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<br /> !. H�sad or PropaMy Imurmce, liarmwor�hdl keep the improvomente now exieting or hereaftar eroctod an °
<br /> the Property insurod���iiu+t lc�u+by tire,hr�ur�included within the term"oxtendod coverage" and any other hnzerde,
<br /> tncludinQ iloGda ar tloodin�,tpr whlch I,endet royulra+inRUt��nco.'Thie tnauranca shall ba maintaincd in the emounte
<br /> end tor the geriods that L.endcr requ(ren,'i'he inaur�nce c�rrter providin�the insuranco ahall be ahosan by Borrower
<br /> eubject to L.c,ndec'a appraval whieh ehnll not he unreuiontbly withhold.l[Borrowor[aila to maintain coveraga described .�-
<br /> �bove, Londer m�y,at I..endor'n optlan,abuln caver��o ta pmtoct I.ender's rIghta in tha Praperty in accordnnco with
<br />: par�Qnph?.
<br /> All inaurance policie��nd renow�le e�h�ll be�ccepteble t,� [.ondar snd ehell includa a standard�mo pageEc.11euse.
<br /> I.ender ehall have the right to hold the 1ic1eA md reneN�le. If Lender roquires, Barcowor ahall om tl ve to
<br /> Lender ell rxeipte ofp+�td pramiume end renew�l naticee.In the ovent of lose,Borrower ahall give prompt notico to the
<br /> insutenco carctor e�nd L.eade�.l.ender may m�ko prooi ot Ic�ee it not made promptly by Barrowar.
<br /> Unlese I,ender and Borrower otherwiee a�teo in wrlttn�,insunnce proceede ahnll ba applied eo rest�ration ar rapair _
<br /> ai tho Proporty d�m��ed�it the reetoration or roWir Ie xonomictlly fwaible and Lendar'e securlty is not leasened.Ii the
<br /> restoratlon or repair ie nat xoaomically teaeible or I.ender e eeaurity would be leseened,tho insuranca proceeda ehall bo
<br /> applied w the sume Becurad by thie 6ocurity Inetrumdnt,�vhether or not thon duo,with any axase paid to Borrower.Ii
<br /> Botrower al�ndone the Proporty�or doee not�nawer within 30 dsye a nottce from Lendnr that the insurance carrier hae
<br /> oKerod w eottlo a clatm, th eume�eecured by thie 6acurity Inetrument,�wheth r or�not hen dua'fhe 30-day periad wlll
<br /> rosWro the Propert�r or to p�Y
<br /> bo�in when tho notiCe ie Qivan. `
<br /> LJnlees l,ender and Borrr�wer otherwise��ree in wdtin ,�ny�ppllcatlon oi�rocoede to principel ahail not extend or
<br /> poetpone the due dato af the monthly p�ymente roterra!to�np�raQraphe 1�nd 2 or chcnge the amount oi tha pnymonte. —
<br /> Yf uader pau�caph 21 the Property ie �cquired by I.ander, Horrower's rlght to sny insuranca poliv�i�and procade —_
<br /> . resultina imm d�ma�e to the Propercy prior to the�cquieittan sh�ll p�es w Lendcr to the extont oi tha suma secured by
<br /> thie Seaurity Insuument immodiauly prior to tho�cquieition, � y�
<br /> G.Occupanay�Pre�erv�tioa,M�inten�nce�nd Protectioa oi the Pro rt Borrowar's Laan A�plication;
<br /> La�o�►old�.Bonower ehdl occupy,eetablieh,and uee tho Property�n Borrower'e pdncipnl resldonce withdn slYty days !
<br /> n
<br /> after tho execution of thie Secu�(ty Inexrumont md eh�Q continue to occupy the Property es Banawer's principel �`:
<br /> reeidence for at laet one yau'atter the date of occupanoy,unleea I.ender otherNdee a�roes�n wdting,wh�ch consent shell
<br /> not be unreaeoa�bly withheld�or unla�s oxtonwtin�ctraumeuncee exiet which are beyond Borruwar'A control.Borrower
<br /> `t shdl nat destroy�dam��o or imp�it ehe E'raperty,�Ilow the Pruperty w deterIor�te,or comx�it waete on the Froparty.
<br /> ��'� Borrawer ehdl oo ia�iai�uit if:ss��QStsittstt a^-'!�n^r�'!^�'-6°d�na,whather civil or crim�nal.ie begun that in l.andar's
<br /> ; �ood ieith judgment could tesult In fortoituro of the Pcuperty a�othenviee materially impair the lies,cron4ed by tAle
<br /> Security Inatrument or Lender's eecurity 9nterast. Borroa�er m�y curo eu►:h � dotwlt u►d reinatatn� s� �rovidod in
<br /> pangr�ph 18, by caueinQ the action or proceedinQ to be diRmieeed with � rultn� that, in Lender's gaod feith
<br /> . determinattun,precludee torieitun oi the BorroMOr'e intereet in tha Property or other materid imp�irment oi the ltem
<br /> •� era,ted by thie Securlty Inetrumentar Lander'e seaurlty intereet.Borrawer eh�ll deo be in detault it Bortower�during
<br /> ' the loin �pplicatlon proceee� g�vo m�tecidly i�lee or inaccur�te intormation or eutemente to L,ender (�r failod to
<br /> �' prov�de L,ender.vith any matertal intormatton)3n connxtion Mith the lan evidenced by the Note�inolpding,but not
<br /> limited to,repreeent�tions concernln�Borrowo►.'e occupancy of the Propersy�e� principal resIdenca. It�t3ua Security
<br /> Instrument is on a leasehold.Borcower eh�ll wmply with a1l the provIetone oi the laee.It$orroMa aequiros fae title to
<br /> the Pruperty.the le�sehold and the{ee title shill not mer�e unleee I.ender r�rees to the ma�ec'in wrlting.
<br /> � 7.Prateetioa oi Lender'e Ai=htr in the Pruperty.If Borrower laila ta pertonn the covenu�te nnd�greements
<br /> } contsiaed iu thie Sxurity Inatrument�or thero te a lo�l proceedtn�that m�y et�nittc�ntly affect Lender's righta in the
<br /> . property (euah ea s proceoding In b�nkruptcy, probate, tor condemnttion or torfeiture or to eniurce l�we or ,
<br /> ,� reQulations),then Leac�'msy do�nd psy tor Mhatover is naxee�ry to proteet the vdue oi the Proparty and l.euder's ,
<br /> � ri�hts in the Property. Loader's acttone m�y inelude p�yinQ any eume eeaured by �lien whieh tue priority aver thie
<br /> ;t Securtty Instrusnont,apparing in court,paying reesornble attornsye'�eee md enterin4 Qn the Property to make ropairs.
<br /> .A�thouQh Lcader m�y tako action unda thie p�aQraph 7,Lender doee not have to d�ec�.
<br /> Any amounte diebureed by Lender undcr thie pare�raph�shtll lxcome�dditinn�l debt ot$orrower ceaured bq thie
<br /> Seaurity Instrument.Unless Borrower and I.ande�agroe to other terms nt p�ymene,theeo amounte etull bear interess
<br /> from tho data of disbursement at the Noto rate and ehall be p�yable,+vith interat,upc�n notioo tmm Lender to Br�srower
<br /> � requestia8 P�Ymeat.
<br /> . 8.Mort=a=e Ineuru►co.Ii Lender re4uIred mort���e insur�nco re�cand{don oi m�idng the loan exurod by th�s .
<br /> Sxurley instrument,Borrower eh�ll p�y the premtume required to m�intain the mort�i�e ineur�nce in efixt.Ii�for any
<br /> season, the mort�age tnsurance covertge requirod by Lender ispeee or caiees to bo in etCeat,Borrower ehall p�y tho
<br /> prem{ume required to obtain covora�e eubsuntielly equlvalont ta the marts��e insuranee prevlously in effect,at a cost
<br /> I; aubstentielly oquivalant to the coat to Borrower of tlio mortQaQe ineurance proviouely in eiixt, from an alternate
<br /> ' mortgage tnsurer approved bY Lender. 1f subetentielty equ{valant mort���e ineunnco covenQe ie not availnble.
<br /> Borrowar ehsll pay to Lender each month a sum oqual to one-taeltth of the yarly mort���o ineunnee promlum being
<br /> peid by Borrower whon the inaurtnce coveage lapsod or ceasod to be in ot�eot.I.endsr will accapt,uae and retain these _-
<br /> peymenta es a loes reservo in iieu ot mortgage ineucance. Lcxie reatrve p�ymonte mny no lortger be required,
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