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<br /> •prooeeda'�In connecU�.r►with condemn�lbn a olher Wcinp of the Praperty a pe�t lhereot,or for canveyence In Ibu W cond�mnstloe.
<br /> Lender ehall be entltfed st Its optlon to commencs,apps�r In end pro�ecuts In ite own ru�me eny ectbn or procesdinp�,�nd sh�N aMo
<br /> be enNdud W meke eny cx�mpromiss or settlement In connaclion with such takin�a demsye.In the event any pcxtbn of th�Pro�Ry h
<br /> so taken a damaged,Lender shAll have lhe optbn In Ib eole end ebsolute diacre:lon,to epply ell euch proceed�, �flar d�Mx:lin�
<br /> thetetrom ail costa and oxpensea Incurred hy It In connection wlth auch Proceede,upon any Indebtndneaa eecu�ed hereby and In st�
<br /> order a�Lendur mey dotermine,or to spply all wch Proceads,aRer such deductlona,to ths restontbn of the Pro�N►Ry upon euch c�on-�
<br /> dltlon�as Lender may determ�ne.My eppliraitbn of Proc�eds to indebtednsao shell not sxtend or patpone the due dn�ts ot�ny p+�y�►„r.
<br /> ments under the Note,or curo any deMult lhereunder or herounder.Any unapplied funds ehall be pAW to Tniator.
<br /> g,p��onnanc�Ery L��cNr. Upon lhe occurrance oi en Event oi Default herounder,or If eny ect ia tsken ar kfgal pracasdinp
<br /> commenced which materiolly aflecta Lender'�interost In the PrapeRy,Lendsr may in It�own dlsc�eUon,but without obApatlon W do w,
<br /> artd with�ut nntice to or damand upon 7ruator end wilhout r�leaaing Truator from eny obligatbr,do any Act which Tmata haa�preed
<br /> twt Ta(led W do end may elso do eny othsr act it deems nsceaaary W protect the necu�ity heroof. Trusla sheil. imrr�ilat�ly u�wn �
<br /> demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender all costa and expensee Incurrsd and sum�expended by Lende�In connecllon with the sxsr-
<br /> Gae by�@�;ql,{he tore�o�nq.�ighta,topether with Intsreet thereon at t�a r�ipuR rete proYWed In the Note,whioh ehell bs added to
<br /> ►he fnda tedneaa secured hereby.Lender ahaH not incur eny flabllfry becauis�e oi anythinp It may do or om�t lo do hereunder.
<br /> 9. N�sudous MabNais.Truator ehaH kesp ths Property 1��complience with all appilcabb laws. adinanr.e�end requletions
<br /> mlating to industrial hyglene or environmentel protedlo�(oat�ecdvely roferted to heroin aa'Environenental Lewe7. Trustor shell keep
<br /> tl�d Property frae from a!I substenr.os deemed to be ha,��,rdous ar toxic under any Envtronmentel Lewa(collectivoly reteRed to herein
<br /> ea"Hazerdous Materiats").Teustor hereDy wartents and represents to Lender that th�ere are no Hazardoua Mate�iais on or under the
<br /> Properly.Tn►sror hereby ayrees to lodemruiy and hold ham�ess Lender,fts dlreCors,efficers,e�mR�oyees end aflente,end eny eueces-
<br /> sors to Lenders tnterest,irom and agatnst any and all clafms,darteages,bsses and OabftiUes ar�stng In eonnectbn with the presence,
<br /> use,disposal or transport at any Haza�dous Matariah on,under,from or about the PmpeRy.THE FOftEa0IN0 WARRAN?IES AND
<br /> 10.Assl�ortNnt of R�nb.Tn�.sta hereby astlpna to Lender,and prents Lender a ascuriry interest fn,ell prosent,tuiurs and
<br /> efter erisin9 rents,Isaues end proflts ot t9�o PropeRy;provided that 1'ruator shall,until the occurrerx�c�la�i Event oi Defeuft,t�srsu:�ar.
<br /> have me right to coilect and retaln suc�rann,issues end profits as they become due and payaDte.Upon the occuRence of an Ev�nt ot
<br /> Qefault, Lender may,either in person or by agent,wNh or without b�inpfng eny action or proceeding,or by a reoeiver appointed by a
<br /> court end without regard to the edequac��of ita security,enter upon and take possession of the Property,or eny part lhereof,In its ow�
<br /> name or in the name oi Ihe trustee,end do any acts whloh it deema necessary or dealrable to proserve the naiue,marketeWlity or
<br /> rentebtlft�y of the Properly,07 ai►y part thereot or Interest therein,or to tncrease the Incame therefrom or protect ihe secu�ity hereof and,
<br /> wfth or without teking posseuslon oi the Prapedyr,sua for or oU►erwlae collect the rants,isauea and proftt�thereof,induding thoae past
<br /> due and unpald,by noUfying tenants to maka payments to Lerwar.Lander mey appty rents,fssues and profits,less costs end expens-
<br /> es oi operatlon and collecti�,n IncludlnD sttomey'a fees, to any tndebtednesa secured hereby, ell In such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering upon an�taking possession of the Property, the col{ection ot saoch rents, isaues and pmfits, and the appi�attcx�
<br /> thereoi as eforesaid shall nmt cure or waNe eny dafeult or notfce oi defauit hereundor or inval(date any ect done in reaponsa to auch
<br /> datauft or pu�suant to such notica ai deisult end, notwithatendfng the contlnuance in pasaeSSM,n 4f the pr�,pc+iity or the cANection,
<br /> recelpt and appiic�tion oi roi�in,i�ues vi�,n',itt��Ttust^w stt�LCS�.�'r�h.^•!!��tSUtl�!!o e�re3s���!ry�ght�r�►���nd tor in�ny of the
<br /> Loa��nstnxrx�nts or by law upon occurtence of any Event ot Oef�ult,InCluding wittKwt Itmitatlon tha rlpht to exorclae the power of eale.
<br /> Furfher,LendaPs riphts and remedles under this paragraph shall be cumuladve wlth,and in no way a Ilmitetior�an,Lender's rights and
<br /> remedies under sny essipnment of lea�ea end rents reoorded epa(nst the Property.Lender,Trustse and the recotver shall be Ilab{e to
<br /> account ony for thoae renin ach�aily received.
<br /> 11.Ewnts ot D�hult.The folbwinp ehall consatute sn Event of 6efauit under thia Deed of Troar
<br /> (a)Fellure to pay eny Instellment of p►focfpol or Interest or any other sum aecured haroby whe�due;
<br /> (b)A bread�d 4r defauit under any provi�lon contalned In the Note,thts Deed oi Truat,eny of the Loen Inatruments,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or er�Knbrsnce upon the Proparty:
<br /> (c)A writ ot�xecution or attachment or eny simltar process ehall be ontered againsi Tniator wh�h shaH become e Iten on
<br /> the Property a any portion thereot or Interoat thsreln;
<br /> (d)There ahall be fllsd by or epainet Trustor ot Bortowar en actlon under eny present or tuture federal,atate or etl�er atetute,
<br /> law or rpuladon r�Hnp to b�nkNptcyr,Insolwnay or oth�r rollul4or debton;or thsro thall�bs eppolnted any Wste�,reaelver or
<br /> I�quld�tor o/Truata 4r[iorrowsi ar ot aN or any part M ths Property,or the rents,Issuss or pro8ts thxsot,or Trustor or 8orrow�►
<br /> shall make eny�enoral aqslgnment for the beneflt oi creditore;
<br /> (e)Ths aeb,tro�s�er,lease,asslpnment,c�rveyanoa or turther encumbrance of all w�ny•peA.mf or my intFxwt In IM
<br /> p�p�rty,elther vokq�T�rify or lnvolunterlly,without the exprese written conaon2 at tender,provlded that i'rusta shell be pem�tt- •
<br /> ted to execute e IeASS of tt►e f>roperty that does not oontaln en optian W(wrchase and+tha term of whba does not sxasd one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�qbandonmeni vl 1t�!Property:or
<br /> (g)If Truator is nal an indlvldual,the tssuence,sele,trenater,eastgnrrwnt,conveyance a encumbrancx of more than(It e
<br /> corporeyon)e tda)•riJ�,,.�perc;ent ot Its Issued and outatending sicsck,or(ft a parMershlp�e totd oi psr-
<br /> ceM at peRnershlp intetasts,ar(A e�Imlted Oability oompeny)a totel oi petcent of the Ifmfted Ilabitlty oampa-
<br /> r�yi7l�nsts or vodn8�ights di�rtnH the perlod thts Deed ot Trust remalns e Ilen on the property.
<br /> �2,RW�dln;/1eaNntlon Upon D�huR.In th�e event ot eny Event of Defeult Lender may,without nodoe except as requlred
<br /> by law,declaro eN IncSr.�iedness BeCUrod herobY to be due and payable and the eame shall thereupon becort»due end payable wlti�-
<br /> out eny presentment,demand,protest or nolloe oi any klnd.ThereaRer Lender may:
<br /> (e)Demand that Truatee exercfse the POWER OF SALE prented heroln,end Truatee shall tttiereaRer cauae Truator's Inter-
<br /> est ln�he Properly to be sold end the procee�da to be dlstributed,all In the manner provldea tn the Nebraake Trust Daeds Act;
<br /> ��b9 IExArolse eny end alI rlghto provtded for in eny ot the Loa� Instruments or by lew upon oawRence ot any Event ot
<br /> Detautt;and
<br /> (c)Commence en ecUon to faeclose thls Deed ot Trust as o mortga�o,�ppulnt e recelver,or spgcllk:atly enforce any of tho
<br /> covenante hereof.
<br /> No rernedy hereln confe:�ed upon or reaerved to 7rusteo or Lendor Is Intended to be excluslve of any othar remedy hereln,In the Loan
<br /> Inshumente or by lew provlded or pertrdltod,but each shall be cumulaGve,shall be in eddiHon to every other remedy gfven hereunder,
<br /> Irt the Loan Inatruments or now cx hereaR�r exlattng et law or In equlty or by stetute,end may be exorclssd concurreMy,lndependently
<br /> or succeslvoty.
<br /> 13.TrustN.The Trustee mey reslyn et any tfine wlMout cause,end Lendor may at eny time end wkhout cause eppolnt a auc-
<br /> cessor or substltute Truabee.Trustee shall not be Itable to any pgrty,Including wlthout Ilmltetlon Le�der,Borcower,Trustor or eny pur-
<br /> chaaer of the Properry,tor eny waa or aamege unieaa due io redciesa or vnmui miai�wiui.;,aini onan irin im ioyimva�`a�iw�o a�:�ovw..
<br /> In connectbn with the enforoement of thls Deed of Trust unless tndemnlfled, In wdtlnp,for all oosts,compensatk►n or expenses whlch
<br /> may be essoclated therewith.In additton,T�ustee mey become e purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudlclal or under th�e pcs�+iver of
<br /> sele granied hereln);postpane the sele of all ar any pardon of the Property, as provided by law;or ee�l the Property as a whole,Qr in
<br />— separate parcels or lots et Trustee'e dlacretlon.
<br /> - 14.FNS and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee seus the P�vparty by exerc,lse of power ot sald,Trustoe shall be enGtled to appty
<br />-- eny salo proceeds ftrst to payment ot all costs and expenses ot exerclsing power of sele,Induding alI Trustee's fees,end LendePa and
<br /> - Trustee's ettomey's tees, ectually Incurced ro exteot pertnitted by eppllcable law.In the event Borcower or Trustor exerdses any r{�ht
<br /> -- provlded by law to cure an�vent of Default,Le�ide�ehall be endtled to rncover trom Truator aIl costs end expenae9 actualy incuned as
<br />-- a reault of Trustor's defaul4 Including wfthout Ilmltatlon alI Trustee's end attomey's fees,to the extent permltted by epplicab�e law.
<br /> � 15. Futura Adv�ncoo.Upon requeat of Bortower, �ender may,et Ita optlon, make eddltbnal and future edvances end read-
<br /> vances to Borcower.Such edvances and readvances,wlth Intorest thereon,ahall be necured by thls Deed of Trust.At no llme shall the
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