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<br />-,t='--`-`��� prtncipal smouenY�t the Indebtedneas secured by this Deed ot T n t u ir]i�suma edvsnced to protect the security ot thls Oaed of
<br /> •---�?�� 7rust,exceed the ori9�nel pdncipal amount etated hereln,or S ��•���•�U ,whkhever Is preater.
<br />• - .. ' 18.Mlsc�llan�ous Provl�lom.
<br />_ ..,.. •'` (a)Bort�ovwr Not R�Nasb. Extorision oi tho time for payment or modiflccitlon oi emorUzatton of tha sums secured by thfs
<br /> � -�� Deed of Trust grented by Lender w eny successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to ralesse,In eny manner,the Ilablli-
<br /> _��"`�.'� ty ot the original Borrower and Borcower's eucceeaors In Interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> �:�{$':� egalnst euch successor or reNse ro extand Ume tor payment or otherwise modiy emortfzatlon oi the auma seared by this
<br /> • ' Deetl of Trust by reason of any demands made by the arlglnai Borrower end Borrower's succoaaoro In interest.
<br />':�;�;i�.: �
<br /> (b)L.�nd�r�Pow�n.Wttl�out effecllnp the Ilabllity of any other person IIaWe for the payment of any oblipaUon here n men-
<br /> •,w G�ned,and wlihout e}f�cUnfl Iha Ibn or cherpe of thla Deed oI Truat upon eny poRlon of the Property not then or therotofore
<br /> :;�:3�� rebaaed es aacu�ity for Ihe tuN artau�ri o(ell unpakl obllgations,Lend.�r may,f�om dmo to Umo and without rtotice(t) release �
<br /> _ eny pereon so Ilable,(i i)extend the m�turily or aft�►any of�s terms o!any auch obllpattom,(III)prant other IndulQsnces.(iv)
<br />°-� release or reconvey,o�cau�e to be �ele�sed ar reconveyeci et any time at Lender�optbn eny p�rcel, portbn or a�l of ths
<br /> Property,(v) teke or releue ny Whs�or sddilbnal socurity tor any ob�ipatbn hereln mentloned,or(vl)make composiilons or
<br /> - other arrong�mente with deblas In rdatbn tMrsto.
<br /> """_ .,.`� (c)Forb�annc�by L�nd�r Na4� W�iv�r.Any torbearance by Lender In exerclafnp any right or romedy herounder,or o►h-
<br /> arwlse atkxded by eppllable I�w,thau not be e waiver of or proclude the sxerclee oi e�y such ripht or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ment ai Ineurence or the paym�nt of tax�s or other Ilena or cherQes by Lender shall not be a walve►or Lendere dpht to exeler-
<br />� `��'«w�;: � ate ths matuHry o/the ind�bt�dn+�u aecurod by thl�Dsed of Tru�t
<br /> '���� (d)Bucc�sars�nd Asslpns Bound;Jolnt�nd�wral Wabltity;C�pttom.The covennnts and apreements hereln con-
<br />_�;�;_.
<br /> ;-.,��`�� telned ehall bind, and the riphls hereunder shall inura to,the reapectEve auocessoro end aaalpna of Lender and Trustor.Ail
<br /> �;''�` '� covenanta and agreemeMa dTrurior ehsll ba jolnt and eeverel.The caFNlona end headl�ga oi the paragrephs of this Oeed oi
<br />�`,-'���' � Truat ere for canvenlence�r�ry and are not to be uaed to Interpret or deRne the provisions hereof.
<br /> �-.s:��,�
<br /> -�,�,� (e)R�qu�t tor Notlas.Tha p�rties heroby requeat that a copy of eny noti�e of defeult hereunder and e copy ot any
<br />�-�=�-a�.s of eale hereunder ho rna�ad lo each party W this Deed�t Trust et the addroaa aet forth above In the menner pnesaribed by
<br />_-:�:,�:���,�� appUcabia lsw,ExceDt tortsnyoLfia rsodce required under eppllcabb law to be given in another manner,eny notk�e proviAad for
<br /> -�_�...,.�� In thls Deed of Trust shall t�e piven by mafiing euch noUce by oertlfled mali eddrossed to the Wher parties,at the addresa set
<br />---_sr�. torth ebovs.My notic.e provlded tor in thls Deed oi Trust shall be effecUve upon me�ing in the menner designated herein.Ii
<br /> �-"""�` T�vstor ia more than or�e parsa►.nodce sent to the address set brth abave shall be�otice to all such persons.
<br />.-'���..� (�In�p�etlon. Lender rn�y rn�ks or causs to ba made reasonebb entries upon and inspections of the Property.prov{ded
<br /> that Lender ahall gtve Tmstanatice prbr to any such inspectbn apeGfyfng reasonable ceuse theretor related to Lendera inter
<br />�'�.��� est in the Property.
<br /> _ --- (g)R�conwyanr,�.Upon payment oi alt sums secured by this Deed oi Trust,Lender shati request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> --""^-°'Yy� Property and shall surtender thls Deeri oi Trust and all notes evidencing indobtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> �_,;y�� Tn�stee.Tnsstee shall reconrey the Property,without warrenty and w(thout charge to the pe�son or persons bgaily enUded
<br /> --��,,,��� thereta.Trusta shaY payall oosteoi�eoordatbn,if any.
<br />�_ �'_"�`� Lende u nderMthe Neb�ras�a��Co�m nerc�al Code ad�ty Interest in al flxtureys,mequipment,a�nd�other persona�l yproperty
<br /> -- uand In connectlon with Ihs roai eslete or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deamed to be a part ot
<br /> �`W� the real estate aecured hereby. This instrument shall be construed as a SecuAty Agreement under said Code,end ihe Lerw�i
<br /> -_•_-�� shall have all ihe rights end remedles of a secured partyr under setd Code U addidon to the rights and remediea created under
<br /> end aa�rded the Lender purouant to this Deed oi 7rush provided that Lenders rights end remedtes under th(s paragreph ahall
<br /> - - be cumulativo with,and In no way a IlmitaUon on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other security egreement signaci by
<br />� Bortower or Trustor.
<br /> -"- py Lt�ns and Encumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no default under the provisions oi eny
<br /> --- mortgage,deed of Uust,lease or purchese conVect descrlbing all or any part ot the Property,or other oontract,insbvment or
<br /> -_- agreement oonsUtutlng e lien or encumbrance against all or any part oi the Property(collectively,'Liens"),extsVnp as oi the
<br /> -° --_� date of this Desd otTrust, and tfiat any and ali oxtsUng Ucns romatn unmodiflod except ae dlscioaed to Lender in Tn�stors writ-
<br />��� ten disclosure oi Iler�a end encumhrancea provlded for hereln. Trustor shall timely perbrm atl oi TrustoPa obltgaUona,
<br />"�"�"°a"'� oovenants,representatbns end warran8ets under any and a!I existtng and future Liena,shall promptly forvvard to Lender copbe
<br /> - of all notkes of defauit eent N connaction with any and eil exisGng or future Liens,and shail not without Lendera prior written
<br /> consent in any manner mo�diy the provisions of or al{ow eny future advances under eny exlsUnp or future Iierts.
<br /> - Q)AppiMadon oi P�ymmts.Unleaa othervvise required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,induding without Iimitation
<br /> payments of principal end �lerest, insurance proceods,condemnation proceeds end renta end proflq,ahall be applled by
<br /> lender ro the emounts due end owing from Tn�stor and Borrower in such order as lender in its sole discre8on deems deair-
<br /> -- - eble.
<br /> � (k)8�v�nbllity.if any proviabn oithla Daed oi Trust conflicta with eppiMat�le law or la dectared invalid or Atherwlae unen-
<br /> fwoeaWe,such oonllict or ImalidUy shall not affect the other provistons ot this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given
<br /> etfect without the conflktlng provisbn,and to this end the provislons of this Deed ot 7rust and the Note ere declared to be sev-
<br /> ereble.
<br /> (I)T�nns.The terrns'Tnutor and'Borrower shall include both singular and plurel,and when the Trustor end Bomower are
<br /> the oame pereon(s),tt�ose tenns es used in thls Deed of Trust ahall be tnterchangeable.
<br /> (m)�3ov�minp Law.ThbDeed otTn.�st shall be govemed by the laws ot the State ot Nebreska.
<br /> _ :���
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<br /> - Trustor h executed this Daed of Tmst es oi Ih w�ittan above.
<br />:-•, .�:,:,' 1 � .�
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<br />`=-��;; � e r n a r d C. P i e 1, a 5 i n g 1 e Trustor rn,scor
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<br /> - : �! Tn�stor Trustor
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