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<br /> If the �mounts held by Lender for Bscmw Items excxd the�mounts pera�itted to be held by RBSPA, Lender -
<br /> shal!�ccAUnt to Borrower for the excese fuads�.v requlred by RBSPA. If rue utwunts of funds beld by L.eader at Aay
<br /> rime Ar+e not r,ufficient to pay the Escmw Items when due,L.eader rra►y nodfy dx Aonrower+wd raluue�orrower to
<br /> a�ake up the shortage as peimitted by RHSPA. �
<br /> Tlu Bscrow Punds ue pledged a9 uWIdanal securIty for aU suma sec�red by thls Securlty In4t:ument. If
<br /> Borrower tenders W L.ender the full pAyment of All such svms�Bocrower's account s1�U be eredital wtth the bal�uoee -
<br /> rern�iain�foc jtU iastaUmeat items(a),@),wd(e)and u►Y mortgage insuranc�premiwn instailment that Lender has
<br /> rwt becaue obligated to paY to the Secntuy, ancl I.aader s1W1 promptly nfnnd xny excess fuuds to Borrower.
<br /> • Innmedi�tely prlor to a fonclosure sale of tlu Property or its ucquLs[don by Lender, Barrower's�ccount sha111k _
<br /> credited with u►y btlance rarutlnin8 for All insWlments fot itans(a),(b)�nnd(c).
<br /> 3.Appltartton of P�y�.AU paYments nndcr i�ar�S�P�1 aad 2 shaU be applial by i.ender�,q fc►llows: -_
<br /> �, w tbe mortgnge Insuru�ce pr�mlum to be Ixud by Lend,er to the Secnetacy or to the montWy charge by the --
<br /> gecretary iattead of the wontlily mortgage lnsvra�oce prem[umc
<br /> ��.to any ta�ces,special pssessments,la�sehold payments or gcound rents,and fire, Aood And ather hazard
<br /> iu��ut�ce premiums�as req�+redi -
<br /> �,to interest clue under tt►e Nota;
<br /> �,eo amortiz�tton of the prl�r3pal of the Note;and
<br /> �, t�+late charges due under tt►n Note.
<br /> 4.p����d p�}��H�rd ir8unnce.Bonower stu�ll inssure All improvements on the Pmperty.wheWer
<br /> nnw in eaiste�,e or subse�uently erected,agaiast aay baruds.casualties,and contingeacies�inclndlnB Rce.far wbich
<br /> Le�er soquires insuianca Tbis insutance shaU ba malntAined in the Amowus and for the pedods that Le�
<br /> � reqoins.Eom,wc� �tt aSsa isb^urz:21 iuusm�ea�nts an �pm�+e:r4y, whether mw in aristence or subse0ueatly ,
<br /> erectod,�gainct loss by Aoods to the extent nquiral by the Secretuy. All iasura�e shaU be c.�naed with caupanies
<br /> approval by L.ender.The insutxnce policies and auy renewals st�ll be held by L,enckr and sball incluck lost�pnyable
<br /> clauaes In favor af,nnd in 4 fozm accepcable w,Lender.
<br /> ia the ev�nt of loss.Borrower shaU give Lender Immedi�te notice by m�tl.Lender mAy m�ke proof of loss iF not
<br /> � P�Y bY Bormwec.Bach ituurance compaaY wncemed is henby authorizal w�d directal to m�loe p�tyment
<br /> for eoch loss dinctly to Leackr. instead of to Borrower and to Le�er jointly. AU or�ny put of tlfe iativrancx
<br /> praceed+ao�y be�pplied by Lender.at its opdun. etther(s)to d►e redocdon of the irdebted�eas under the Noto and
<br /> thi�Savrity Ins�umeut.first w�ny delinquent unowus�pplled in the order in�r�ph 3�aad then w P�Y��
<br /> of principal,oc (b) w the reswratioa or rep�ir of tLe d�►nu�ed PropertY• �Y �PP�cadon oi the prnc�xds w the
<br /> pri�ip�l stWt aot eatend or postpone the due dtte of the monthlY P�ymenta wLich ue rofened w In pinQcsph 2�or
<br /> ' cbrage the wa:nt of wch paymente. Any exc,eca iasur�oce proceeds over�a amount required to psy al outa�ndin8
<br /> indebtoduess twckr the Nute dnd thia Securtty Iastiument shall be piid to We endty legaily entFded d►a+eto.
<br /> In the event of foreclnsure of this Securlty Instcument or other tr�nsfer of tttlQ w the PmpGrty @ut exdegu�hCe
<br /> the indebtod�ss.a11 rl8ht� dtle�ad interest of Bomower ln and to Insunnce polictes in force shall pa9s oo the
<br /> purcL�ser.
<br /> - s.p�x!•p�+��tion, M�Intnunoe sad pratedlon ot the Propatyi Boerov►u's I.oan Applicatloni
<br /> I.e�ebold�. Borrower ahall ooeupy,establlsh.�nd�se the P�operty�s Bocmwer's pzlncipal s�esideace witLin sixty
<br /> daye aRer tLe execudoa of tbis SeeurttY Iasuumeat(or witl�tn�sixry days of a later s�le or tr�acfa of the Property)
<br /> Rnd ebt11 wntiwe w occupy the Property �s Borrower's prIncipil re�ddence for at least o�yac after tLe date of
<br /> occupixy.unless Lender detem�ines tLat requin;anent aW cause undue h�ip fur Borrower�or unless ea�oea�utinY
<br /> c� exist which an beyond Borrow�r's control. Borcower stiaU nodfy Leackr of aay extenwdag
<br /> . c3�.Borrower shwll nM commit wacte or destroy.d�maBe or subsq�ndally cl�wge tLe P'mpectY or aUow the
<br /> property to deterlonue.reason�ble wear wd teu excepted. Le�er aury jnspoct the Pe�operty if the PropertY is vacant
<br /> or�bxaclo�d or the loan is in default. Len�ler may take reasomble�etion w pmteet uid pce.9erve evch vaeaat or
<br />- ��81Nl7���ou Pp�3�f• rru,r���
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