<br /> iu tl�e Property and right9 tinder tlus Sectiuity Instrmnent; and(d) takes such action as I,ender may
<br /> reaeona6ly require Co nssnre Chat Lender'�a intaxesi in Lhe Property and righCs iu�der Chis Securi6y IneLruu�anf,
<br /> aud Borrower's obligaYiari to p1y�1ie sums secmed by this Security Instiument, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender nuay require th¢t Rorrower pay sLich reinstatement snms abd expenses in one or more of the Following
<br /> forms, ati sclectcd by Lc��dcr: (tt) cash; (6}n�oney order; (c) cerfiHed check, hank check, tr c aeurcr'fi chedc or
<br /> casl�iei'� check, provided any aueh cheok i5 drawn upnn An insfitution whose depoaits ere insured by�
<br /> Federnl agency, inshlunentality or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upari reinst�rtement by Borrower,
<br /> this Seourity Instl�ument and obligations secured hereby s1�a11 ramain fully effective as iPno aceeleration had
<br /> occurred. However, this right to reinstate s1�a71 not apply in the case�of acceleration timder Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Chai�ge of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partlal interest in the
<br /> NoCe(togelher with this Secuxity Inshument)oan be sold one or more times without priar notice to
<br /> Borrawer. A s21e might rosulY in a changa in Che entiCy(lmotani as the 'Zoar� Seri+tcei^")thaE collecGs Periodic
<br /> Payments due under the Note and this Secuiity Instrumcnt and porfoems othcr mortgagc loan scrvicing
<br /> obligations under the Note, LUis SecLu�ity Instruinenti, and Applieable Law. There also inight be one or more
<br /> changes uP ehe Lonn Servioer unrelated to n eale of the Note. If tliere is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Boxxower will Ue given wriYten uotice of'die cha�ige whieli will st�ta the nama aaid address of The new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the addrese to which paqulenYs shonld 1�e made and eny other information RFSI'A requires in
<br /> connectiion with a notice of Yraosfer of servicing. Tf tl�r.Notc is sold�nd Choreaftor the Loan is servioeci by n
<br /> Loan Seiv�ccr other than thc�urchaser oP 6he Note, the morlg�ge loan servicing oUligatione to Borrower will
<br /> remain with the Loau Servicer or be haneferred to a successor Loan Servicer and aae noR assumeci Uy tlie
<br /> Note purchaser unless otlierwise provided Uq the NoYo purchascr.
<br /> Neithar Botiower nor Lender inay commence, join, or bcjoincd t'n any judiciul ttctioii(as either�n
<br /> individnal litigttnt�r the u�einbQi of a class) Chat nrises fi�om the other pnxty's aotions pnrsuant to tiiis
<br /> Secui•icy Inshmnent or that nlleges that the other party has Ureached auy provision ot; or any dury owed Uy
<br /> reason of, this Sectu'ify InsCiument, nnGi1 such Borrower or t.endcr l�as notified the otl7ee p�rty(with huc;l�
<br /> notice givev in compliAnce with the reqaircincnts nf Section 15) oP such alleged Ureaoh and afforded lhe
<br /> other paa�ty hereto a roanonable period nfler fhe giving of auch notice to take correotive acrion. Tf Applioable
<br /> Laav provides 1 time periocl wtiioh mnst elapee before eerCain tteYion ean bs Ynlcen, Uia�t tiine pariod will be
<br /> tleemed to be reasonable for purposes of'tl�is paragraplx. The notice of acceleration and opportunity tu curc
<br /> �iven to Borrowcr purauavt co Section 22 aud tlie uotice of acoeleration given to Borrower pursttu�ti to
<br /> SecCion 18 attinll Ue deerned to satisfy the notice and opportmiity to talce correetive action provlsions of fhis
<br /> Seotian 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardou� SUbstanees. Ae used in this Secfiot� 2L (a) °Flcczarctpu,s S�iebstunces"are lhose aubstnnoes
<br /> � defiued as toxic or hazardous subFlauces, pollntanCs, or wnsfes by Envirotnnentol Law naid the following
<br /> eubst�lncos: gasoline, keroseue, other flAmmahle or to�cic petroleum groducYs, toxic pastioides and herbicides,
<br /> volntile solvents, mnterinls conYuniug asbestos or formaldehyde, a�id radioactive materials; (b)
<br /> "Env(rwarrt�e�atad Law"inenns �Fedeial laws and laws of thc j�visdiction whoro Yhc Propertiy is looaCed W�at
<br /> relate tio health, safety m•eu�ironmcntal prt�tection; (c) "Lnyironmental Cleanup"inohtdes nny responae
<br /> action, romcdial nclion, or removal actioii, As clefined in Enviromnental Law; end(d) zn "Environ�nent�l
<br /> Cor�dition"menns a condiYion tlult can cause, contiribute to, or otherwise trigger az1 F,nvironmcnt�tl Gcamip.
<br /> Boxrower ehall not cause or pennit tiha presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardo�is
<br /> SLtUstances, or C'hreaten to releasc any Hazardons Subsfances, ou or i�tl�e Properly. Borxowex shnll not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone eise to do, enything effecting the Property(a)that is in violation ol'any�nviroimiental
<br /> Law, (l�)which creates t�n Eirviromnental Condition, or (e)whicl�, dnc to the presencc, use, or rcicase of a
<br /> Hazardous SuUetance, creates a condition that advorscly afPects 11�e value of Lhe ProperCy, The�receding two
<br /> 2h001652
<br /> NEBfL�SKA-SingleF2mlly-Pflnule h1salFreddleMec UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Porm 30201101
<br /> VM P� Vbl F6(NE)(11�6)
<br /> WoHe�a Kluwer Flnanolel5ervlces Paqe 13 of 19
<br />