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<br /> , �d) a w►ft af execudon or attaehmont of iny sim�lu proc�sa shall b� eoterad�Oainat Trustar Hn1�n shsll
<br /> b�com�a qtn on the Trust Estata ar anV poR�on th�nu} o�interest therain and aucn exazutl�n, attaenment ar s�milar
<br /> . process of judqm�nY is not releas�d.bo�asd. s�tlsiled.v�c.ated ar stayed w(thi��xty(80)d�y�c after its ernry or Isvy;ot
<br /> ��� th�re haa ocawred a 6reach af or dtf�ult under aey term,cawnant, aQn�na�t. tanditfan, pravlsion.
<br /> �qns�rta�ion er wurantY contained in anY qrior deed at trust ar mertqape�ffecGnO the Trust Esute.
<br /> �Q. Accyl�r�t{a� upon Oetairlt;Addltional Ramedte� It an m�ent at default occiars. 8enefleiary rtnY dec;aro M� e
<br /> �nd�bt�dnss� s�cwed herebY to be dw and paY�bl� and the sun� sh�ll thereupon beeome Qt� and paYabls wit�out srty y
<br /> ���� n�=�d� p�test or noriea ot a�y Wnd. Th�e�fte�, eeneficiary m�y: '
<br /> �q either in parson or by aQertc.with a withouc b�inpinp any action ar prace+Mtiq.or bY a rsaiver aaaairt�d
<br /> by a couR anC without repard m th�ade4u��y ut iu secwity, eotsr upon and talu Pass�sian of tt+s Tnist Emte. or any �
<br /> put th�sof.in its own nams or iq ths name ot Trustee.�W do any acis which it dNms��or dssEnbl�m presuv� �.`.•
<br /> ���Iu��rnsticw�bUlty or nrrtsOiNtY ot ths Tnut EsaT�,or put ttk►eat or interest tt�atln.ioasss�the irKAme thnrefrom �
<br /> p�p���s�curity hueot ar�d.with ar without Wcfnp pou�an ot tt�Tnaat Estat�.su�for or ott��rwise coltect tt�s
<br /> r�. i�su�s�nd Prcfks tMtru4. inCludiaq Mos� D�due u�d unpaid. and�PPh�tt��sama�I�ss costs and sxp�nsts of
<br /> opKatlon snd coll�ctfon indudirq attameys'faei. upon anti►indebtednass secwed h�rebY.all in swds ord�as Bawsficfary �
<br /> may dat�nnine. Th�enmh'p uPan and taki�9 Owssassion ot tha Truat E�state. the coUecdan ot such nnts. �ssuas�nd
<br /> profits xfd tt� aDPlic�tion tt�not is atorossid sI�N eot e�xe ar waiva any d�hult or nadte ot defauit h�reur+der o►
<br /> tmalidat� +��Y � dor� in r�sponse to such d�fadt or purswrtt tte suct�notic� ot dsiault ared� notwitt�standirtq tt+�
<br /> cortdr�nc�in Pa�utton ot tM Trus�c Estste ar tl�aotlercYiai� re�dpf snd ap�tic�tta�ot�tso imsuei or praHts,TrustN _
<br /> �g�t��ry shsll bun ertitled ta exerEita e+raN�i9ht Provida�l fnr in ury cf the Loan Instrt�naents or by I�w uport
<br /> occumncs ct any nvMt of d�fault,includiny ths dpht m exerCiss the pow�ot sale:
<br /> �n� commence an action tp {ansclose thi:0asd ot Trusc as a mortpaqe. appoint a receiver or specificalty
<br /> e�force any ot the cove�nants hereof;
<br /> pp�} deliver:o Trustee a wnr.en�eclaration of default and damand for sale and aw►itten nacice of detau�t and
<br /> eleciion to csuse Trustor's ;nterest in ;he Trust Estate to be snld, wn�Ch n�aee Trustee shtll cause:a 5e duiy`iied for
<br /> recore in trte appropria[e �fticas of tne C:.unty in whicn�e Trust Estate is InCatEd: ar
<br /> . (iv� exerc:se suc�att�er npnts�r�emedies at law or in ectuicy.
<br /> 11, For�eJos�rn by Paw�r ot Sa/i. tf Soneffciary elects ta foreclosa ay exereise ot�+e Power ot Sale nerefn coniained,
<br /> 8enefici�ryr shaU not�fY Trustee and snafl deposit•Nith Trustee tfiiz Second Oeed of Trust and any nate evidenc�ng :ne Indeb[eaness
<br /> and such recCpts and avidence �f ex�nend'utures made and sECUred hereby as Trustee may reQUire.
<br /> (�� UROn recefpt of such nottCe nam Beneflciary,Tnutee shail cause to be recorded.pubUahed and deliverad
<br /> � to Tnumr such Notfce ot Default and Natice ot Sale aa then requ�red by Iaw and bY��$���eed of Tnist. Trustee
<br /> sh�ll,witheut demand on Trustor,after such dme as mey t�en be requtred by law and atcer roeordatian ct such Notice ot
<br /> Oetault snd after Nadce ot Sale havtng besn y(ven as►equired by Isw.sell ths Trust Estats n tM ume and ptace at sal�
<br /> fix�d t�y it in suah Narlce of Sala,either as a whole.ar in sepuate lots or p:�cels ar itema as Trust�e shall de�m expadien�
<br /> �nd in s�ich ards►as it may detetmine.&t aubQc auctian to ths hiphest bidder fcr cash in t�wfd mon�y ot th�U�ited Ststes
<br /> payabl�at the ame ot sale. Trustee shall dsliver m suctt purchsser or purct�uan thareof itt pood and sufflcfent deed or
<br /> dMds�pnvsyi�q the prop�m/se sold.but withaut uiy cov�nint or wsrtarsty,exPross ar impl�d. Th�recft�ls ln sc�ch dl�d
<br /> p}u�y rnatt�rs ar facts ihal! hs candusive proot of tht VutMuln�ss thereof• Any parsen,Indudi^q '^nt�out limitadon
<br /> Tnismr,Twtee or 8ensficfary,may pun�se at such stla.
<br /> �p� As msy be permittnd by �aw.�fter daducttnq all aoats,taea and expenses of Trustee and of thia Trus�
<br /> �ncludinq cosq nf evidence of title In ccnnectton with�I�.Trustee sh�Il apply tht proCeads ot sale m P�Ym�nt of (1)tf�
<br /> Indebtedness liil all ather surt+s then secured herebY,and liiii tAe remainder,it any,to Me person or persons lepally emitfed
<br /> d»tsto.
<br /> (�� Trustee may in tde mannet provided by law postpone sale of all cr my partion of the Trust�sCate•
<br /> �2, �dtRS A1ct ExrJis�w. Trwiee and BaneHClary,and eseh ot t4�em. �Nll he entltled to er►force PaYment and
<br /> p�to�m�nc�ef an�r ind�btedrnss or eblipatfons skw�d hKeby and ta exercEse alt dQhts u�d powen under this S�cond Oeed ef
<br /> Trsm or under�ny Loan Insmim�rtc or ott+sr sOreemem or any laws naw or hereahnr in fo�ce;notwhhsandinp, some or an ct tha
<br /> such t�btedn�ss and oelipations see�ued hereby may now ar hereafte�r Oe otherwian sacwed.whatt�a by mortQaga,dee4 ot tnut.
<br /> • p�y��li�n.ssslqnm�r+t er ott�erwlse. Neitrier th�aseeptance at tf�ls Sacond Oaed ot Trust nor its e+doroeman� whett+er by caeut
<br /> setien or pur�wnt to tfie vower at s�lt ar other powers herefn cornained, sh�U projudice ar in any msnner affect Trustee's or
<br /> g��}{�y�=dqht to realite upon or enfarce any ather securiry now or h�resRer held by Tn�ies ar BenafkiaN.it ti�ny agreed 4t+at _
<br /> Trustoi and�ena4tctsry, a�d each ot them,shalt bs endtled to ertforce tdis Second Dead of Trust�nd sr►y otl�ar securitY now or _
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