata upon,tate oontrol of or m�intain tLe FroQe�ty before or aRer�ivin�mtice
<br /> of 6�rach w Botmwu.How�.wer. I,ender or s judicLUy app�lnted rooeivet may dn eo at aay tlme tLere is a bre�ch.
<br /> A�nppl�cadon of rents sh�ll aot wre or waive�ay detwlt or inv�lidate wy aher rlght or nmedy of Lender.This
<br /> assl�nument of rents of the Pc�operty shall tem�in�te whea tLe debt eecured by the Socudty Iactnm�t ls pstd in fvU.
<br /> �jRINp tNOU vq.�er� �n�.�.,�1"
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