<br /> in the Property ancl righGs tmder tl�is Sccurity Insh'wn�nt, and(d)takes such action ea Lender may
<br /> reasouably require to aseure that Lender'a inLerest in Che Property and i'ights under this Security Instrument,
<br /> and]3orrower's obligation to�ay Yhe sums secured by this Security H�shlm�ent, �l�all continue wichanged.
<br /> Le��der may requiro thati B�rrower pay siich reinstatemeirt sums and expenses in one or more oP tl�e following
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a) oash; (b)u�oncy ordci; (c) oertified check, Uaiik check, trensurer's cheolc or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any sach eheck is dxawn upon an insliluCion whose deposifs era insured Uy a
<br /> fcdcr�l agcncy, insm m�entality or entity; or(d)Electrouic Funds Trnnefer. Upon reinstafeincnt hy Rorrower,
<br /> Lhis SernviCy His4rument and obligations ecctiued herebq sl�all remain fully effsotive ns if no Acoelerafion]�ad
<br /> occurred. IIowever, this right to reinsfafe shall nof apply iu thc casc of acceleratlon under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a p�rti�l interest in che
<br /> Nota(together with this Security Tnstrument) can be�sold one or more[imes without prior notico to
<br /> Borrower. A sale inight result in a chui�e in(he enUty(laiowu as the 'Zoan Servlcer") that colleefa Pcriodic
<br /> PaymenCs duc undcr t1ic�Nokc and this Svcurify Insremnent and perfornis other mortgage loen servicing
<br /> obligetiona under the Note, this Securily viafnnnai�C, and Applica6le Law. 'I'here a15o might Ue one or mare
<br /> changes oF the Loan Servicer umelated W a sale of the Note. If there ie n chnnge of che Loan Sorvicer,
<br /> Borrower will Ue given written notice of the change wfiich will state tihe name and eddress of the new Loan
<br /> Servieer, Cha address tu whioli payments eho�ild Uc madc and any otl�er ii2formaYion RESPA requires in
<br /> connection with a uotice of trnnsfer ol'servicing. I£[he NoCa ia solei nnd thcrc;nftcrr tho Loan is seiviced by a.
<br /> Loau Saivicer other flian Yhe purchaser of tl�e Note, the mortgage loan servioing obligations [o Borrc�wer will
<br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or ba t�ansferred to a succassor Loau Servicer and nre siot Aseumed by fhe
<br /> Notc�p�u'chaser unlcss otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. �
<br /> Neither Rorrowe��nor l,ender may commeuce, join, or be,joined fo auy juclioial action(as either an
<br /> individualliCiganC or Che ineinber o£a class) that tuises �from the ofl�cr party's actions pursnant to this
<br /> Security Pnstrwnent or theC�Ileges YhaY the othar party lu�s breached any provision o£, or any ciuly owui Uy
<br /> reason of, tlus Security Histruinent, tiintil such Ron�owe�•or I,ender hae notified tha oYher puty(with suoh
<br /> nofice given in eom�lianee with ihc rccluire�nc�nts of SeeLion I S)of suel� alle6ed breach and affordecl the
<br /> other party hereto a reasouaUle period flfter the giving qf such notice to tnke correcCive�ofion. If ApplicaU1e
<br /> Law provides a tiine period wluch must elapse before certain action oa�i be taken, Yhat Eiixie period will 6e
<br /> dcemed h�be rezeonable for purposes of this paragraph, 'l'l�e notice of aaceleration and opportuuity Ya cure
<br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the uotice of acceleration given to Borrower pursunne to
<br /> Section 18 shall Ue deeined to safisfy the notice a�id opporhuiity Co Cake oonective nction provisious o£ttris
<br /> Scction 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substanees. As used in thie Section 21: (a) °Hazardou,s S'ub,staf2c�s" are diose substancas
<br /> cie�Cined ae toxic or hazaxdons siibslances, �olluCants, or wasles by L'�nviromnental Law aiid tha following
<br /> subsYances: gasoline, kerosene, other Ittumr��ble or toxic petraleum products, toxic pestioides and herbicides,
<br /> vol�tile solvents, materials oontalning asUestos or formaldehyde, and raciioactive malerials; (U)
<br /> "L'nvtronmental Law"nieai�s Pederal laws and lawe aP Lhe jurisdic4ion wl�aro thc Property is located that
<br /> xelate W health, s�fety or enviromnental protection; (c) "Environmenla! Cleanup" inolude.s nny respovso
<br /> action, remedial netion, or removal actioii, as detined in�nviromnental Law; and(d) an "E'nvtrorinaeratal
<br /> Cor:ditton"means a condition that can oanse, contriUute to, or otherwise trigger au Enviromnental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sliall not cause or perinit the presence, usa, dispos:�l, storage, or rele�se of nny IIazazdous
<br /> Substances, or tl�reateii Yo releflse any Hazttrdous S�il�stancae, on ox in thc I'roperty. I�orrower sl�all not do,
<br /> i3or allow anyone else fo dq anyt�lvug affeoting the Pro�exty(a) LhnC is in violaCion of any I+,nvironmental
<br /> Law, (b)which creates An Envirovmeutal Condition, or(c) which, due to Yhe presence, use, or relense oP a
<br /> Hazardous Subst�ance, creates a condition that adverscly affccty the value of t1ie ProperGy. The preceding two
<br /> 24001b0G
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sln91e Family-Fznnie Mae/F�edtllo Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1MF.NT Form 3020 1701
<br /> VMP OO VMPB(NE)(1105)
<br /> Woltere I(luwer Flnanclal5ervlces Pege 13 of 1!
<br />