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<br /> (3) Performance of esch�greemeat of�3orrower couaiaed bereip or incorporaced hareui by referen:.e
<br /> or conulned ia any otlxr�greemeate or covenuuc eaecuted by Borrower reladng to the loau securcd lxreby
<br /> (togcthr,r wIth tbe Nate aad this Iasuumeut ue referred ta tu tha "I.oan I3ocwneata').
<br /> (4) Perfom�anco by Aarrower of each an�i every awaetuy o1►Ug�don to be pstformed by Borrower
<br /> undsr any recorded covenants,candltions and resuicdoc�pe►t�iniug to the Ptoperry. �
<br /> (S) At Lender's opdop,pt�Ymeat with interest tt�reon,of�ny other pnsent or fuhue indebtedness or
<br /> obligztIon of Borcawer(or of u►y successor In interat of Borrower to such PropertY)owln�to Le�ader, whether
<br /> eeratod dicectly or uquitod by absolute or coadagent usi�at.w6ether due or aot, wbet6er ot�erv�ise sxuiai
<br /> or not�or whetlxr extsdng at the time of the eaceudon of thls Iasaument or arlsing thera�fter,the ex�nise of such
<br /> opdon to t►e evidencod by a nodce in wddn8 to Borrower or any successor in inter�st to Bocrower.
<br /> (6) Perforn�nce of�ll Agcaments of Botcower to pay fas And charges to the Lenefer reladng to the
<br /> L.oau secured hereby.
<br /> (7) Performtixe by Bonower of tLe covenants u�d tgreemcsats contained in s Cuasuucdon L�o�a
<br /> Agceement between Barrower and I.ender,of even due henwlth.u provIded in thls InstiumeTu.
<br /> Barmwer covenants tLat Borrower is lawfWly seizcd of tbe asaue lureby conveyed and d�ts t6e right to
<br /> grant,convey,transfcr aad assign tLe Property to the Tn�stee anci ttu�t Bomnwer wW wu�ant u�d defead generally
<br /> the dde to tbx Property against all claims aad dea�ands,eacept for Ueas.easements and restrIcdongwhic6 u+e alwwn
<br /> as pdor to tlie lien created by tnis Instrumeat in 4 schedule af eACepduas ta coverage in any tlde pollcy iac�ag
<br /> Lerder's lien on the Property cnated by this Ynsmwaent.
<br /> 1. PAYII�NT OF P1tINCI�AL AND�]TERESI'. Borrower shall p��when due the principal of
<br /> and in�ecosi ua if�c iuui�iio�sc�s��d°u�:.i!hy t��*2�tt,�ay�zep��nt 8sx11�L�har�e__g provlded in the Note aud
<br /> aU other sums socured by this Iastn�ment.
<br /> 2. FUNDS FOR TA7�S�IN5LTItANCE AND OTHER CHARGF�.S. Udess waived in writing bY
<br /> Lender(which waiver can be nscindal by Lender at uiy time)Sormwer s1W1 pny w Lender on the d�y montbly
<br /> insullments of princip�l�nd/or incenest ur pay�ble under the Note(or oa another day design�ted in wrttin8 by
<br /> Lender),wuil tha Note is paid in full.a sum (hecein "Fuads') e4ua1 w one-tweifth of(�) tha yearly taxes aM
<br /> sssessuneuts whtch miy be IevIed on the Property,wd(b)the Yeuly premlum iasnilments for fue rod othe:h�wrd
<br /> insunuice.nnt loss iasvrance aad s�ech other ia5urance covering the Property as Lenckr m�y ralulr�e Pn�su�nt to
<br /> thls Insuument,all as rasunablY estimatal Initi�UY�ad from ttme to time by Lender on the bzcts of�.Sessmentas
<br /> ud bills�nd rasonable esdmstes thcreof. Any waiver by Lender of a rcquiremenc that Borrowec Ps►Y ach F�ds
<br /> way be revoked by Leader. in I.eixler's sole discredon.u wy time upon mticc in wrldn�to Borrovrer. Lender
<br /> u�ay requin Borrower to pay to Leader. in advance,such swns for ot�er t�uces. chuges.premiuvs.s.tssessmeats
<br /> and imposidoas reladng to Bonower or tt�e Property,payment of whicb Lender nu�on�bly shall doem neces.�cy
<br />�, to protect any of the lieas or security lnterests of Lender wvend by this IastNment('Other Imposidom')_ Udess
<br /> otberwise pt+nvided by�pplicable law. Lender m�y nquire Fuads for Other Imgosidoas to be pnid to I.ender by
<br /> Borrawer in a lump sum or in pedodic Inst�llaicaGS.at Lender's option.
<br /> The Funds sl�all be held by Lender or,�t I.ender's option,in u�other iast3tudoA,the deposits or acco�s
<br /> of wWch are insured or g�wranteed by a federal or sate agency. Lender sl�ll apply tUe F�nds w pay said qu�es,
<br /> ass�ssments.insurance pnmiums uid Ckher Imposttioa�as tLey fi�come due pmvided tLxt Bocrowec�s na i�n b�
<br /> of u►y wven�wt or agncment of Bomower in this Insuument. Lender st�ali make no chuge for so holdIng�nd
<br /> applying the Fuods,snalyring siid accouat or for vedfying and compiling said assessments wd bj11s, unless Lender
<br /> pays so����c�c.eunings or pmfits on We Funds at�d appltetblt law permtts Lender to m�ice such s chuge.
<br /> Batrower and Lender m�y s�gne in writing at the dme of execution of this Insm�ment ttut interest on tbe Funds
<br /> , sh�ll be paid to Borrower� and unless sush agreement is made or a;►ptica�ble law roquires paymcnt of lnterest,
<br /> earninEzs or pmRts on the Funds to be p�id.Lender shall not Ix requind to pAy Borrower tny intectst,eatnIeBs or
<br /> pmfits on the Fu�ls. Le�er shaU gtve to BoROwer. without charge. aa annual accounting of tbe Funds, in -
<br /> Lender's�uwl fomnat.sLowing credits a�l deblts eo the Funds nnd the purpose for which etch debit to[be Funds
<br /> was made. The Fwnds are hereby pledged as additional security for the inclebtedness secuced by thie instnunent.
<br /> If tLe amount of the Fw�ds held by Leuder at the oime of the wnual accoundng thereof sbull eaceed cLc
<br /> anoonnt decmed n�ecessuy by Leader to provide for the pnyment of taxes.assessments. insur�nce pnmivms. and
<br /> Other Imposidonc. as tLey fa11 due. such excess nuy be nfunded to Borrower fotlowing such audit or may he .
<br /> .�__ ' _C.�� c....tr Lt.l M..
<br /> - appUed by Le�er at its opnon to paymen[s due in d,e iunue. ii ai uiy u�wc su.uwn va u■. .�....•...,�
<br /> Lender sLall be less tl�n the anwunt dcemed necesssry by Le�er to p�y taxes.assessments.intivrance premiu�.
<br /> and Other Impc�stdons, as they fall due. Bormwer shall pay to Lender any amount uecess�ry to uuke up the
<br /> - deficiency within thirty dsys after written noace frnm L.eader to Borrower nquesting psyment tUereof.
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