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<br /> — of Bomower's cave�unu wd�rxaaents uuder this Security Inmuraeat�l tbe Nota. For thie purpose, Aorcawer r
<br /> - - Irrevacably ar�wte u�d conveya to tbe Trusuc. ta trust. wIth power of u�le,the followin�desrdbed pmperty loc�ud
<br /> -- LOT�T8IRTY IiIlii (�9), IN f01�1=8 VI=N BDSDIVI8IOl1, I1T TH� CITY 0� OAl11TDy�IBL1 ND�:
<br />:�`� �l1T.L COIItiTY• �R81U1A1q►.
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<br /> — •8S� IIDJQaT#8L! AATi RIDSR
<br /> - TAI 8TI1T�iT8 BHOOLD HS 8=NT A'O s NORNiST I(ORTC�110� IlTC.. P.O. SOX 5137, DS8
<br /> � daI2is8, I]1 503065137
<br /> .
<br /> -`.�� which t�s the address of 1108 s Ii=8R1181CA AVS, aRIWD I8r.J1ND (�.Clcyl.
<br /> Nebraska 68801 IZ1p caael ('Property Address');
<br /> =� TO(iBTHBR WITH all the imptovemente naw or hereafter eacted on the property, wyd all easements, -
<br /> ;"'�t aPPurtenAnces and fixtunes aow or heres►fter a pxrt of the prnperty. All replacements �uxl �ddidoac shall also be
<br />::'L`� • covered by thls Socurity Instcwnent. All of the foregoiag is ref�rnd to in tbis Seca:Tity Ia�tsument ps the"Property.•
<br /> BORI�0IABR COVBNANTS thAt Borrower is lawfi�lly seizal of the esate henby comeyed and I�s the ri�ht to
<br /> graat nnd comey tl�e Property and that thG Property ls uncncum6ered,except for encumbra�xs af record. Borrower
<br /> ,; � � aud �11 �1t� gtners.�ly thz ddc to tLe Prolxrtp �gainst all Claims and demauds. sub,ieCt W any
<br /> "�1 encumbrnnces of ncord.
<br /> ~ T�IIS SBCURTI'Y INSfRUMSNT combines un[form coveaants for nadanal ust and non•unifonn covenaata
<br /> wlth limited vniiadoas by jwisdicdon to coastitute s unifocm etcudty Iastrument covering real property.
<br /> Borrowec and Leader covenuu and agcee xa follows:
<br /> 1. Pqment ot Princlpal, Intaeat u�d Late Cluu�e. Bonovrec sh�ll pay when d�e the princIpd of, �nd
<br /> � interest on,tLe debt evIde�ed by the Note wd Lte chuQes due wder the Note.
<br /> � 2. Moathly P��mait o[ 'Paxe�� Inuranx �nd Othee Charp. Borrower stwll include �a�ch znonthly
<br /> ` WY��Y�wltL the princIp�l uod inteKSt is set forth ia t1x Note u►d any l�te ciwrges.a sum for(a)quces ud
<br /> ' ' apecW �ats levkd or to bG levial agdast the Pmpeny, (b)le�ehold piyments or gro�nd rents oa tLe
<br /> p�Y����)Pranivaos for lnsunmce requittd uflder p�ragr�h 4. In my ycar in which tLe Lender must pay R
<br /> m�rtgaYe imur�acx premiinm to the Secrcary oE HousIng aad Utban Developaent('Secnwy"), or in any yar in
<br /> wLich such premium waild have ban cequired if Lender etlll held tLe Security Iastiument.each monthlY T�Y��
<br /> shall aLso i�lude either.(i)t sum for thc uiawl ma�tgage insur�oce pnmium w be p�id by Lender to thz Socreta�y.
<br /> __. . or(ii)x monthly chuge isstead of a mortg�ge intiunnce ptaaium If tLfe Savrlty Iasuupnent is held by the 5ecrtt�ry,
<br /> � ia R re�son�ble Aa�ount to be determined by the Seccetuy. Bxcept for the monthly cbarge by tl�e Secrepuy� these
<br /> items are caltal "Escr�w itan�"wd tLe sums pild to Lender ace qlled'Escmw Fan3s."
<br /> Leuder msy.tt�ny dme. wllect u�d ho2d u�ounts for Ltscrow Items jn�a aagreg�te t�awunt not w esoxd ttie
<br /> muimum wnouat that may be raluired for Sorrower's escrow accouat w�der the Real&tsu Sealeaxnt Procedures
<br /> Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 d scq.a�d implementing reyulydoag. 24 CFR Part 3500. �s tbey mxy be
<br /> wme�ed fmm time to tlme(`RHSPA•), except that the cushion or rtsen+e peimitted by RBSPA for unanticipatod
<br /> disbu�sements or dist��senknta before the Borroiver's pryments u+e nvailable in the account may mt be b�secl on
<br /> �monuta du�e for the mongage inwrance pnaulum.
<br /> --— ��4RINEl IMOt1 Pay�2 ot� wur�1���y�ral"
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