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201206312 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. L+xtension of the tiine i'or pa}nnent or <br /> modification of'aznartizetion of the sums seotrred Uy this Sectuity IusCrmnent gcanted by Lcndor to 13orro�er <br /> or any S�wceesor in [nterest oF Borrower shatll not operate Co rdcase the liaUility of Borxower or amy <br /> Successors in Hi4ereat of Borrower. l,ender shall aot L�e required to commcncc proceedings against any <br /> Successor in Interest o£Boxxower or to rofuse to exfend Cime for payment or otherwiso moclify amortisation <br /> of t�he sums secured by thie Security InstriunenC by reasc�n ��f any deinand inade by the original Boxrower or <br /> any Succcssors in Interesf of Borrower, tlny Yoibeaxpnce by Lender in oxercieing any right or remedy <br /> inoluding, withouC liiniYa�ion, Lendw's acceptai2ca oPpaymente from thirdpersons, �n6ties or Sueeassors in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in n�nounCe less tl�an fl�o�nourrt flie�i due, shall not be n waiver of or prcclude the <br /> exercise of a�iy right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants auCl <br /> agreeY tUat Borrower's obligations and liAbility shall be joint�nd saveral. However, �uiy Borrower who <br /> co-eigns this Scourity fnstrumeut Uut does not execufe the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) i+; eo-�igning tbis <br /> Seeurity Inefrumenf only Yo inortgage, �,�'ant ancl convey the co-signer's interest in the Property undcr tlie <br /> terms oP Ylils Security Instrumenr, (b) ie noC personally obligatcd to pay the stuns secured Uy this Seourity <br /> 1nst�ument; and(c) agrees tliaf Lender and eny oYher Borrower oan�ngre;c;to cxtc��d, modily, f'orhear or make <br /> any accoint�odatione with rcgard to the te�zns of this Securitiy Instrument or the Nake withont t7�o co-siUmar's <br /> conaent. <br /> Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Succcssor in Ititerest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's <br /> obligakions under this Security Instruu�ent in writing, �nd is aF�provcci Uy l,ender, sh�ll obtaiu all of <br /> f3orrower's cights aaid UenafiCs under this Security Instnin7ent. Borrower �hall not Ue released from <br /> Borrower's obligatiouy and liabiliky iuider fhis Secw'ity Instrtunent unlass Lender agXees to such rclense ii� <br /> v✓riting. The oovei�ian6�s and agreemcnis c�f Yl�is Security Jtzsf�ument shall biud (except�a provided in Sectiari <br /> 20) and bene&t the successors and assigis oPLender, <br /> 1 A. Loan ChaYges. Lender may charge Aorrower fees for services pc�rformed in covnectioil with Borrower'a <br /> default, for the purpose of protecting Lendar's interest 3n the Property eaid righCs imdcr tl�is Seczuity <br /> InsCrwnenC, including, but not li�nitcd to, attomeys' fees, propertiy inspection and valuation fee,4. Iu ragard tio� <br /> any oEher£ees, the aUsenoe of expxese�ulhority in Chis Secm•ity Instrument to cl�aega ct specific Pee ta <br /> Borrower shall not be eonsYiued a.s a prohibifion on the charging oP such fee. Lender may voT cl�arga f'ees <br /> tihaC are expressly prohibitcd by tl�is Sco�trity Inyt��tiunent or by A�licable <br /> If thc Loen is subjc,�t to a 7aw w6icli �ets tnaximwn loau chargas, and that l�w is finnlly inCeipre��ecl�o that <br /> the interest ox other loan�charges colle�;tcd or to bo cc>llected in comiection with the LoAn exceed the <br /> parmitYed li�niCs, then: (a) any such loan oharge shall be reduced by the amount necessaiy tio reduca the <br /> charge to the permitted limit; and (U) �iy stuns already collacted from IIorrower wlaich cxcceded permitted <br /> lili�ids will 6e refunded to ]3orrower. Lcnder rnay choose to malce this ref'und Uy reducing the principal owed <br /> uuder the Note or by making a clirect pnyinenc to Borrower. IP a refuixl reduces��rincipal, the reduction will <br /> Ue treaSed as a partiRl I�repayinent withottt any prepayuient cherge(whether or noC a pre��ayme�rt charge is <br /> pinvided for undcr tUo NoEc), l3c�n�ower's acceptance of airy such refund made by direot paymenC Co <br /> Borrower will conetitute a wniver of any righC�f action 13orrowcr inight have arising out of such overoharge. <br /> 15. Notiees. All notioes given by Borrower or Lender in conncctiou with tl�is Sectu'iYy Inshvment niust 6e in <br /> writing. Any noeice to Borxower in connecCion wi[�h t�his Security Instr�unent shall be deemed to have been <br /> given to I3orrower when mailed by firsti class mtul or when actunlly delivered Lo Borrower's notice address if <br /> sont by other incans. Noticc to any one I3ouower sha11 constitutie notice to all Barrowers uuless Applicablo <br /> Law expreasly iequixes otherwise. The nohice addrese sl�all Uc tho Properky Address wfless Bon•ower has <br /> 24001585 <br /> Nf6RFlSKA-Single Fam ily-Furmle M aelFretidlo M ac UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Porm 3020 1701 <br /> VM P(� VMP6(NE)(11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwar flnencialBervloee Page 11 of�7 <br />