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<br /> Loan No. 147616
<br /> . This Deed ot Tn�st ts A Construdton Securlty A�nent tdat aecw�es w �
<br /> ob1l�Atb� RR�t Barrower has incurred tor the pur(�a�e of in�king nn . _
<br /> : improvane�nt to the herdn descrtbed prapaty�nd ia�constnxtion sea,r(ty
<br /> QiKera�t!n spld propaty. \'�
<br /> TM3 D��ED OF T1tUST(thc "Instrument')is m�dc this�,�day of August. 1997� betwan CLBAR
<br /> DBVBLOPMHNT,LLC.aKansas Iimitedlabilltycampaay(the"Borrower'�,whose addre�s�s 128 South Ikllrose,
<br /> Wichita, Kaasas b7218, FRANK J. MIHULKA. Attomey at I.Aw (the "T'n�sta"), whase address is 1000
<br /> Commerciai Federal Tower. 2120 South 72ad Saeet, Om�lw, Nebraslca 68124 sad FIDELITY HANK, as
<br /> , beaeficiary(the"I.ender'),whosc address is 100 East Engllsh.ATTN:Commerc�tl Loans,Wicluta.Kaasas 67201.
<br /> WI'f NES SETR:
<br /> Bormwer.as austor, irnvocably gcnnts.cc�aveys. tnnsfeta ac�d assigns to Trustce, in trust,witb power
<br /> - ai 531c,ti�iii ici�i pn�cciy in HwII�ounty,ivrnca.�icx,dcycn'aat iu uu fiiihi�►ii°n"�itiii:tiai ticictv+m�iu�xiipu�ii�1 °
<br /> � heretn by nferencc.
<br /> , TOGET�B,`R with�lI iat¢ciest which Botrower aow has or m�y heMaRer acquire in or w satd pmperty
<br /> ; u�d la and to: (a)all casements nnd rights of way tppurtenant thereto.and atl het�etoE�or hen�fter wcated�lteys
<br /> and stmts abutdng said pmperty;wd(b)all buildIngs.stn�ctures.teataunn.ia�srovea�ents,fiatu�es(exclu�ing
<br /> ten�nt tr�de Sxaues),xnd appurtenances now or hereaRer placed thereoa,iocluding.but not limited W.�il Sxtiuies,
<br /> app�ratus.mschi�ry.etluipmaat.engincs.boilcrs,incinerstors.building m�terials�oppl�nces wd�oods of every
<br /> wture whatsocvcr uow or hereat�er locaued in, or on, or �sed. or intended to be used in coaaecdon with s�td
<br /> . propertp, including. but aot ttmitnd to. those for the p+upuses of supply�ng or disaibudng air coolia�g� air
<br /> , coadidoning,gas,elxaicity.water,refrigar�aou.vendladon,dispos�l and otber servlces;�ad�11 re�muhinery
<br /> And equipment.fire prevendon and eadngutalung appuxtus, saarity and�ccess control appuxtus�plumbing�wster
<br /> heuers. sinks. nfitgemtors. dishwrsbers. scnen4� bl�nds. studes, cumiag�nd cunain rods,nurrors, c�bIaets.
<br /> paneling,rugs. attsched floor coverings. u�d fumiture. It beiag inteaded uid agroed ttnt such Items. includ,ing
<br /> repl�cemeats a�ad�itions thento.be conclustvely deenxd to be affi�cod to and Ix pu�t of tve real Propeny tLat
<br /> . !s conveyed lxnby; and(c) all cabinets.shelving� furaiture.disPliys.Ilghts�rmeWaery aod aher aade 6xc�res
<br /> attached or otLerwise tasalled on said property used for n trade or busines.s.it beiag inteaded�ad agreed ttnt such
<br /> ;, , items.includtng replacements aad addidons theceto.be coaclusively deemed W be affuced W and be put of tbe ral
<br /> pmpezty that is conveyod herehy; aad(d)�Il roy�Ities. minenils, oU and g�s rights�nd prnfits. wuer nad water
<br /> rIghts(whetlxr or not appurten�wt)owned by Borrower wd stures of stack pectaintng to such vv�ter or waur dghts,
<br /> ownarsl�ip of which affects said property;aud(e)the reats. incoms� issues.and profits of�li p�pertles wvecKd
<br /> by this Iasaumear, SUBJBCI'. HOWBVfiR. to the ternu and condidons herein set forth. Borrower �gras co
<br /> ' execute aoRl deliver. from dme to dme.such further Instruments as mty be requested by Leader ro evidence or
<br /> confirm the lien of tUis Insaumcnt oa any such properdes. The pmpetties convcyed to Tnutec heceunder u+e
<br /> hereinafter nferred to as the"Property." It v uaderatuad tlut tht�Deed o�Trmt secu�rs a loan to be��ed for
<br /> tde oonstn�ctlon o[ta�provanents and thls Dced o[Tnnt acpressly wvers all Dulid(n=s and tmprovenaYt��
<br /> now e�dulns or hereatta to be erected or Inratcd on thl9 propeity and tNs Deed ot Tn�st sh�ll remain a Arst
<br /> Iten Dad of'I�St pptmt t6e sub{�dx prope�ty, and any lmpro�anents a+ected thereon to secure paym�nt
<br /> o[the Note tor the tam theneof.
<br /> (1) Payment of the sum of Two Mill[on Fifty Thousand DoAnrs( interest theceon.
<br /> accordjng to the term5 of�Promissary Note of evea date hercwtth u�d having a fiml�turity date of AuRust 28.
<br /> tJy�. made by Eorrower payable to I.ender or to order, and all modifications,exteasion�or renewals thereof,
<br /> together with any futuce advances m�de by Lender(the 'Note'). _
<br /> (2) Payment of such addidonal sums w[tl�interest thereon(a)as may be hereafter�dvanced by I,ender =
<br /> pursuant ro this Iastrument(hereln "Future Advwces"); wd(b) as may be inc�ared, p�id out, nr advanced by "'
<br /> Lendar,or m�y otherwise be due ro Tn�stee or Lender under any pmviston nf this Insmu►xnt. —�
<br /> �.
<br /> �.
<br /> �
<br />