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<br /> THIS D�EO OF TRUST,la made as ot the b'i H dey of Seate�,b er ,18 97 ,by end anror�� e
<br /> •?;f
<br /> theTNSt�r; auaustin T. Rosas and Deb69e S. Rosas. hus�and and wife
<br /> a
<br /> whose matlkp addrrae is �nQ F_ theroln'Trustor.whether one or mooej.
<br /> n,eTn,scee Five Points Bank, a Nedraske Coraarat�lan J
<br /> whose mdNrp addMaa la p_A_ AnY 15(17 (;r,+nd ig]gQd� N F 6fiA07-1� (her�tn Ttuates�,and
<br /> �„�,,,�,ry, Five Points Bank
<br /> whose maiiln0 eddress is „Z015 N Broad well A ve.� Grand Icland� N E fi9803 (herein`Lender).
<br /> FOR VALUAgLE CONSIDERATION,k�cludinp Lsnders extsnabn otcxedit idsntiRad heroln to ,��,y usttne T. Rosas
<br /> an�,�hh�p �_ Rn�as
<br /> (heroin•Borrower:whether one or moro)and tho wat heroin crs�tsd,the recsipt
<br /> af wl�k� is hsreby acicnowle�l�ed, Truator haroby irrovocably prants,transf�era,convaya and aaelans to Truates, IN TRUST, YYITF9
<br /> POWER OF SALE,tor tht,beneflt and eecu�iry oi La�der,undsr and eubJeci ta the terma end conditioas hereinattsr aet foRh,tha rosi
<br /> prope�ydacr�.da.rouowa: The East Forty-four feet fE44=) of Lot Tnree (3), diocic
<br /> Ninety-five i95) Original Yown of Grand Island, HA11 CounLy, Nebraska.
<br /> IlMO Westerl�r Seventeen (17.0) Feet of Lot Three (3) and ell of Lot Four (4)
<br /> Block FifCeen (15), in Boggs and Nili's Additlon to the City of Gra�nd Is�nnd, Hall
<br /> COIA�1Mr'aACf��u"ll�iTpa�improvaments,ftxturea�eVeete.alleya�PassapewaYe�eaeements.nDhts�Privilspea end appurtena��oe�
<br /> locatad thsrson or In anywiea pertakdnp thereEo.snd the rents�iasuse and pro11le,rovsnion�snd r�smeinde�s tlx�rsof,w�A wcfi pw-
<br /> a�onal prr�erty that h attac��d to the Improvssnsnb oo ae to oonatHute e fixdxe.k�ckidkp�but not Iknif�ed to.hsstkq and 000Nrp�WlP-
<br /> ment;md bpsther wkh tbe hort�este�d or rts�rkal Interssts,N any,whk:h interesb aro hsrsby rolsawd and wafvsd;ali d which,k�dud-
<br /> ing roqscsments and eddkiona theroto.�her�by declarod to be a paiR of the roei estete aeaxed by the Msn M tt�fs Desd af Tiust md
<br /> aq of ths foropokp beinQ refemed W hureln aa tl�e'Propsrty/'.
<br /> 7hfs Doed of Truat ahaM securo(a)the payment of the pdndpal sum and tnterest evidencsd aj s promiqory nots or asdit sprse-
<br /> mentd�tsd September 5. 1997 _,havk�smaturitydatsotQctnher 11� 1997 ,
<br /> In the aiylnsl princip�t amnunt ot i and any and eR moditicalians,extensions a�nd nr�ew�ls
<br /> thereol or Mer�eto antl any and ell future ancee and readvarx�s to BoROwe�{or any of them H moro than one)t�ero�xxisr purswnt
<br /> to on�or moro promissory notes or cxedit agreemenU(herein celled'Note'),(b)the peyrr�er►t ot oth�e►sums advsncsd by land�r Oo
<br /> protecx ttw�scxuity of the Note;(c)Me performance of ell covenanta and ayroemsnts of T�ustor set forth hsrsin;a�d(d)�II prownt�nd
<br /> fuWro k�debtsdness and obligationa of Barower(or eny oT them ii more than one)to Lender whather direct,Indiroct,ab�okde or oonHn-
<br /> 9ent�nd whether ariaing by note,guaranty,overd�att or otherwise.7he Note,thfa Deed oi Truat and eny end all Whst docanmts th�t
<br /> eecuro the Note or atherwlse executed In connectforr therewith, indudtny without Iimltetion puerantees,security apresments and
<br /> a�ignmenle ot leases end rente,shall be roferred to herotn as the'Loan Inatruments'.
<br /> trustor wvenants and egroes with Lender aa fdbws:
<br /> 1. Paym�M oi Inc�bt�dn�ss.All indebtedneaa secured hereby shatl be paid when due.
<br /> 2. 7'id�.Trustor fa the owner oi the Properry,has the tight and euthority to convey tha Praperty.and wartanta that ths iien croet
<br /> ed heroby is e flnt and prbr Ilen on the Property,except tor Ilens end e�cumbrances set torth by Truator In wridnp end dsllvsrod to
<br /> Lender before execution of thta Deed ot Trust,and the execution end delivery M this Deed of Trust does not vtolate eny oontract or
<br /> ottwr obltga8on to which T�uator la subject.
<br /> 3.Taz�s,Ass�ssm�nb.To pay before deBnquency aA texes,special asaessments end ell other cheryes egetnat the PropoAy
<br /> now or heroeRer levied.
<br /> . 4.tnsuranc�.To keep the PropeKy(nsured apatnst damege by flre.hateroa InGuded within the term'extended coverege',and
<br /> auch other hazards as LenAer mey raqulre, in anwunts and wlth cwnpaniss+�ccepteble to Lender, namir�g Lend�r a on�ddfBor�l
<br /> narned Instxed,with bss payable to the Lender.In ca�e oi Ins.a undor such policiea,the Lender Is aut�otlzed to adjust,ooNed and
<br /> canpromiae,ell dalms thereunder and ahall have the option oi apptying etl nr part ai the insurance proceeds(i)to any tndebtedneaa
<br /> secured hereby end In such order as Lender may detertnine,(iq to th�Tnrstor to be used for the repair or restoretlon ai the Property or
<br /> (UI)tor any other purpose or object aetisfectory to Lender wlthout aftectiny the Ilen ot thls Deeci of Truat far the fuil amount seGUred
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any eppl�ations of proceeda tn Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> of arn pavments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder w hereunder.
<br /> 6. Lscrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner es Lender may desWnate,auficfent��;
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay es they beoome due one or more of the following:(I)all taxes,assessments and other charge�eqainat�•
<br /> the Property, (II)the premlums on the proporty Insurance requlred hereunder,and (iil) the premtums on any mortQape Insurence� ,
<br /> �r�qulrod by Lender. u'
<br /> 8. IlAainbnanc�, R�ps(rs and Compllanct witb Lawa.Truator shall keep the Property In good oonditlon and repatr;shall
<br /> promptly repafr,or replace any Improvement which may be demsged or deatroyed;shall not commit or permit eny waste or deteriara-
<br /> tton ot the Property;shall not remove,demolish or aubstentiaily alter any oi the Improvements on the Proporty;shall not commit,suffer
<br /> or permit any act to be done!n or upon Ihe PropeKy In vblatbn of any lew,ordinance,or regulatlon;and shal�pey end promptiy dis-
<br /> cherpe at Trustor's cost end expense ell Ilena, encumbrences end charges Ievied, Imposed or accessed egalnst Me PropeAy or any
<br /> part thereoL _
<br /> 7. EmirNnt Oomatn.Lender Is hereby asslgned all compensalton, awards,dameges and other payments or rellef(heretnafter
<br /> rrci+er�.�.raw��..en�
<br /> o,w��wd,r�w a Q.mwatniu.ne Bw+w Naawn►na•.wubu
<br />