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201206256 <br /> santancos sh�ll not app(y to�tie preseuce, use, or storage on the Property oP su�all qnanti�ios of Hazardc>us <br /> Substances tliat are generally recognized to Ue appropriate to nonnal residential uses eud to tn<unteneuce o£ <br /> the Property(ii�eluding, buC not linuted to, hazardfn�s substanccs ii� consume��products). <br /> Borrower shall��ontptly givc Le�der writtcn noHce o£(a) aily iilvcsfigakion, claim, dein�uid, lawsuit or othar <br /> action by any governmental or regnlatory ageney or private par[y involving the Property and any Hazatdous <br /> Subatanco or Envirorunental Law of whioh Borrower hes achial knowledge, (b) any�nviromnent�al <br /> Conditiou, including buY not lii�ited Co, any spilling, IoAking, c�ischarge, release or threat of relense of�ny <br /> Hazarelous Substance, aud(c) uiy condition oaused Uy the presence, use or ralease of a Hazerdoue Substmice <br /> whicli adversuly affeots the value of tl�e Yroperty. If Ro»rowec leams, or is notified by aqy governmential ox <br /> regulal�oiy�ull2ori�y, or any prival:e parly, lhef any rcni�oval or other remediation of any Hzzardous Substancc <br /> affec'ting fhe Property is necessary, Rorrower sha11 prompCly t�alce all uecessary remedial acCions iu <br /> aceordance wiH�Lnvironmcntd Law. Nutl�ing hercin ehall crc,ake any obligaliou on Lnndor For an <br /> Envirorunentnl Claanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Barrower nncl Lender cove�innt nnd ngree ns follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to I3orrower prior to aicceleratiou following <br /> Borrower's breach of nny covennnt or a�rcement in thie Sccatity Tnstrnment (bnt not prior to <br /> accelcrntiov nndca•9cction 18 nulesa Applicnblc Lnw provides otl�erwi�e). TLu noticc shall epocify: (x) <br /> the default; (b) tl�e action reqiured to care the def;�alt; (c}a d:�te, not less tl�xn 30 days fi•om the d�te <br /> the notice iy g3ven to T3orrower, by which the defaulC mneC Ue cm'ed; and (d)llrnt fallnre Co cnre the <br /> defnnit un or before tlie date specified in the notice mny resnit in acceleratimi of the enms secnred by <br /> this Secnrity Instrnmcnt and snlc of thc ProPcrty. Tlic nol:ice sliall f'tn�tlier infoivi Borirowcr of fhc <br /> right to reinat��fe afker accele�ation and Che right to bring a coart action to aeSert the non-existence of h <br /> def�nll or any oClier defense of Borrower to nccelerntion and enle. If tlte deftudt Is not cnred on or <br /> boforc Phc dntc speciFicd in tlie notico, Lcndor nt iCs option msiy reqnire iimncdinte pnyinont in fnll of <br /> .dl stims 6ecared by tlu5 Security InStr�unent witliont ful'ther demand:ind may imolce ttie power oY s�de <br /> an�J any other remedies permitted by A�7plicable Lafv. Lender shall be enflited to collecC all expenses <br /> incurred 3n pm�suix�g the remodias provided u� thie Section 22, inclu�ling, buc not limited to, reasonable <br /> ntCorneys' fees 1nd cosfs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of enle is involced, Trnstee shAll record a noticc of defnidt in eacli cor�my in which suiy <br /> part of tl�e Prroperty fs located a�id shall mnil eopies of sueh notice in the manner prescribod by <br /> ApFlicable La�v tn l3orrower and Oo tFie oHier persons prescriUed by Applicable Law. After tlie Ume <br /> requirect by Applicablc Law, TrnsCcc slinll givc pnblic nopw nf sale Co the persmis and iu tlie mamier <br /> pi'eScribed by Ap�licuble I:,aw. Trnstee, without demand on 13mt•owor, shall sell il�e Y�•operty a0 pnhlic <br /> nnctiox�lo tl�e LigLest bidder at the Hme and pince and imder tlie terms designated iu Cl�e natice of eale <br /> in onc or morc pnrccls and in any ordcr Trtiistec dctcrmincs. Trnstec�nsiy postponc ssde uf all or nny <br /> pnrccl oP tlia Property by pnblic annomicemenE ak tl�e time �md place of any previonsly schediiled sale. <br /> l,euder ur ih designee niay�ural�ase tLc�Property aC any eale. <br /> Upmi reccipt of payiuent a1'tlie price bid, Truetee sh:dl cleliveP to the pureb:�ser'1'rustee's deed <br /> cmiveying fLe Yroperty. 7'he reciCsily in the'1'rnNOee's deed sl�nll be prf�nn f�cie evidence of[he OruCh of <br /> tlie statenienYs macle therein. Trnstee sl�all apply tlic procecde of tl�c salo in tl�c following ordor: (a) to <br /> all coste nnd cxpenscs of cxercisin�; tho power of s;de, :md the sxle, inc]ndii�g the p:ry, ment of ihe <br /> Trnstee's fees :iutually incurred and re�sounble aCConieys' Fee9 a�penniCCed by Applicnble Law; (b) to <br /> all sums secm�ed by tl�is Secnrity Tnstrmnent; and (c) nny excaea to thc person or persous legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> 2AQOi552 <br /> �EBPASKA-Single Famlly-Funnio MeclFred0le Mao ONIFORM INSTRIIMENT Porm 3�20 7101 <br /> VMP =D VMP6(NEj(1105) <br /> Wollers I(luwer Flnanolal5ervloea f'age 14 of 11 <br />
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