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<br /> •��+� � IncluQin flQOdi or floodin�.for which lxnder requlma inxurux�e. This Inauruticc ehatl be�m�imdned 1n d�o unaunu u�d ---
<br /> for thc pedode ttiu Lender�equlres.Thc tn�urmce curier providin thc insunuxe oh�ll bc cho�en by Hotra�r¢r cubJcct to
<br />..K L�nder•��pprovd which �tll not b� unK�ot�f►�Y wlthheld, If �rrowrr fille to maint�ln covenge dt+cdbed above.
<br /> . , �,e�der nu,y.p Lender'�option,obtdn covrr�e to pmtect I.e+rder'�d4ht�la the Proprriy iu oicr.ordxnoe with pu�,Rc+�p4�
<br /> . 7. licic�md re�ew�l� �hall be�t;ceptat�le ta Letxler uid �h�ll inelude��tandtrd mortg�e cl�use.
<br />:`:;, All iasur�acc po mpt
<br /> Ixndar ehall hsve the��u iw F►x1 ac�wa�l�nodscs. 3n�he ev�eni of l�Bo�zro er�sh�d give promPt notice to�tho insuru�
<br /> _. .."`_ ail receipu at paid pcomi Bocrower. �
<br /> Y carrier�nd L�ender.Lender n�y m�ke proot oP low It not made promptlY bY kd to ratondon or�r
<br /> .:.�..�.i�� Unle���..ender and Borrower otherwi�e��ee in wddnR.inauru�ce proceede al�al!be appl
<br /> -.-: of tbe P[opeRy dunaBed.if the rator�ttoa or npatr te a�onomically feutble�nd l�eadar'a�curlty 1�not les�ened. 1 t!�@
<br /> restoratla► or rep�Ir is not ecoaomfc�lly feu[bie or Lrnder's KcurltY would br le�senai.tlot iesunrtee roceects eh�il bc
<br />-- eAPltod to We swne aecured bY �o�d�oe.+�itywt�new¢r wi�30�d�ye notiar xroos�iLrnderytha t�lu ins�uru�ce carrierlAas
<br />� �,.,�,`'�'' Borrowet ab�ndona the PropectY.
<br /> �� offeced to�ettle�ct�im,then 1.endcr mey a�llect the inauru�ce pr�ocade.l.emrJar irny us�the procads ror�piir or ratorc
<br />:-;;�� the property or to pay sum�securod by tt►i�Security Icsatcummt, whether or twt t�n due. T'l�e 30�day Penod will begin
<br />-;;:� when the aotice ie gtven. er otderwise�gcee in writing,anY�Pplicatioc oi pmceeds to ptincipal�hall not eatend ar
<br />_:., Untess I.endar and BorroW t�refcrred m in ats aphs 1 ania 2 or eh�n�r ctye�et�ount of the p�ynnn�u: U
<br /> ----- gastpone the due 3nta��'f tha ir►eathly payinen P �
<br />:::°;=�� under usgrnph 21 tha ProB�ia scquirai by i�►der���wer�dght co�y iasuru�x policia wd pmceeds reaulting
<br />_' �� from e w tde P�opeRY Pnor to tbe�cqutuici�.�,ehall paae to Lender w tha exteat of the sume kcurcd by this 5ecurlty
<br />_:�::� Inamun�t ately prior to thr acqittsition.
<br /> 6. Occu�wncy P:�en'at'sm, M�[�ttai�use the�Prnp�e�ty � � ���� E�rmwa'� Lann Appllcalloni
<br />:�-.���� L,a�oldo.Borrower shn11 axupy. establish, �s Borcower s pnncip�l resldence witbW siaty daye
<br /> �e Borrower'a principd residesxx
<br />::i� dter the esecutton of thit Securlty Imtnunent u�d eh�ll oontlnue to occupy the Property .
<br /> for at le�st onwiyWheld�or wrless xtenu�g ti wiuw�ca�e whtch u+e beYond3Borrowegs conuol�Borrower�ehRll not
<br /> �°�ly to detedonite, or oommit wate on the Propetry. Borrow�
<br /> _��� destmy�darosge or i�air the Property� tllow[he Pcoperty that in L,ender'e good f�ith
<br /> sb�l1 be in defiult if any forfeiture action or proceedinB,a+hethK civil or criunf�uil, is�g� ��� by this Secudty
<br /> _ udgment could resul+c in forfeiture of the Property or othorwise mueti�llY im�uic h IS� by
<br /> �aurumau or I�edder'a securit�!_�w�.�b�mi�wlth�culing t�atf A�t�der'e B eood�feitroh idet ierml atiuon�Precluda•
<br /> �__1,�' cauaing the'action Or,proaYa�nB . or o•.her,muerlal �p xumrnt of�he liea c�ated by�thia Securlty
<br /> fotfelture di the'Bomower's intereat'itt the Propeccy Ifcuton procas�
<br /> _�� �t or I.endec'n eecurlry interest.Borrowes ehall also be iu default if$orrbwec',durinng the�lou►�PP
<br />�;..�.�� �ve �ruteddly ftlse or inaaurate information or statemeate to�ui ding b t not limlted to�repreaentatiow c�roaoan�n�
<br />,r��� �:�tatt�al i�c�g�•���n with the lo�n uvldenCed by the Note, �
<br /> Borrower'�ocwp�cy o f t h e P r o�r c y�s a p d n c[p�l r e a i 0 e n o e.If���to the Ptnpeity. t he 1«s e b u l d a n d t h e a t t t l e
<br /> coa�ply with�11 the pmviaions of the le�se. If Borrower�cqutres
<br /> ---- s t u U not merge ualess I�eader agroea to t b e merg e r i a w r l t i n g.
<br /> 7. Protation o[Leader'�RiQ6ts in the Propedy. If Borrower fiilo to pedann the coveawts and
<br /> containod in tble Securlty Insuu�t, er there is a legd pcooeedin8
<br /> that may ai ficu►tly�ffect L�ender'e d u ia lLe
<br /> — propcety (auch�s a proceodln8 in bankcuptaY.probate.for condeann�tton or forfe ture or to aif�ocoe l�r�e d���oia h�c
<br /> - thhcn t�ersder mty do aad pay for whatever i�noceasarY to protoct d�ee vdue of tl�e Property
<br /> prope�ty. I.ender'e acdonu may include p�ying �ny sum� aecured by a lien'whidi h�'p�on��o�����u�
<br /> ����,� g in ooure� p�yin8 reasonable attomeys'feq ead atteriug oa the PtopertY .
<br /> ��Mye action under th�s �erPunder thie Pu'agraph 7 ohall become addidoml debt of Borrowa eecured by this
<br /> amouats dlsbunod by h
<br />– Securtty Ya�tnuneat.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tecm9 of paymn►t,these amounte st�ill ba�r intereat from
<br /> – thc d�te of dlabursement u tt►e Nott rate smd sholl be pryable, with interest, upon notta from Lender to Botrowa
<br /> ..� ��E�=�t� Ina�rana. If Lmder required mortgage inaurance u a oonditioa of m�kinB the losn securai by this
<br /> 8.Mort�Agc
<br /> Security Instrurrxnt. Borroaer eh�ll pay the premiums ro4uired to maintain the taortgage insut�ace in effect. If, or aay
<br /> :aaon, the moRgage insuruice oovenge 'equirai by Lender l�pses or ceases to be in effec i���effect�la�i con
<br /> premi�ms requ1red to obtatn covenge aubstantially equivalent to the uartgage inaurance prev Y
<br /> substutially eqaivdeat W the cost to Borrawer of the mortgage insurauoe pnvtously in effoct. from�n altemate mortg�ge
<br /> 9nstirer apptoved•by Lmder:If substantiillyc�utvarnt mdrtgage Insurance'ooverage ie aot�vailtble,Bo:rower ahall p�y
<br /> ta L.eadtr�each mbnW a sura eqwl to o�e•twelfth of the yeuly mortgAge inaurance p[+emlum being p�id by Borcower wben
<br /> the i�aur+u�ce covet: e lapsod or oeisod to be i�effec��ndenoWOnger�b�e�•required� at th opaopa�of�t�endaA if murtg�ge
<br /> ia tieu'of rcibrtg"age�nanrance.�Cia� resen`e pa3R°ea rovided by an u�surer npprovod by LeiW�er
<br /> ;nsunncC caverage(in the atnount and for the penod that L,ender requ9res) p
<br /> agu� n becoma availai�le uid is bbtained. Boirnwer shill pay the premturnv rc9vired ro maintain mortg th an�y w�rltten
<br /> ------ ���,�r betpwandBormweriand Lende o appli�cable l�t for mortgagt instuan�x ends in�td�t�ce� rp�►3 ot sl
<br /> -— =; �grament � n _I,
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