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<br /> ��•�� (I)All or put of the Property,or a beneflci�l iatenst In a uust own[ng all or part of tlie Property,is sold
<br />' ' or othetwlse trw�femed(other dwn by devlse ar descent),and
<br /> l � (ii)The Prnperty is not occupied by dse�eurc�ser or grxntx as lus or her princip�l residcnce,or the
<br />� � �' purchASer or grantee does sa oocupy t�he �'roperty but Uis ar her credlt l�s not beea ippmved in
<br />;.:,�,- �ccorda�uce with the requiremcaats of tbe Secretary. -
<br />_ (c)No Wd�er.If circutnstances accur that woul�i pemiiY Lander ro recquire immediate pxyment in full,but
<br />��c�h Lendcr does not require such pxyntents,I.ender does not waive its rights wI¢h respat to subseqoent events.
<br /> �� (d)Re=ulAtioro o[HUD Secretary. Ia maay circwnstAnces reguiudoav i�ssvcd by We Secretary wilE llimit
<br />-:�e_
<br /> —=_= Lender's rights,in the ccsrse of payment defaults,w roquin immedinte paymeat in fiill and fomlose i�'nat
<br />_;� �xid. This Secudty Instrument c�cer:s i►ot auWoriu acceleratlon or foreclosure if mt pemiitted by ngul�dons
<br /> r,�, of th�Sxntxry.
<br />-��-��1 (e)Mort��e Not Insured.Borrower agrxs d�at if this Securlty Inst�umr.nt aad the Note xn not detemiined
<br />�;�' to he etigible for ins�uance w�der the Nadoswl Ho�sIng Act a1Wln 60 days�nrom tbe dnte henaf. Lender
<br /> •�' � may. at Its opdon, nqu�e LnuT�zdiate payment in fuU of al! sums secund by tL(s Securtty Iasaumen� A
<br /> °"'� written st�tement of any author�ued Ageni of the Socntmy clated eubsequent W 60 daya&om the dAte hereof� -
<br /> ��� declining w iasun thls Security Instiument and the Note, shall be damod co�lnsive proof of s�uh
<br /> -- i�oeUgibility. NotwItlistanding the fongoing, diis opdon nuay not be exerc�sed by Lwder when tLe
<br /> unAVailAbilIty of iasuiance is solely due to I.r�ndes's failure to remit a mottgnge insuraucs premi�um aa the
<br />-- Secretary.
<br /> �-..� 10. Rclnstate�neat. Borrower has a right ta be re�nstated if[,cnder hps requirod immediA•t�p�yment in ibU
<br /> —. because of Borrower•s failare W piy an umount due under thc Note ar tWs Securtty Ia�homeiu. 'll�ie dght dP�ues
<br />-__— evr.a aRer forecla�ue gmcGedinpts are iu4tituted. Tc� reiasato the 5eeurlty lnst�r�rmr�t, Horrower thall tencl�x ]n a
<br /> ---- lomp swn aU amouws nquiral to briag Borrower's account cumnt in�cluding. w tlhe extwt tLey nre obligadoa4 of
<br /> --= Botrowcr uador this Security Iactnwent�foreclosure casts Aad�easonable snd castomary attorneys'fxs and ea�ponses
<br /> — Pc�operiy associrted wlth tLe foneclosurr proceed[Eg. Upon c�etnstatement by Borrower. tltiit Socntlty IaStivnaeat�ad
<br /> , t6e obligatfoqs dut it sxures aluU tea�iu ia e�'ect as if Lender Had not nqutred Lnmediace p�yment in full.
<br /> �iowever. Lenrkr is not requlrod to pems{t ntanaoement if: (i) Lender La,s �ccepted reiastatement aRer tLe
<br /> , commenameru of focecloaure proceedinga wlthia two yeue immaWtaly preadin�tLe oommencement of a curnnt
<br /> � forxloaure pcoceedin�� (ii) rcingntament wW proclude foreclosiue on d�'ec�ent �rounda in tLe futuc+e. oc (ili)
<br /> ' ninmtsme�wIU�dvereely aHect the pdodry of tLe lien created by thls Secudty Inucumeat.
<br /> ' 11. Borarorrar Na Rdaueds ForM�arance B� i.cnder Na a Wat.ee.Batemion of the dtne of�yment or
<br /> ? modi8c�do�of�mortiradon nf tLe sums securod by tLis Security Inst�umen�t Qrantod by Leader w�ny a�oasror lu
<br /> � inteca�t of Bormwtir�h�til not opaite to nlase tl�e Wibility of the orijlaal Borrower a Bormwa's a�ca�or in
<br /> � lnteiat. Leadrr�11 not be miuired w cowmenca proaod[a�s a�aiast uiy a�oca�or ln lmerat or refiue w eatend
<br /> tiame{or pa�yment ur otheiarise modify�moctiradon of tLe suma savrod by tWa Securlty I�umeat by n�son of�ay
<br /> � deavnd m�de by tLe or��ta�l Bormwr.r.or Borrower's svcassoca ln lnoerest.Any forbarance by Leader in exercialqQ
<br /> �ny ci�ht or remedy�ha1!mt be a w�iver of or pnclude the cxencise of any ri�ht or nmody.
<br /> 12.Succeeion and A�rIQr Boundi Jolnt and Seraai UabUit�i Co-Sip�a�. 1Le ooventnb sod�+eementa
<br /> of thls Secu�ity Imaumeut s6�U bind and bercfit tbe sucoessore and assigrcv of Lender�ad Bocrowu, subjoct to tLe
<br /> pmvlsiom of pst�gr�ph 9(b).Borrower's oovensnts and agreements sh�ll be joi�aad sevenl.Any Bomnwer v�1w
<br /> ca-si�ns thit Sectttlty I�uaumeut but daes aot eatxute the Note: (s)is co-signtq�this Savrlty I�trument only to
<br /> • mort�age.Qrant�ad comey tiut&rmwer's intarest in We Property under tbe tem�of this Security Iffitnnment:(b)
<br /> is mt pereonally obli�ated w pay the sums sxnred by this Secudty Insuument: uid(c) �roes tlui L�ender�od�ny
<br /> ottux Boirower msy�gcee to exte�l. modlfY,forbar or maka any iccammodadoc►s wlth ngard to tlie oe�ms of this
<br /> Securlty Iastmment or fLe Note without that Borrowcr's wa9ent.
<br /> ��
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