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<br />`:'r'��;'�:'':� 9.InspecNoo. LRt�der or Gs agent ra�y malce raeon�ble entrle�upon arK!inspxtlona of the PrqiertY. L�nder eh�ll _
<br />`..�� :;C;� pecpy -
<br />;_.,,� .� �ive Bo O+��lo�i T�be p�roca da of�u�iy aw�ud or cl�lmi fur�danu� �« dirat orf���s��q�vi��►oow�ection with
<br /> ..,�. ;,,
<br /> any co�los�or otbrr t�king of wy put of the Propemy. or for coaveyutica ia lieu oi oond�rotatloa� ue hrreDy
<br /> ?��%..� '< �ssi�ned md�bill be paid to l�ender.
<br /> ned � �A�11 be�pplied to the w�m+�ocured by th�Socu:ity
<br /> ln th�evet►t of a rota ukiag of the PropettY. P� al t�lcin�af the Pro(xny 8n
<br /> ;�.��., Inst�ment. w�oi not thci�du�.�:�ith any exce!�p�tc�te Borrower. In thc event of a puti
<br /> �,-:..,�. ' which the fair m�Cet vdue of tbe PropMy immediatdY befoce tl�e uJcfa�l� ual to or�r�Ca thao tl�e��t uf the
<br /> ,� , �um�recurai by ttde Secu bty�6�•1���i�all red��y�thc�rrowot thepro�x� edy mulcipllod b�y M
<br /> _._,.,r„�� wd �thz sua�eecurod Y � y beforc the t�inL,divlded by(b)tt�e f�lr
<br /> , foUow fractioa:(�)the toW umuat o tl�se sumr sa�red 1�iue1
<br /> - .�� vdue uf thep�pe�y lmmediuely before the Wdag.Aoy bilince�Il bc pald w Borrower.In the event of a putld uldng
<br /> , . of the�rnpecry in which the fiir maricet v�lue of tbe FropectY immedlately befoce t1�e akiag is laa tl�n tl�e unouat oi the
<br /> ' , nu:m aecured I�iRtely befon the taldag,unless Bomower u�d I�snckr otRawise agree in writia�or ualcss applicable
<br />:�':I,�,.: t whether or not the
<br />=;• r::�• l�w othmviee rovides.the p����PPlitd to the aww iecurod by this Securiry Instcumea
<br />.:;`F....,,.
<br />-- '� r t swm are thea ue.
<br /> L;�`;;�;i If the Pcoperty i��b�ndoned by B o r c o w e r.o r i f, a R e r a o t i c x b y l.e n d e r c o B o r r ower thu tLe oondemnor o e�s to
<br /> _.'.°°,�� make pn award or settle a claim for Aunagcs�Borcow+a faila torespond to Leadu witDia 30 days afta the date the aodce
<br />-- u iu dtbct w teuoc�eiou ot repau of the ProP�nY
<br /> _.�a• is given,Lv�ader is wthaixed ta coliax+iN14�Y lh�p�oc��� °P l�'
<br />��; or to the suim Kcural by this Sa,urlty ln:uumeut,whaher or not fhen due. i st�ll not e�ctead or
<br /> ' UWa�l�enda and Borrower otherwl�e agna in wrldng�+mY llc�t1a°of prooeed�io princ P�l
<br /> ..:�,_�-�� oth w 1 u�d�or dunie tLe amount o f�u c h pt y m m t�•
<br />-�"•��:• poetpone the due due of the monthlY PsY�►�referced to ln p�r or
<br />-_-:,-,�a�� •
<br /> �=��,as��- 11. Natnw�x Not Aelaued3 FocbeAranc� al Imda' a Watvcr. Bxtemrios►ot the dme P�
<br /> modificction of a�w�tion of tho�aecured by tt�lt Soc�ritY I�tn�meat�nuud by I.ender w�ny t�as+or ia intaest
<br />�:�� � of Boirowe.�r�hall not opa�ate w relwe thc llabiliry_otthc odgia�l Borrower or Borrower'i auooeawn in taunst. l.ender
<br /> '-'�'.`-�� sh�U aot be required to ooma�eace pmceedin�s sgunst any suoceaaor in interrst os reflue to extasd dase for pi t or
<br /> o�hnwi�e modify �mo:tit�ulon af t6e�ums acured by thi: Sa;urtty Insuument by reason of�ny denvnd�tha
<br />,,,�� . � eaerci�ing my rigt►t or mnody r6�11
<br />-.;����r,� orlgtaal Borrower or Horrower e euooeaaora ln interest.Any forbeumce by Lender in
<br /> not be a w�iva of or preclude the e�cercix of any rlght or ranedy. ,��v����greauea q of�
<br /> °'���= 12. Succeseo►s pnd�Boundp Jo[nt�nd Sever�l LabWty;C��
<br />___. � S�Wri�Y Insrrumau eb�ll 1nd sad barefit the s�wee�ora �nd �+saigns o3 L�md�r wd Horrarver� �ubject���.
<br /> _�_ p���ty�r�ph 17.Borcower'e ooveaaate a�ud ts eh�ll be 3olnt ind�everal:Any Bomo�er wla
<br /> _1i=y"� tctur�ent but das not execuu tbe i�c�te: �)i��o-sigaiag this Securtry Instiumau od to morta�ge,�t
<br /> � °' t. 1!Uot
<br /> - - - - aad convey that Borrower'e inienst in tbe uader the utma of th9s�vrlty�m�md y�o�r Borro�m�u►yY
<br /> ---—�_�� obligated to pay the sume eecured by thi�Securlty t: and(c�aB�eGS t or tlt�
<br /> ��,:� co exicuu�w�ii�r�far�ar�r.:.,�Xs sa;��r!lnn,e wi�h ud m the teraa of thia Sociuiry Insavma�
<br />-_ °� ote wlttwut that Bornower's conseat. t�s eubject ta R law which�ta tnfujmuat tou►
<br />- - 13. 1.oan C6�rRew. U tLe loui eecured by ibie Saurlt3►Instnm�a a coUected or to M collaxed in
<br />�'��� chugq, uid that law is fin�lly intecpretod ao thHt the Wtexest or other lc►u� c1ur8
<br /> u�
<br /> : oonaxdoa with the loan exoeed the pennittod fiazits� then: (�) uiY euch lot�n chuge ahsU be reduoed hy t�he unount
<br /> _ neasauy to reduce the chuge to the_permitted 1lnritc uid(b)a�Y sums�ra�coAected&om Borrower vVhkh axcoeded
<br /> _---= petmitted IimIts will be refunded to Bormwer. Lender m�y►S1►oose to maice e nfltnd by reduciaQ the prindp*1 aared
<br /> under the Note or by in�king a dlmt paym�nt to Bo:suwa.If a�efuad raduces principd,the reducdon wiU be treatod aa a
<br /> - pudal preptyroeat wlWout wY PnPtY���Be undes the Note.
<br /> 14.NoNces. My itoHa W BOrrower pr�vide�fot 1n.�1'�ri�Y�I,�renc eh�U be.�(veu�y deUverlag ft oe by.
<br /> mdliag it by first claa�m�il uNesa�pplicable law�uires uee of another metheid. 'Aie twtke dui� bc directal w the
<br /> = Frope�ty Addc�or any otber addrea Borrower dalgoztes by aotta to T.�e+�dar. 11ny n�o��a to�Hono�wa Any a�o�a
<br /> fuYC c1��WI to Leader's addrea�st�ted hec+ein or auy other�ddreas Leader desi8n�tee Y
<br /> in th�for in thia Savrlry Iaatrutt►a�t�h�ll be deemed to have boen given to Borrower a J�eoder whea gtvea�o pmvided
<br /> 1�S oyeroln�I,�w=SeverabWty. This Secudty Iatuument�Il b�goveraed bp fedaal l�w�ad tbe law of tbe
<br /> gutitdiction ia wWch the PropertY is located. In the eveat thxt u►y provislon or clwee of thia Secudty Ins�tiuroent or ttu
<br /> — �= Note conflicte with applic�ble law,such eonflict sh�tl aot a�ect other provisians of thie Sec.vdtY I�t�u��or the Note
<br /> ° which c�n be given effax wlthout the wafl{ctlag pmvislnn.To this ead the pcovlaions of thia Saa�rttY In:trumeat md ihe
<br /> ;; Note are cleclared to be reverable. .,
<br /> 16.Borro�nc'�CopY. Borrower ehall beg�ve�a�one confumoed oogY of the Note aaci e�f this Socurly I�t�
<br /> - � 17.Trantfa ot the Propa�ty a a Baae!!du Interat in Bocror�. If all or my 1►� of tbe tProperty or any
<br /> i�atereat In it ia aold or tc�nafercod (or if a beneflcW faurest ia 8orrovYe�is sold o������of�
<br /> - tu�turd pereon)wlthuut Leader'�prlor wdtten cooeeat� Lead�er inay,�t�not be�GCCrc�i�ed by L�eader if exerciee it prohiblced
<br /> sw�exuted by tLls Sec�uity I�oatnnnept,However,thia option ab�l
<br /> -- by federr+l ltw aa of the due af this Securlry Inst�t•
<br /> If Leader exere[Rw this option,Lender shtll give Borrower aotia oF�coeleration.The nodce ihall prc�vide a palod
<br /> - = of not less than 30 dsye from the due We notice is dellverod or mailod withia whictt Borrower muat Qay a11 aium secured
<br /> - - �n,�o� a»o rv�p•4 of 61
<br /> �-� lAf�E16q TiVSTEMS,INC.�6T.ClOUD.MN 6E302 11•l00-397•23411 k�NM MD�1•NE�16/81 � ,�
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