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<br /> 97_ i�7584
<br /> TOG�'I'HBR WITH all the imgrovomente now or hereeitcr orocted an tha pra y, �nd dl waemont�,
<br /> appurtsnances, and fixtures now or hereafter a pirt ot the property.All replacaments�nd�dd tione nhall dno be cnvered
<br /> by thie Secudty Instrument.All of the faregoing ie refercod to Jn thie Socurity Inetrument�e th�"Property."
<br /> BORROWEIt COVENAN'TS thet Borrower ie lawiully ayieed of the estato hereby canveye�d md hsn tho ri�l�t to =
<br /> grent end oonvoy the Property nnd thet the Property ie unencumberod,oxcept �ar encumbnnce�nt recnrd, l�u�ruwo�
<br /> wacrante end will daiend gcncrally the tltle to tho Progerty ngninot nll cleima nnd demend9,eubjxt t��Nny onoumbr�nceh �
<br /> of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cAmbines uniform covenenta ior aatIon�l use md non-unifarm caven�ntn wltl►
<br /> limitod vartations by'urIediction to constltute a uniform eeaudty instrument coverin�real property.
<br /> YJrIIFORM CO�NAIVTS.Horcower and I.ender covenent ind agree as Io11oNe:
<br /> l.Paymoat of Principil and Iatorest;Prapsqmoat�nd L�te Ch�rRea. Bnrrowor nhall�romptly p�y whon d�b
<br /> the prtncipel ot and interest on tho debt evidencod by the Nate and nny prapsyment and l�te ohar�es due under the Noto.
<br /> Z,Fuads for Taxes and Ia�ur�ace.Subjoct to sppliable lav�or to a aritten waivor by I.er►dar,I3o�rowar�h�ll
<br /> y to Londer on tho day monthly payments are d►»undor the Note,untll the Note Is pid'rn tull��eum("FunQe")(ar:
<br /> �)yearly taxes end essesements which may attaia pdority over thia Seautlty Instrument ae a lien on tho Property;(b)
<br />; yecrly leaachold paymente or ground renta oa the Property.tt eny; (c� yearly hsz�rd ar properey inaunnce premjume;
<br /> (d)yeuly ilood insurence premiume,ii any;(e�yearly mortgage inaursnce promiume,if any;�nd(t) my eume pay�ble
<br /> bq Borrower to Lender.in acoardence with the provieions of pangraph 8,in liou oi the p�yment of mnrtQ��e ineurmee
<br /> pratt�iuma.These items ere celled"Escrow Items."Lender mny,at�ny time,colleot and hold Funde in�n�mount not
<br /> ' W eYCeed the miximum emount a londor far a fodernlly related mortgage loan may require to� Hormwer'e eeoroa -.
<br /> account under the fodertl Real Eatnte Settlemant Pracedures Act oi 1974 as smended irom ttme to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> Seotion 2601�t se�q.�"�1'A"),u�lese another law that�Qplies to the Funds sete s la�eer amount.It eo�Lender mty.
<br /> at sny tima,collxt md hald Funds in an nmAUnt not to exceed the lesser amount.Lender mey esttm�te the amount at
<br /> . Fuads due on the b�sie ot cunont daU and reasonabla eetlmttee of o:pend�tures oi future Eecrow Iteme or otherxiee in
<br /> atcardence with appltcsble law.
<br /> The Punde ahall be held in en instltu�ioa whoso depaeito are irisured by t fedenl��ency,inetrumentality,or entity
<br /> (inaluding Lasider.it I..endor ie such an inetitution�or in nny Foderal Home Loan Bank.Lender shdl apply tho Funde to
<br /> . pay the P.scroa Items.Lander may not chnrge Borrawer for holding and epplying the Funde, atuttully malyzin�the
<br /> escrow eccouat,or verifyIng the Eecrow Iteme,unlese Lender p�ya Horroaer intereat on the Funda and applictble law
<br /> permite I.ender to make such a cherge. Howover, I.ender m�y roquite Borruwer to pay a one-time charQe [or an
<br /> independeat real estate uz reporting eervice us�d by Lcnder in conneatton wIth thie lwn,unlena appltctble la�►pcovidee
<br /> otherNiee.Unlea an a�rreement ie m�do or applicabic la� iaqu(r'W lntsr�t ta��id,L..^�dsr°.ku!! ssQE�s'!��'!ls+a�!� �
<br /> p�y Borrower any intereat or eatninga on the Fundn.Borrower end Lender msy a�ree in wrlting�howovar,th�t interoet _
<br /> sha11 be pnid on tho Funds.Lend�r shall�ive w Banower,without charge�an annual�ccountln�ot tha Funda,ehoNin�
<br /> credite and doblts to the Funds and the purpose for whioh eich debit to the Funde was made.'Tho Funde ue pled�ed�e
<br /> additional eecurity for sll sume Becured by thie SecurIty inetivment.
<br /> It the Funds held by Londer oYCeed the smounte permitted to be held by�ppiicable law,Lender ehsll account to
<br /> ` $arrowor for the excese Funds in accordance with tho requitemonis oi appltcable law.It the amount ot the Punds held
<br /> � by Leader�t any time ie aot suificient to pay the F.ecmw Items when due.Londer m�y eo notity AorroMer in MrItin�,
<br /> '! and.in euch case BorroNer ehall pay to Laad..-r the amount nece�ry to meke up the doftclency.AorroMer ehull m�1ce
<br /> �.� up the deiidency in no mare than twelve monthly paymente,st Lender's eole diecretton.
<br /> 3 Upon payment in tull ot all sums eocured by this SecurIty Instrument,I.ender sh�11 promptly re{und to BortoNer
<br /> ' �ay Funda held by I.�ader.It, under pera�reph 21, L.onder ehdl acquIte or sell the Pmpetty, Landa', prlor W the
<br /> �cquieitIoa or e�lo o!the Property,shall apply eny Funds held by I,ender at the time of acquIsitton o�e�lo�e a credtt
<br /> � ��ainat the suma exured by thie Security Instrument,
<br /> 4 3.�lpplic�tion oi Paymeate.Unleae applicable law provides otherwieo,dl paymonte recetvod by Lendo�under
<br /> p�ra�r�pha 1 sad 2 shslt be�ppliod:first,to sny prepaqment char�es duo under the Note;exond,to emounts psy�ble
<br /> ; under par��raph 2;third,to Interest due;fourth,to prlaalpal due;and lest,to u�y l�te ehar�due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�rser, Lieaa. Honowar shnll pay all taYes, es�essmonte,ch�r�ee,tinee and tmpoeitione attdbutable to the
<br /> �� Property �hich m�y atuin priority ovar this Secutlty Instrument,and leasehold p�yments ar Qrnund ronte, it my.
<br /> Borrower ehall psy these obligatsons in tho muiner provIded in piraQnph 2, or ii not p�id in thRt muiner�Borro�rer
<br /> eh*i!p�y them on time directly to the pereon owed gaym�nt.Borrower shall promptly furnieh to Lender�11 nottoa of
<br /> amounte to be�paid under thia p�ragraph.If Borrower makes these paymente diroctly,Borro�er eh�ll psomptly turnieh
<br /> to I,ender receipts evideacing tho psymenta.
<br /> • BorroNOr eY�all promptly diea}urgo any lien which hea prlority ovor thte Securlty Instrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br /> a�in wrl�tin to the psymcnt of the obligatIon secured by the lien in a maaner acceptabin to Lendet; (h)conteete In
<br /> good ttith the l�en by.or defende against eniurcement of the lien in, IeYal proceedin�e which in tho Lender'e opitaion
<br /> ' oper�te to prevent the oaforcoment of tho lien;or (a) secur�trom the holder ot the lien an�greement eati�t�ctory to
<br /> Landes subordinating tho lien to thie Security Instrumont.It Lender dotormines that eny per�c of tho Propetty{e subject
<br />- to a lIen which may sttain prtority over thiB Socurity Instrument,Londer may give Born�wer a nottce identttyin�tho
<br /> . iion.Bormwer ehell satisty the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth abovo w�thin 10 daye of the�ivin�oi
<br /> notice.
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