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201206312 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the aznounY of the sepnnntely designatcd payments that were dne when the <br /> inFuranc;c wverage ceayed to Ue in e4fect. Lender�=rill accept, use and retarn these payineiats as a <br /> non-refnndable loss rescrvc in lieu of Mortgage Instu'auca. Such loss reserve shall bc non-i�efiuidable, <br /> notwithstnndiag the fact th1C the Lo�n ie ultimatoly paid in ftiill, and Lender ehtill not be reqiured to pay <br /> Borrower any iuterest or eazninga on euch loss reserve. Lendcr cait no ]otiger i�equire loss reaerve payme�it;g <br /> iPMortgage InsLira�ce coveraga(in the aanount and for the period [l�at I,endcr requires)provided by an <br /> insurer seleoted Uy Le�idcr again Uccomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires scparatcty designated <br /> p[t}nnents toward the premiuins for MorCgage Insivance. If Lender required Mortgage Insw•[�nce as a <br /> condition of inaking Uie Loan axid Borrower was requixed to make separatcly designated payments toward the <br /> prenuums For Mortgabe[�Lsurance, Borirower shall pay the premiuma required to maintain Mortgage <br /> Insuranoe in ePPect, or to providc a non-refmidaUle loss reserve, until L ender'a requirement for Mortgage <br /> lnsura�ice euds in accordance with any written ngreement be�ween Borrower and LenBer providing for such <br /> termination ox until tennivatiou ie required hy Applic�ble I,aw. Nolhit�g in this Section 10 atf'ects <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay intarest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insuranca reiu�bm'sas Laudar (or any entity that purchases [he Noke)for ccrCain iC may inoLu' <br /> if Borrower ciocs not re��ay N�e Loan as a6n-eed. T�orrower is noti a pza•ty to the Moxtgage�Insurzncc. <br /> Morfgage insurccs evaltitate tlteir total rislc on atl suoh insurance in force fi•om Lime to Citue, nncl n�ay�cntcr <br /> into ageements with other parfies Lhat share or inodify their risk, or reduce losses. These agreementa nre on <br /> tatms and conditions that Are saYisPactory to the 1nortga�e inenrer ancl the ollicr party(or p�trtiee)to Uiese <br /> agrcc�no�its.'fhese agreeinents may require the mortigage insm�ar to innite paymenCs using any source of funds <br /> that fhe morCgagc insurer may havc available(which may include funds obYained from Mortgage Insaranco <br /> �remiiuns). <br /> As a resull of thesc agrccmcnts, Lcndcr, any purchaser of the Note, aziotiher insurer, any rein.stver, avy other <br /> antity, or any affiliate of any o�f fhe focegoing, may rcceivc(dircctly or nidirecCly) ainomrts that derive from <br /> (or might be characterized as) a poction of Barrower's payments Eor Moregage Instuance, tn excl�ange f'or <br /> sharing or mad'rfyittg the mortgabe insm'er's risk, or reclucing lasses. If such ngreement proaides that ai� <br /> affiliate of Lender tiakes a ahare oP Che iusurer's risk in exchangc Por ��hara of Cha preitvuma paid to fhe <br /> insurar, th�arran�einent is often terined°eaptive reinsurenoe." I'urlher: <br /> (a) Any such agreeinents will nut:�ffuct the t�mo�uits tlint Borrower lias agreed (�n pay for Mortgage <br /> Ineurance, nr any oCher#erms of the Loan. Such agreeinents n�ll not increase the aruoanl <br /> Borrower will owe for MorCgnge Inaurauce, ax�d fhey will not entitle Borrowcr to any refand. <br /> (b) Any 9uch agreements wlll not affect the rights Borrower has-if any-witli respecL� tn Che <br /> Mort�nge Hisiu��nce nncler tlie Hoineownerfi ProCeetion Act uf 19)8 or any other law. These righls <br /> mxy inclndc the right to rceeive cortain disclosures, to reqnesC and obt�in�csncell;�tion of tho <br /> NIarCgnge Insur:mce, to hxve the Mortg�ige Insnranco twntivated antmuaticallq, and/or to ceceive <br /> a refnnd of nny llortgage Insm•ance premintns fha{were nne:uned s�l tlic time of'encl� <br /> cancellatimi or terminntion. <br /> 17. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscellaneous Procceds are hereUy assigned to <br /> ai�ic�ahall bo pe�id to Lender. <br /> IP til�c ProperEy ie daanaged, such Miscellaneous Proceuls shflll be apglied ln resUorafion or repair of tihe <br /> Proper(y, if tihc restoration a�repair is economically feasible and Lender's seonrity ie not]csscned. Duriug <br /> such repair 2nd restoraCion period, L�,n�dor sl�all have tho rig1rt to hold such Miecellaneous Prooeeds until <br /> Lendex hes had �n opportunity to inspect such Proper6y uo ensuro the work h�ts been crnnpleted to Lendex's <br /> 24007665 <br /> NEBF243KH-bingle Famlly-Fennle MaelFreddie Mac 11NIFORM INSTRUMENT Fo�m 3028�101 <br /> �M P O^ Vbl P6�NE)(11061 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnenclel Servlcas Page 9 0!17 <br />