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20120G36� <br />hereinafter referred to as the "Temporary Construction Easement" as depicted on Exhibit "B" <br />hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant such Permanent Flood Easement and Temporary <br />Construction Easement to the Grantee, its successors and assigns for the purposes of <br />constructing, maintaining, repairing, operating, patrolling, and replacing a flood control dam and <br />related structures to be situated in the bounds of the Permanent Flood Easement, subject to the <br />condition that all obligations herein required are performed; <br />THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is agreed: <br />1. Convevance of Easements. For and in consideration of One Hundred Thirty- <br />Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Eighteen Dollars and No/100 ($133,818.00) and other good and <br />valuable consideration, the Grantor hereby grants and conveys unto the Grantee, its successors <br />and assigns, the Permanent Flood Easement and Temporary Construction Easement upon those <br />parcels of real estate as described in the recitals above. <br />2. Obli�ations of Grantee. Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, shall: <br />(a) ensure that all spoil areas are covered with topsoil, seeded and mulched; <br />(b) ensure that noxious weeds and tree growth in the waterway will be <br />sprayed on an annual basis with the understanding that routine <br />maintenance may be performed by Grantee or its co-sponsors, the City of <br />Grand Island and Hall County; <br />(c) replace any fencing that is removed during construction with four (4) <br />barbwire strands with steel posts to be spaced at a distance of sixteen and <br />one-half (16.5) feet; <br />(d) ensure the dam and emergency spillway will be fenced with four (4) <br />barbwire strands with steel posts to be spaced at a distance of sixteen and <br />one-half (16.5) feet to keep livestock off of the dam and emergency <br />spillway; <br />(d) cause all construction equipment, construction materials, and foreign <br />materials of whatever kind or description, not part of the completed <br />floodway system are removed from Grantor's real estate to the Grantor's <br />satisfaction; <br />(e) shall ensure that, upon completion of the project, all construction <br />equipment, construction materials, and foreign materials of whatever kind <br />or description not a part of the completed project are removed from <br />Grantor's real estate to Grantor's satisfaction. <br />3. Obligations of Grantor. Grantor, its heirs, successors and assigns, shall: <br />(a) not allow livestock to graze on the Permanent Flood Easement Dam and <br />Emergency Spillway area following the completion of the construction of <br />said dam and spillway; <br />(b) be required to maintain fencing, that will be supplied by Grantee in <br />accordance with Section 2(d) of this Agreement, to prevent intrusion by <br />livestock into said Permanent Flood Easement Dam and Emergency <br />Spillway area; and <br />(c) not allow any structures, buildings, or other property of any kind <br />whatsoever, to be erected, constructed, placed, stored or accumulated in, <br />up, above, along, over, across, or through the easement herein granted. <br />4 <br />
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