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<br /> puymcnts rtwy no bn�cx bc requirod,+�t tho optbn of Lcnder,if mortgagc insurance coverag�M 1ho amount end for the perbd
<br /> Ih�t[.end�x coquirw)Ixovida�by rn Insurer�pprovod by l.�xtu�g�in becomca avdl�bk and i�obuined.Bortower slull pay thc
<br /> praniunu roqnirod w ma�ntain malBaBe lns�►�uia+ in efFoct,or w provlde a b�+rescrvc, undl the rcquim,�nent for mortgnge
<br /> inaur�ce a�da in a000rdmce wlth�ny wriva�a�xment betwan&xrower�nd l,enda or spplkablo Isw. _
<br /> 9.imtpectfon. L,endcr or it�ogent may mAkc reagoe�abk tnuies upon and inspecdons of the Property. I.cndu sh�ll give
<br /> Barower��t�ho Wne of or prior e�n inahecllon spocity6�g na�onabk cause fa tt�e inspaalw�.
<br /> 10.Coadem�atioa. 'R�o prooeod� of my award or cLim for dam�gas�dlmct ar coo.xqucnt�al.in connoctlon with �r►y
<br /> condan�Bon cr�U�dr taking of�ny prt of the Property.a fa axrveyance in Iiw o�[condannation�are he�ebY assignod�nd
<br /> shap be p�id lo L.ender.
<br /> In tha evcnt of a toW taking of the Pmperty��1►o p'oceed3 shall ba appliod to t�r.s�ams secur�ed by this SocuTity Iatuuma�t,
<br /> w6ettKr a not thai Aue,wlth�ny eaccass psid to Bormuer.L�a the event af a ptrtia!aAiag o(thoI'iroperty in which tho f�ir market
<br /> value of the Pmpaty imrt�edi�tely befoca tho WcL�g is a�ual W or g�rester thsu�ttse s��amt of ihe siuns sxurod by ihis Security -
<br /> Instrttma�t immodi�lely befote tho taMng.unkss Barower and Lender Whawise a�reo in rttting. the sums secured by tttis
<br /> Se�vriry L�uma�t ahall ba roduad by tho amount of the procood+multbplied by�tbr faWwing Fr�ction:(a)�ho lotal a�nonnt of
<br /> tAe sums socured inunediately befaoe �he Waing.dtvidod by (b)the fair madcct vah��af the Prepaty immodi�tely 6efae the
<br /> Wcing,,yry b�l�nce shall be p�id w Bonower.In the event of a p�ctitt taldng of iho Propaty in which the fair maeicu valoe of tbe
<br /> pm�aty immodi�lely betace �he teicina is less than the amount of the suuns sxurai imnxdiau�y bafae the nti3ng� unkss
<br /> Bacraa�r atul L.a�er oUx�vLx Etgree in wxeting or unit�s appiiaibk law at?�awi.se provldes,the p�0000th shall be ap�pliod to the
<br /> sunw aecurod by thi�Securiry Insomrt�an wheUkx or not the sums ac�e tha�due.
<br /> If the Propaty is ab��doned by Barowar.a If.afta not�ce by L.ender w Barower that ibe oondanaor offera to m�ice�a
<br /> awaN a stule a claim fa dan�d,Barrower fails to��d to L�cnda within 30 days afta the due the notio�is given,L.ender
<br /> is�ud�aimd b cot{�ect md�pply tbe pmcoods.at Its optbn.eitl�t to reswratio�a np�ir of�he Propaty a oo the sumy sxurod
<br /> by tdis Socurity Instrumau,whetha ar not tha�duo.
<br /> Uniess I�auler wid Baroaer od�a�vlae�roe in�vritia8•�nY�PPlkation oP pe�ncoeds to princIp�tl sh�l!aot eactmd or postpone
<br /> the due date of tbe monthlY payments nterrad to in p�nlg�apha 1 tnd 2 a change the a�nouat utwch payma�ts.
<br /> li.Borrnwa Not Rdwcd:Forbeara�By[.ader Not a Waiva: Fs�ctais�on of the dme for payrtknt a modifjcadon
<br /> of�natiation of the snms socurad�y dii�Sa�rity lnstcumcnc grantod by I.ender a�ny sucorssor in intarst of Barmwes ahall
<br /> not opdrate w rekau dk W�bWty of the original Bamwru a Bamwer'a suoces�ora in inun,a. I�shnll not be roquind w
<br /> ��,rr,r,rlin�a�n�et any suoo�s�or in lntetest ot nefuse W eulend time fa D�Yment Or od�dwLte uwdify a[no[ti�lion of
<br /> tfie w�as axnrod by @ds SocarIty Inst�uma�c by reaaoa of any duna�mxle by�he aigin�l Bomiwa a Hor�Ma'a s�ooes�oiy
<br /> in interest.My fabeaance by Lrenda in exercising any rigt►t a�enwdy ahall not be a walver of or proclude Iha exerclse af�ny
<br /> righc or ranedy.
<br /> 12.S�oor�eon a�d A�u Bornd;Jofrt asd Several Ldbltit�;Co�ers.'Ire covaunt� sad a�nenb of thi�
<br /> 5oaaiiy L�umd�c s1yU bind and ba�fic�he sucoassocs and a�igns of i�da and Bormu�,sub�ecc co �t,e provislone of
<br /> p�asr�ph 17. Baro�ra'a covenmis ad agramcnts sh�ll be,�nt and sevc�al. My Bamwa wfio oo-signs this Security
<br /> Ins�urt�nt but does not execute the Note: (a)is oas�ing thi�Secudry Inslrumm►t only tA n�aetg,�ge.Sant and oonvey�h�t
<br /> Burrorru's ineaest in Iho Propaty under the tams of lhis Socurity Insonunen�N)is not paaon�lly ob118+Nec1 to[xY Ihe aums
<br /> ,oc„rod by tdL,secwdcy tnstnuoeo�m�a(c)agroes thu t�enaa ana any aher Bamwer may�groe co extad,modifp.forbar a
<br /> m�te any a�datioes with n�rd q the�ams of this Socurity Insuuma�t a t6e Note wittaut that Bormwcr'3 ooa��
<br /> 13.Lo��Char�et. If d►a lom sacurod by thia Security InstrumaU fs subject w a law Nhich sets muimum b+n charges.
<br /> and dut Inv is fwlly inKap�lod eo tt�t tl�e intaest a ottxr 1om cl�rges colbctod a to ba odlocted ln oo�u�octbn wr�d�tho lo�n
<br /> : p[OOOd d1C pGtllt�tbd linlits��1En:(t)ally SU�1 IOr1 ChMge sh�ll 6e rod11CCd by d1E�tWltnt�fo00.ssRy b DOd1100 thE Ch�igC f0 d!0
<br /> paa�iqed Iiimi��ad(b)�ny avms�lready colbcted fiom Aocrnwa which excaeded pamittod limits�rill be tefunded b Borrawa.
<br /> L�es�der may choose m m�lce this refund by roduciag the prine�pal owed unda the Note a by making a d�rect p�yment to
<br /> Bacro�va.If a refw�d red�od pr3ncipd.the roduction wUl be tir,�ted u a P��P�Y�wlthotu aay pnepayrneat charge
<br /> wida d�e Nooa.
<br /> �I.Nat�as. My natkx w Barnwa providod far in this Socurity Instrunxnt shall be gircn by delivering it a by mailfng u
<br /> . by Cvu c1m mail unkss applicabk la�v�equires ux of a�w�her me�t�ad.'lt�e notice atnll be diected w dw Propaty Addres�or
<br /> aoy odkr acWreas Sort�owra desi�es by notice to i�ender.My notice to I.eridu sl�ll be giver�by Cirst cl�ss mail�o i,ender'a
<br /> addrest afakd Naein ar any olt�a ddress L�ender daign�l�es by notice w Bomower. Any nat�ce provkfod for in this Socurity
<br /> In�wma�t aluil ba doanod w have boa�giva�m Borro�ra a Lendar when given as providod in th3s p�h.
<br /> 1S.Goter�it Law;�verab�itj. 'Ihis Socuriry Inat�ut�t shall be goven�od by takr�l hw and the law of the
<br /> jiwdicticxi in which the Aoperty is located. In the evant th�t my provLgion or eLuse of d�Security Insocumerit a the Not�e
<br /> aonflicb with applic�►bb lu�v.s�ch oonftict shalt not�ftect otl�a pcovislons of thlt Security Inurument a tha Nota which can be
<br /> giva�et�'ect without the c�onfljcting provision.To this end the provisions of this 5ecurity Ins�urtrent and the Note are doclarod w
<br /> be sav�bk.
<br /> � Forn��DtB 9/�0
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