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<br /> = � �7- iu'75l90 -
<br />--,, • li.Borrower'�Copy. Botrowu eh�ll bo givea ona confnrmod copy of thc NoW And of this Sxuriry InsOw'me���ii� �}�
<br /> . 1?.Trans�er of the Propert or a Beoelicial iatenst i�Barower. lf all or any parc ofc the PropatY Y —
<br /> cald or transfcrrcd(or if a bent��ci�l inte�st ire Borrower i�sc►W or Iran�fcR�d end Borrowu is nflt e nawrelpaso n)wlthout �
<br /> -�-�"161� i,eadp��a prior wtiuen conxnt,l.ender mary.u it�opdon. ro9uUe immedWa payment in full nf nll suma sc;curcd by thL Sr.curlty _�
<br /> J"' Inswmen�Howevu.this optjon aha11 not be exerclsed by Lender if exerciso i+prohibited by fodcra!I�w�ot thc duo of this
<br /> -��; Security lnsuumea� vjdc a oeriod of nat kss =-
<br />- If Lenda esacises thisoptIon,Lend�r sh�ll�ive Barowu nntice of acce{endon.lt►e notice shall pro
<br /> ° • �30�y�f��he d�e�he�odce ia ctel[verod or maikd wi�hin which Boerowu must pAy a11 sums socurod by tt�is Security
<br /> I�►saumenG If Bomowa fails to D�Y��P�to the axpication of this�criod.Ler►der may u►voka any remed�es p�xmlued �
<br /> by thls Sxudty Insaument without furthei noticco or demand on Borrowu• i
<br /> 0 0
<br />.;�-'��. �� 18.Borro�rer'�Ri�ht to Rdeshta If Bamwa moeta cuuin �q0�lia of�O 5 dayst(areauch otbe:r periad ag
<br /> • e.nfo�cemenc of thle 3eeurity Insuuman discondnued at �ny time Prb� c to�►y powa ot aala contair�od in this Sec�ritY
<br />~;�'����� applk�ble Vw rruy spccifj►for nlnstatanent)befoce sale ot thc PropatY�condldons aro that Harrowcr.(s)p�ys Lu�dar aU
<br /> "L ' lnsaume�t;a(b)wuY of a judgment enfarciag this Socuriry Inmumen� iurod•(b)cures�ny
<br /> ..�T,��} sums which tha�wouW be due under this Security Insuument and the Note a+if no acceiaation had occ �
<br />'-=�.v�: detault of�r►y otha covenaats or�groanents:(c)PnYa�Il expa►ew incurred ia enfoncing thia Securtty Insuumeat,including.but
<br /> �:�:�:�-a. .
<br />-.::.�,• not Wnited w.m�onabk auaneya fast and(d)lakas wch�ctbn a�I�der mi reiaonably requL�e w assuro Uwt 1he lka of
<br /> m
<br /> '� �`Y' Sec�utty Ia��t, i,e�cfu�� *yBhts in tl�e Propa�ty�nd Borrowa's obB W paY the sums securod by thls Socurity `
<br /> t
<br /> I�"�� � Instr�ment at�all oont�nue unchanged.Upon reinstateaneat by Bamwu�this Security Iasir�n�ent�nd the obltgas�ons sec�red
<br /> `�t�'6 }�y��ar�in fnlly effoctivo ss if no�ccelaadon had occ�urai.Howtvet,this dght to ninstate stisrU not apply in the cave of
<br /> :' :'�'"�� occela�don utula paragret�h 17.
<br /> r,.���'x s 19.Sak ot Note�Ciwa�e of Loan Serviar. 'Itie Note or a partlal inurest in Ihe Nou (toBether with this 5ecurlty
<br /> ..��:.:— Instruma�t)may be�o{d oaa a mora ti�r�ea without prbr�ke w�wa.A��y�t�a�ge jn the e�tiry(�OV�
<br />:;,,:_:_:._ ag the"Loaa Servicu")ihat colkcts monihly ymeats due undu tha Note and ihis Securiry Inswment'It�a�e also may be one or _
<br />-==_:� moc�e ct�anges of the Loan Sa��m a sab of the Note.If tha�e is a ct�ange of thc L�o�r►S�rvicer,Bomnwa wW be
<br />�'�-''� glven wrtqen notke of the chango ia aocacdance witb �gr 14 above and�pplic�ble law.'ilie notice wW smte the nune and
<br />`,��• address of the new i,00n Savica and the yddr�ess w wbich�ymaits should be m�de.'Ibe notice will also contain nny other
<br /> �,� Womwdwi te4uired bY aPPl�cabb law. d�p�el aw�ge�a rc�ive of ony
<br /> �-�•� ?A.HaraMoYS Sub�taaces. Bcxmwa stmll not c�use a permit the prcser�ce. uso� ' affocting the P�opa�iY —
<br /> -`-� Hv�rdaus Subaunoes on a!n ihe PmQerty.Bamwa staU not do.na�liow anyona else to do.u�yd►inB or st+orABe on the
<br /> _°-_--- that is in violatlon of�nnY Etivimnmentel I.tw.7�e p[xodin8 two aa►tenCal stwll not epps 1Y W Ihe ,�p�ooe.t�s�1 rc.�itlauial uses
<br /> �_r_.s� P[O�L'i1y[�'S[RAII QtiinhtlC.S Of HaZ�0u9 SUbS18[1CCS(�t8[6IC ge1lClEily I�.z71V�i�i8 w a"�Fr'J�--�
<br /> and w mau�ta�ance of dtie PropertY.
<br /> Borcowa slWl P��P�Y Biva Lendu wrlaen natice of any investtgation,claim. da�d• lawsuit or ottier actba b wy
<br /> ma
<br /> govanmwnl a nguWory�a�cY o�ixi�ate P�l� involving ttie Propaty end aay Hsr�Nous Substance a Fnvironma� L.aw
<br /> au .ttutanY
<br /> of ahich Bo�rowec hae actu�l knov�'ledge.If Barowa kams.a is notlfied by wy govesnn�ntal a rcgWatory 1lwriry
<br /> ranoval a otha renuodiadon of my Ha�rdous Substarxa effecdng�t�e Ropaty is necessarY. Barowa shall promDdY t�kc a11
<br /> neoesa�ry ranedW acdous ia accordsnce with Eavlronm�nl Law.
<br /> Ax uaed ia thLs p�g�ph 20, "Iia��cdoua Substu�oes" arcs those substances defmod as wxk a da7ardous sub��c�+ bY
<br /> Bnvironmwtal Law md d�e foUawing substances: Ba�oliae�lceroxne. otha iLmmable a baic pr.trak.um products, Wxic
<br /> --�`�.'T� peslicides�nd t�bicides.volsa'la solvents,mata9als containing asbestos a fomsald�hYde�and rdio�cdve mauxWs.As uaoa in
<br /> n
<br /> — � 20�"Eav�naunrnul Law" mwns foderal laws and lawa of the jurisdlcbat whae the PropatY�a bcaUeQ that
<br /> , w health�ety a environmenW protatioe.
<br /> NON-UNYPORM COVFNANTS.BonnMtx�nd Lendet[orlhar covenant end sgtoe aa folbwa
<br /> 21.Acoekratio�i��Leade��aU�ive uotioe to Borrower prior to accderxtion tdbwi�=8arrower'�brach ot
<br /> d� core�a�t or asreeseot t� ttite Security I�ntrumeut (but not prior to �cceleratiou nndar ParatnP6 17 n�ie�
<br /> applicabk lew pwvides ot6erNiee).The�atice ahaY specttys(�)I�e def'�uk;(b)t6e sction re9nSred to crre tYe detarlti(¢)
<br /> a date,�ot ler tdan 3d dare from tbe oatr t6e natice��iven w Bamo�wa�by whk6 tk defarlt rrmt be cured3 ud(d)
<br /> t�at t�re=o nrr.the defirlt on or before the d�k specifkd in tLe notke rosy resuk ir wa+ekratioa at tbe sars se�ed
<br /> 6y ti�ir Secark7 Ia�u�e�t srd s�k of the Propaty.77oe notioe siwU furtda in[orm Borrm�ar o�ttie ri�\t N�stc
<br /> �fter acodarstio� and tl�e ri=�t to brta,� oo��c.�o. io.eeerc�e aos.a��oe or a aeraun or.nr o�aeteme or
<br /> Borrower to acaler�No�aad eale.If t6e delrank Y oot cured on or before tLe date specilie� i�tl�e�otia,L-eoder►at ib
<br /> opHo���oa7+'Wajre immaWte pa�a►eet in tull ot aU mma secured by thie Securky I�true►ent witl�out t�rt�er dee�ae�l
<br /> �d way i�voke tYe po�wer d aak�dl�ny athar remedies permitted b��h lictbk���I.enderrot IimitRd ta,d er�asoesbk
<br /> -- W prpe�cs bc�n�ed ie p�in;tYe remediea provided in l6ie pnn�rap
<br /> --� �Kor�e�a'fea asd easta o�tiAle evWcoa.
<br /> -- It the pawe* of We is iavol�a!►Truata s6atl reoord• nMiee o� dehult in ach co�nty in whic6 any p�rt o�tYe
<br /> _Y__— Propert�ie loated�ad ehxll m�il copiee ot such oatice tn the manner prex�ribed by applicaEk va�to Borrowrr end to t6e
<br /> --..-c— �r�ereo�s Pr�ribed by�pplirnble law.After t6e dme required by applkabk I�w,Trustee shaU`ive public notbe ot
<br />.::�'`�;:�� sek to the peraoos and in t\e msmner prescribed by oPplicaDk law.Truatee,without dem�nd on Borrower,stwfl celf the
<br />�;:yF�'rs,"�!
<br />_ .�.,.-�- Property at publk a�ctioo to the 6f�hest bidder 4t the time pnd place and unda tre teraa de�nated ie the�otJoe sa
<br /> =_�,.• .
<br />--:�-,•. '��.
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