.,,x°'��� :�..'�ah.s��{ �:w.� . .. T`�wt*i-�v ..W. _ _ ...
<br /> �hGE,:. - - - .....- _._ _
<br /> 2, Tax�r. Trustor sna�l a+�v��ch tnstaUm�nt df all tax�s�na sc�aN�sa�tsmena of�+nr1�klno. naw or hKaft�r
<br /> I�vi�d spNrtst th�Trutt Ettat�ar anY asR ttsK�of. ��for�dNinQ��y. witltout �atlG o� GMnand.
<br /> 3. /���d Mp�irt Trwtor shaif maint�in Nrr������a�Inswanu iniudn4 th�Imprawm�rtq
<br /> �o�siteutlno aWC of th�Trurc Emt� tor a�,ch�mowra u+d a�n,eri cMrni r�+sel�r ansf�ctoro m�Nciary. !a tarq u tt�e
<br /> Prooati/��s�Cw�d bv�flrai Cead of;ruat o�moRasQb Ccmpil�nG�with ttN InsurM�e�r�quk�nKro of th� tlra d��d n4 wst or
<br /> moK4�0�ih�U b�autttc��rtc to aanary m�nqwransnu ot uus a�qh� rwtuq tn�nsunnw.
<br /> Tnistor shall aromocty r�p�ir and np�aw st+�Trwt E�ca a�ny pa�th�n�t m rt�t, �xc�pt tor ordl��N W�sna cw.y
<br /> th�Trw�t 6iat�shall nat d�tulont�. In no av�nt s�U tM Tnutor Comrrnt wu�on a►co tn� tnm Enat�, or eommi�stdtK or '
<br /> OKmit any act:o b�dont in or upan M�Trust 6tat�in vial��ian of any Iaw,ordlnanq cw npyl�cion. Tnistor ahall paY and proenptly
<br /> dischup�at Tnim�'a coat and exa�w+a�l II�,�nGUmbnu�c�s and Chatp�s I1vi�d,krpos�d o�assa�d pafrut tha T�ust E�pt�i
<br /> ar any part tMerecl.
<br /> 4. Ae�r Alhct�i�Ti�rt bta[R Trustor shall apReu in and aqic«t any aetlan ar ptoca�dinp pu�ppet�q to a}{�
<br /> tM s�curitti►h�not or tt+�riphts a pcvr�s of BanNidsry o�Trust�.and shW p�y all casu s�d�xp�n�t.inch►d1n0 a�st of�vid�
<br /> af dtl�snd sttertMYs'fe�t�(n ury suah actlo�ot O+ocwdlnQ t�whi�h B�tiel�ry or TiwtN ma1►s00�M M Tnutot faitx to nn�
<br /> +�Y Wvrt+Mt or ta do u+v�cc u and in tM marnar Movided in ury of tfM L�n t�uae�n�nn��r�rY�d/a Tiustw.wch in
<br /> tt�ir own dfux�don.without oDlipatior.so to do�nd withcut noties to ot OMnand s�pon Tnismr snd withatt rM�»Inq Tn�stor irom
<br /> i�N obiiptdon.ma1►m�lt�or da ttw same in such msnnK�nd to suct�extaK s�t«1�1►rMy dNre��t to R������Y
<br /> h�raof. Trustor sha11.tmm�dlaah►uoon dKnand th�ntor byr 9eneftdul►,6►�1r W eo�RS uM acpms�t kw�ur�ed b1► �+�V tn
<br /> conneedon with tM�xwds� bY Ben�NcFsry of tbs faroQof�O ri4hYS.indudk�q wreliaR Iimiit�tloe costr of e+rld�ncs of titl�.court
<br /> costs.apprsisilt. survsYS and attomaYa' hes.
<br /> 6. f.x�kwnt Ocvnrp� If tha Trw�t Estate,ar any AaR th�reat or irt[lryt tMrein,b�tak�n a dama9ed by nuon of
<br /> arry pubik improv�c ar co�demnatian pcoeeedinq. ar in any other m�n,�r tneludGp dead�n Iiw dNnot I'Caod�mnanon'1. or
<br /> if Trusta rac�ives any noncs or other information requ�itryg suct�proceRdtnp,Tnssoor sh�lc phre prompt writt�n natice tMnof to
<br /> 8entficia�. Tnutor shall b� entitted to all compensadon. awards and other p�yrn�rts o�relief thtnof and shalt b�endd�d ai its
<br /> aotian to comm�nCS, aODear in and �rosacute in its own name any actlan or p�ocaedts�qt. Tn�toc sh�ll also bs entitted to msk�
<br /> a�yr compromtae or ser•tement in cCnnecJan wfth sucs�takinq er tlamape.
<br /> 8. Aanei�ninent af Succsssa Tiusi��. BeneNclarv may, fnf� H�n�.,�n�., hy_ W,:w:,�r�.�.�r a��f K.� a�r�
<br /> acxnow�edqed �v �erteftcianr. �na�lea:o Trustur a�a�xardea �n;ne Ceunty in wnicn the Trust E�staie�s locatea anC yy otherw�sa
<br /> complyinq with tne p�ov�sions ot ins acolica4le I�w oi me State ot NeOroska autrsaMe a succesaor or sucCZSSprs;n me Trus�ee
<br /> named h�rein or acanq�+ereu�der.
<br /> �. S�cnssara and Aufgrrs. This Sacand Oeed of Tnist aoplies to,inures to the benefit of and binds all parties herem.
<br /> Meir heirs,lepatees,Q�wssas. persanal reDres�nritives,successars and asslqna. Th�t�rm'8�neftctary'sh�ll mear:tte owncr a�c1
<br /> holder ot any promissary �ote yiven ;a beneficiary, ;whe�er or not namad as Benefieiiry hereinl.
<br /> 8. M�r�►. Co+�satfd+don. S+�er aLKSW 7rusco�covenanu ttuc Truiior wiu not sall.Isas�or otherwla dispas�
<br /> of any ef tt�Trust Estate. In ch��venL that Tnuto�salta, tqses or ott�wite dtspea� e}�ny paR ot th�Tn�st Estate.�K+eftdsry
<br /> may at its optEon dec!ars the tndYhtetlneas sacured hereby tmmedl�tNy due u�d pay�ble,wh�ther or not any dNwlt exisis.
<br /> 8lnefiCit7fy Si7ill CqnsMY t0 a triflitK ct tft�Tfust Esqt�t0 i third puty t0 UfQ Qxtlftt at1Ch thifd pilfty mNts thA MQUiMrtl�fKi
<br /> concain�d in. u►d usumes tAe obltqations set forth in t1+� Frsc Deed at Tnur. fi�cov�rm cants�ned h�rein shall run with tM
<br /> Propsrty and sh�ll remdn in fuU•fores and �ftect urttit thv tndebted�ess ia paid in futl.
<br /> 9. Ewirtt o!D�lar�lt Arty of tha foltawinQ evants shall ba d�emed m a�nnt af deh�tt Irrwndar:
<br /> ' fa) defaWt shsll b�m�de in Ms p�ymertc ot the tnq�btedr�w or any cther surn seCUted hereby when due:
<br /> or
<br /> (bl Trustar shall pertorm any act(n 6�nkruptcy;o�
<br /> - !c! a court ot cempetent jurisdtctian sh�U entar an ordK,judpmait ar decre�approvinp a pasidon til�d apsin�t
<br /> Tnrstor s�ektn9 any reor�anizatton. dtssoludon o�similar reliet und�r any prete�c or tuturo fedral,mte ar atl�er st�tcut�.
<br /> !sw or nQula�an relati� m bankruptcy,insolvency o�att�er reliet for debma. md such adu,i�Om�or d�cnee shaU
<br /> ►amain�xiv�catid and unstayed for an aqprQQate ot sixty(601 days{whett�r or nat caniecwtiv�l iro+n th�fkat daa of ermy
<br /> ttNnwt;or arry austea, nceiver or Ilqutdata� or 7rustcr or af All o�any paK of the Trust Esute. or ot am► or all o!ihe
<br /> royslties.rbvtmres,rents,fasues ar prafits thereot,shall be appoirited witt�aut tf�e con�erK ar acquiescencs et Trustar an0
<br /> such appoimenent shall remain unvar„�ted and unsqynd fer an aQQmpate af six+ty(6GI days(whett�er or nat cansecutivel;
<br /> ar
<br /> 2
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