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<br /> �y. ����{�,;•'.�`,r .. - r. s c,.�:�ti�. f':�r�L:��1�.,.�4h��ys�-m-� _,t, � �_���'�
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<br /> _ � ...ln.� �
<br />– : �-•,: ,a, 97— ltl'�'Stt5 4
<br /> � :�
<br /> ' � B.All fUture advanccs from Fkncflclary to Trustor or ather tl�wrr obligndon� of Trustor to &ncftciary under wy
<br /> ; pramfesory notc. wntr�ct, guuAnty, or oiher evldcncn of deht cxceuted by Tru�ror in f4vor of Beneficis�ccy execatccl =�-
<br /> ..,, � aRer this 5�cudty Instrument whether or not tMw Serurity Instrumrnt la speciflcwlly �farenced. If morc th�n one �__
<br /> perwn algns this Securlty Instrument, rach 7'mator �rces Uiat thie Securtty Instrument will secure �Il ftiture �
<br /> S Adv�ncea�nd f�tun oblig�tlon�thAt prr qiv�n to or incurnd by any onc or more Trustor,or�tny onc or more Trustar =�_
<br /> � and othere. AU future edvances aad other fUture obllguions are securecf by thia Secudty Inatrument even though all �;•;_
<br /> or putt miy noc yec bt�dvu�cal•All Nture idvances�nd othsr tl�ture obliguion�u�e rocured ai if tnade on tbe dete
<br /> � , of�lii�Securlry[nstrument. Nothing in thie SecurEry Instrument eh�il constltute a commitment to make eddiNan�l or -
<br /> future loans ur aclvattccs in:uty a�itiowit.Auy such con��itn�ent must be ugreed 3a in n sepurnte�vdtin�. t�`�
<br /> �K����'� C.AU oblig�tians Tnutor owea to BeaeRciAry,which may loter arise,to the extent not prohibltod by law, including
<br /> � but not limitai to, IiabUitfes for overdrafte �elating to any deposit account agreement between Truator aa�
<br /> s Benefic:lacy.
<br /> D.AII Additfo�tal sum�edvanced aad expcases Incurred by&ncficiary for ipauring,preserving or otherwise prot�� —
<br />� �:i+ � the Propetty ead Ite value aad any other sums advaacod And expeases incurred by Beneflci�ry under the ternu of th�
<br />- Securtty Instrumcnt.
<br /> ��
<br /> 17�is Sxurity lnsuument will not secure any other debt if BepeGciary faile to give aay required noticc of the rigltt of -
<br /> � rescissiou.
<br /> � 5. PAYINFIVTS.Trus�or agrrrs that aU payments under the���:un�d Debt will be paid when due and in accordance wtth the
<br /> � tem�s of�be Secured Debt aad Wis Security Instrumeut.
<br /> • 6. WARRANTY OF TITLE. Tnutor warrante th�t Tcustor is or will be lawfully sefzal of the estate conveyed by thia
<br /> � � Sec�ulty Instxuroc�t a►d has the right to imvocably gant,convey, end sell the Properry to Trustx,in uuat, with power of
<br />-. � . 3ale.Trnstos also werrants that the Property in unencwnbered,except for eacumbrances of noord. �
<br /> -,.: ' 7. PR]IOR SECURTI'Y iNTEREbTS• With ngud to wy other mortgage.dad of uuat, security agranieat or othcr lien
<br />_ � .� document that crsated a prior security iaterest or enc�unbru►ce on the Property.Ttustor�gr��a:
<br /> . ,. ' A.To make aU payments when due and to perform or comply wlth nll covenauts.
<br /> �'�f :•..,._ B.To prompdy deliver w Beneflciary any notices!hat Trustor receives from the holder.
<br /> C.Not to aUow any madificadon or exteasion of, nor w reqnest auy future advuices under any aote or agreement
<br /> , , '� securod by the lien document without&aeficiery's prlor written consent.
<br />�, '. 8. CLAAZS AGAINST TITLE.Trustor will pay all ttites.assessmeate.Itens,eacumbrances.lease payments,ground rents,
<br />- + 1 utilities. and offier charges relating to the Froperty whett due. Beneficiary may re4uire Trustor to pmvide to Beneficiary
<br /> -s:-�`-` copies of all nodces that such amouats ane due end the nceipts evidenciag Truator s prymeut.Tn�.ctor will defend title to
<br />°i � �`� the Pro rty against any clairns that would impair the lirn of thie Secuciry Iasuument. Trustor agrees to assiga W
<br /> ?�:-'�..i ..; . � ted b Benefici Y �& P PP Y
<br />- ;.s �.•• &neficuy, asreques p ary aay rtghts.claims or defenses Trustor ma have ainst arties who su 1 l�bor
<br />^'"`�'`.� ' or materials w m ia ntain or I m prove the�rope�ty.
<br /> -�--.r_r:.;��• �'
<br />�"��'�"'`�"'°' � 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Benefictary may,at ite o tlon,declare the entire balaace of the Sec�ral Debt to
<br />,_..-�y v r, .;..
<br />-_�: �,t�, _, be Immedtatcly due and payable upoa the cnation of,or contract or the cnatlon of,nay Ifen,encwnbru�e. trnnsfu or
<br />��=;:L�;� sale of tho Property.T1�is ri t is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal l4w (12 C.F.R. 591),as applirable.'Ihie
<br />=��+y:,,, . wvenant shaU run with the�roperty aad sh�ll rea�atn in effect untU the Secured Debt Is paid in fuU and thie Secudty
<br />_�:,a,::.,.• � ��nt is nleased.
<br /> ���w���
<br /> r..��;< <�
<br />-=:'�'Y��`• 10. PROPERTY CONbIT[ON ALTERATIONS A1VD INSPECTION. T'rustor wW kap the Property in good condidon
<br />-= '"' J'�'N'� and make all eirs that are reasonabiy naxsauy. Tcustor shdl not commit or �ilow eny weste. linpai�meat, or
<br />;:sii�:�%�-. ---
<br />;,;;,;;�. detedoratlon of�e Properry. 7'mRtnr will keer the Propeny frec of noxioua weeds aad grasses. Tn�stor agtees that the
<br /> ��"'��� � nature of the occupwcy and use will not substaadally chauge without Beneficiary's pdor wrlttea conseat.Trustor wUl not
<br /> aa:�; � permit any ehenge ia any license,resMctive oovenant or easement wIthout Bedeficinry's prior written conseni.Trustor wlll
<br /> aotify Beneficiary of aU demands, procoodings.claim5. and actions against Truawr,aad of any loss or deu�age to the
<br /> '�"�m� ProPertY
<br />=_.:m�„��
<br />---�"�"°'�"•'=-"•� Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents may.at Beneficf 's optioa,.enter the Prope3ty at any reasonable tune for the purpose
<br /> --'�""'�c�'*�� of inspecung the Property. Seneficiary shaU give rustor not�cc at the tiwne of or before aa inspectian specifyin a
<br /> _���= reaconable��purpose for the inspecdoa. Any inspection of the Properry ehall 6e entirely for Bene�iciary's bea�eSt �gind
<br />�--,:b�,,�;j Ttustor wlll in no way nly on Heneflclary's inspection.
<br /> �����
<br /> Il. AiITHUItITY TO PERFOAM. If Trustor fails to perfotm any dury or any of the wvenants coatained in this Security
<br /> �;�;�. Instiument, Beaeflciary may, without notice, perform or cause them to beperFormod. Trustor a�points Beneficiary as
<br /> ;��_;�r� attomey in fget to aign Tmstor's name or pay aay amouat necessary for performance.Beneficiary s right topecform for
<br /> ct
<br /> Trustor shall aot create an obligatlon to perform,and Beneficfary's failun to perForm will nat proclude Beneficiury ftom
<br />----�—_.�=��-� exercising any of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or this Securlty Insuument.If any consuuetion on the Propetty
<br />��,Y�,. " is disconftnued or uot cartied on in a reasonable manner,Beneficiary may take all steps necessery to protxt Beueficury's
<br /> .,,�--- aecurity lnterest in the Property.inclu�ing completioa of the construction.
<br /> • _,..�-
<br /> - "''R�'°' ' 12. ASSIGNII�NT OF LEASFS AND REN7'S. Trustor trrevocabl grants, conveys aad sells to Trustee, in uvst for the
<br /> -���,3.,;,,.
<br />� `;��'��`N:. . ' benefit of Beneficiery. av additional security all the dght,tide an interest in and to eny and ali existing or future leases,
<br /> =Tr"'':E•it:. subleases,and any other written or verbal agreements for the use aad occupancy of any rtioa of the Property.iacluding
<br />_ '" ''"�'' � any extensions renewals,modlfications or subsdtutions of such agreements(all refe�o as "L.esUes")and rents. issues
<br /> ��`. �;a�� and profits (al{ referred to as "Rents"). Trustor will rom d provlde Beneficiary with true and cornct copies of all
<br />�• • existing and tiiture Leases.Trustor may collect.roceivepenjoy and use We Rents so long as Truetor is not in default under
<br /> j',� � the tercns of this Securtry Instrument.
<br />_<;;,,;
<br />_�,�,.� _�: Trustor ac1;�►owledges that tWs assignn�ent is perfected upon the recording of this Doed of'hust and that Beneficiary is
<br />��� entided to notify any of Trustor's tenants to make paycnent of Rwts due or to become due to Beneficiary. However, '
<br /> � •:..,��':: Beneflekary agoees that only on default will Beneflc�ary notify Tcustor and Trustor's tenants and maice demeud that ell _
<br /> ..r:` future Rents be uid direcdy to Beneftctary.On receiving notice of default,Tcustor will endorse xnd deliver to Beneficiary Q
<br /> `�' aay payment of�ents ln Tn�stor's possession and wUl recelve any Rents ia uust for Beneficiary and will not wmmingle
<br /> S:- ��"� � the Rents with any other funds. Any amouats collected wlll be applied as provided in this Securlty Instrument. Trustor t`'
<br /> "`��� � warrants that no default exists under the L,eases or any applicable I�ndlord/tenant la�v.Trustor also agrees to maintaiu aad
<br /> _." �. ._ '_.
<br /> __
<br /> _f� ...s.L.L� ..t•L�i.. ...7......IS....f.1s in ��-
<br /> �.�-.--...-^"'-'T� IC(�LLIIC UItY lCtUUta iV wttyit�v��w u+�.«iaaao va WY LVOObO Y�IY Y�I(/��VYV�F...::.
<br /> I 13. LEASEHOLDS; CONWMINIiJMS• PLAIVNED LJMT DEVELOPIVIENTS. T�ustor agrees to comply wlth the
<br /> ;E + provisions of auy lease if this Securlty Instrument Is on a leasehold.If the Propecty includes a unit in a condominium or a .
<br /> planned unit development,Trustor will perform a11 of Trustor's duties under the covenants,by-laws,or reguladons of the .
<br /> condominium or plenned unit development.
<br /> fpage 2 0/4J
<br /> . m1394 D�nknt Sytumy,mc.,Sc C1ad,MN It•800•397di411 Fwm RE•DT�NE 12/23/9E
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