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<br /> 6lsU ot NeEcaska _._.Sp�ct AAew 1tiY i/a�Foe R�eor�D�ta------�� �
<br /> DEED OF TRUST �
<br /> �wtcti�r�t�an�ci��)
<br /> 1. DATE AND PA1tTl�'S.The date of this Deod oY Trust (Socudry Instnunent) is .......r�.���:.3•..���7..._....--
<br /> aud We pudes.their rddresses�nd tax identification num6ere.if requirod.are as followa:
<br /> TRUSTOR: L�NxS D. I�.9CN
<br /> A SII�1G[E PIIi.9CN
<br /> 494 W. 7ZH
<br /> C�7MID ISLAND, NE 68801
<br /> Soci.al Secu�'ity #: 505-70-9D5H
<br /> ❑ If checkod. refa to the xttached Addendum inm�spor�ud henia, for addittonal Trustars, t�eir si8aatures and
<br /> ackaowledgmeate.
<br /> 110 E. 9�IH
<br /> WC)Cp RIVIIt, NE 6888�
<br /> 'j'�� �� I.I?. �: 47-AQ9R'�F� ,
<br /> BENEFICIARY:k�C OF Vit�CO RIVFR dba t�t•r� BANIC C�ID ISIi�1i�ID .
<br /> � C7sg�nized and exi.sCir�g tuxler the laws of the �tate of Nebraeka
<br /> • P.O. BCQ� 57.38
<br /> C3�AI�ID ISII�I�ID, I� 6B802
<br /> ; Taxpayer I.D. #: 47-0098350 '
<br /> 2. l:�'iNi�YAP1C�. Fur guu�I wd veluatrle cousldeiatlou. the r:.ctfpt asd �fiel�cy of e�hich is aclmowlodged, and to
<br /> secun tLe Sxurod)kbc(definod below) and TrusWr'� performaace under this SxurFty Uietcumrat.Truetor inevoably
<br /> gr�nts; coaveys�nd eells ta Truata, in uuat for the benefit of Ben�ficiary. with powe�'of�le.the following desc�ribed
<br /> : pp�ny stSe�.ronci Adc93tian�to�tYye�f C�'atr3 Is�1�at�d�lI�l�po�mtyPacifi��c R�1waY
<br /> �
<br /> :
<br /> 1
<br /> . The prnperty is located in��.............................................................at..............................................
<br /> i (CowtY>
<br /> t 4�Q4..YI.•..:�:�.�.�?�4-3�4�.�?,.[�.�t......,�.�s�Ia.�`JR..............................Nebraska.6@$9�,............
<br /> , (Add[as) (City) CLIP Cale)
<br /> Together with�11 dghta.easemeats� aPPurtenances.royaldw. mtneral rights, oil and gas dghts. all water and ripuian
<br /> ' rights. ditches,and waur stock and a31 eaistEng ancL•future improvemants.structures. fixtures, aad replacemeat�thst may
<br /> now,or at any dme in the future,be part of the real atate dcscrlbed above(all refer�ed to as"Property").
<br /> 3. MAXII�I[JM OBLIGATIO�I LIMIT.The total principal amount securai by this Security Instnunent at any one t�ne shall
<br /> , not excx�d S�4,a�.��,Q4................................... . This limitation of amount does not include interest and other foes
<br /> and charges validly made purauant to this Securlty Inahumeat.Nso,thie limitation does not apply to advances made under
<br /> the termi of thia Sccurity Inswment to prntect BeneBctary's security and to perform any of the covenants contain�d �n this
<br /> e_.....t...r....� - -
<br /> .. .,....�,..�.,o.. ..
<br /> 4. SEC[JRED DEBT AND F[JTURE ADVANCFS.'Il�c tetm"Secured Debt"is d�Hned ac followe:
<br /> A.Debt incurred under tlie term5 of all promissory notKs),conuact(s),guaranry(s)or other ev,dence of debt drscribed
<br /> below and ali their extensions, reuewals, modificadons nr aubstitudons. (When referencing the debts below tr ts
<br />- suggestcd that you tnclude Items such as borrowers'names.note amounts,interest mtes,maturiry dates, etc.)
<br /> $34,133 r»te dated 9-3-97, interest rate il�, maturity date 9-1-01. __.
<br /> P
<br />- NESMSKA•DEED OF TNUST INOT FOR FNMA.�H�n�r.,F►fA OR Vn USEI fpaga 1 of 41 -
<br />= Y'�t; -
<br /> 01901 B�n►�r�Sytt«nt.Int.St.C'avd.MN It-60039� 3a'I Form HE-OTNE 19/23/8E � . �+i� ���. _
<br /> , ..�...�.... .., ....�...... . - --- - ... _...
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