<br /> Any application of paytncnCs, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneotu Proceeds to piincipal due under the Note
<br /> shal[ not extend or postpone the due daYe, or change[he amount, of the Pcriodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Plmds for F„qcrow ICems, Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Pcriodic Payments are due uuder the
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid in fttll, a swn (the "Funds") to provide for payment of�mounts due fvr: (a7 taxcs
<br /> and assessmenCs and other items which can atta3n prior3ty over this SecttriYy Instmment.is a Ilen or
<br /> encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on Che Prol�erry, iY any; (c) premiums
<br /> fbr aiiy aiid all insurance rcquired by Lender under SaeYion 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiu�ns, if any,
<br /> or airy suma payablc by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment oY Mortgagc Insurance premiGtms in
<br /> accordance with the provisions oP Sect'ron 10, These items are called "Esccow Items," AC origination or nt
<br /> any tlme dLiring the term of tlie Loan, Lender may rec�uirc ChaC Community AssocinYion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessn�ents, iF any, be cscrowed by Borrower, and sucl� dues, fees and assessmenCs shal( be an L+scrow
<br /> Itam. Rorrower shall promptly furuish to Lender all iiotices ot an�ounts I:o be paid imder tliis Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Leuder tlie Flands fo� Escrow Iteais uniass Lender waives Borrower`s obligation to pay
<br /> tlie Ftt��ds for any or all Fscrow Items. Lender may waive Bnrmwer's oblibation to p�ry to Lcnder Nunds for
<br /> any or 2I1 Escrow Itams at any time. Any such waiver may only be in writing. I�the evenC of sueh waivee,
<br /> Borcower shall pay direcCly, when and where payable, the aniounts due for any Escrow items for wl�iel�
<br /> paymonC oP Nunds has been waived Uy Lender and, if Lender requires, shall 1'urnish Yo Lender receipts
<br /> ev3dencing sueh paymeoY wiYhiv sucli time pexiod as Lencier may xequire. Borrower's oUligation to make
<br /> � such payments and to pcovide receipts sl�all Yor all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and agrceri�cnt
<br /> contained in tliis Security Instrument, as Che phrase "covenant and ageeement" is used in SecCion 9, if
<br /> Borrowor is obliga6ed to pay �+scrow Iteins dia•ectly, pursuant to<i wa3ver, and 13orrower fails Co pay Che
<br /> amount due Ppc a�L�scrow Item, Lencier may exercise its righCs under Sectio� 9 aud pay such amou�it and
<br /> Borrower shall then be obligated under Sectiou 9 to repay fo Lender any sucti 2mount. Leiidcr may revolce
<br /> tlte w.iYver as to any ur aIL Escrow 7tems at any time by a notice giveil in accordance wiCh Section 15 autl,
<br /> upon such revocation, Boiarower shall pay Co Leoder all Ftmde, ancl in such amonnts, that are then required
<br /> under Chls Section 3.
<br /> Lcndcr may, at any time, collece and hold Punds in an amount(a) sufficiant to permif Lender to npply tl�e
<br /> Funds at the time specified under R�SPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require
<br /> under R�SPA, Lender slinll estimate the amouiit of Funds due on the baeis of aurrent dat�� and reasonablc
<br /> estimates oY expenditures o�Pfulure Eserow Items or otlierwise in accordance with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Pui�ds shall be held in ar�instiluCion whose deposits are insuxed vy a federQ agci�cy, inslrumenCality, or
<br /> entity (including Lender, if Lender is an iustitution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Pederal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. I,ender shall �pply Clie Funds to p.iy the Escrow Llems no later tfian the time speciPied under
<br /> RESPA. Levder shnll not ohazge Borrower for holding and applying the Fnnds, ammally au�ailyzing the
<br /> escrow account, or verit'ying Che Escrow 1Cems, anless Lender pays Borrower interest oii the Punds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lcndcr Co make sueh a charge. Unless an agreemeilt is made in wridng or
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid�o�� the Punds, Lender shall not be raquired to pay Borrower tmy
<br /> interest:or earnings �n Che Rnnds. Iloitnwer aaid Lender can agece in�yriting, however, Chat it�terest shnll be
<br /> paid on Yhe Funda, Lender shall give to Borrower, williout chaige, an aiinual accounYiug of[he Funds as
<br /> reqttired I�y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Fui�ds l�e[d in escrow, as dePined under RESPA, Lender sl�all accounC to Borrowcr for
<br /> the excess fu�ids in accordance with }2ESPA. If there is a sliortage of Punds held in escrow, as defined under
<br /> K$SPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, xud Borrower sha(I pay Co Lender Yl�e amount
<br /> necessary to make up the sl�ortage in necordunce with KESPA, bal in no mora Yhan 12 monthly payments. If
<br /> there is a dePiciency oY Punds held In escrow, as dePined under R�SPA, Lender shalL noCify Rorrower as
<br /> . ..------ ----- zaooisaa
<br /> NFBRASNA�Single f-amily-fennie MaelFradJie Mao UNIFOFM INSIRUMEN I Form 3020 1;01
<br /> VMP'uJ VP9P8(NE��{1105)
<br /> bVollnia Kluwar Financlel 9orvicos Pa�e B oi t]
<br />