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<br /> ,.1 "ProcReds')In connect►on with condamnetion or other teking ot the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance In livu of condemnadon.
<br /> � Lender shail be entitled at ite option to commenco,eppear In snd proseaule In Its own nome eny ection or proceedings,and shall alao
<br /> • ���� be ontitled to make any compromise ar settlement In connectlon wlth such tnking or damage.In the event any poRion ot the Property Is �_:
<br /> :� -
<br /> so taken or damaged, Lender sheil have the opUon In Its solo and ebsolute dlscreUon,to apply all such proaeeds, aftor deducUny _
<br /> �^ therefrom ell costs and expenses Incurred by It in conne�tion wlth such Proceeds,upon any Indebtedness secured here�by n such con• _
<br /> order as Lender may detem�ine.or to epply ell such Proceeds,after such deductions,to the restoretlon of the Property pn v
<br /> � ditions as Lender may determine,Any epplicatlon of Proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of any pay- �`
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure eny default thareun�ar or hereunder.Any unapplled tunds shell be pald to Trustor. �.,_
<br /> �'^�'�"';�:�; 8. Psrtortnaoce by Lender.Upon the occuRence ot an Event of Oofault horounder, or if any act is taken or legal proceeding =
<br /> ',;{titiy��,ti}i� commenced which materialy eftecta Lendera Intereat In the PropeAy,Lender may in its own discredon,but wlthout obligatlon to do so, _
<br /> - and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without reieasing Tnastor from eny obllgation,do sny act which Trustor hes agroed -
<br /> - but faited to do and may also do any other act it deams necessery to protect the securlty hereoi.Trustor ahall,Immediatety upon �
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and oxpenaes Incurred and sums expended by Lender In connection witl�lhe exer-
<br /> •�=� cise by Lender oi the toregoing dghts,togethar with Interest thereon at the default rete provided In the Note,whlch shali be added to
<br /> '���� the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur any Iiability because ot anylhing It mny do or omlt to du hereunder.
<br /> • 9. H�sardou�Mat�ritls.Trustar shell keap the Property In comptfance wltN all eppilceble laws, ordina�cea and repulatbne �
<br /> relating to industrlal hyglene or envlronmental prctectlon(collectively referced to herein ea`�nvlronmental Laws").Tru�lor thetl keep
<br /> the Property free from all substencea deemed to be hezardoua or toxla under any Envlronmental Law�(r.�llsctivaly raferred to herein
<br />� � ' �' ' es"Hazerdous Materlals').Trustor hereby werrente end repreeante to Lender that there ere no Hnzardou�Mat�Hels on ar under the
<br /> Properry.Truator hereby egrees to indemntty and hold hermless Lender,Ils dlrectore,offlcero,employees snd apenU,�nd eny succes•
<br /> .• ��:'' aoro to Lender'e�ntereet,from and apxinst any and all clalms,damepes,laaeea and Ilebllitles erbinfl In connectbn wilh the{►reaxnce�
<br /> "� � use,disposel or tranapoR of any Hazerdous MatoNale on,under, irom or about lhe PropeAy.TH�FOREOOINCi WARRANTIE9 ANO _
<br />�'�r�• ' ' 10.Asslynm�nt of Rrnu.Tn�stor hereby asaiens to Lender,And gmnb L.ender e cscu�fy Interest In,all prefent, future and
<br /> efter arising rents,Issues and profits ot the Property;provlded thet Trustor shell,until the occuRence of en Event of Deteult,hereunder,
<br />.:�°;_•��'"�+;� have the right to coilect and retaln such rents, issues end proflta as Ihey become due and payable.Upnn the occurrence ot an Event oi
<br /> �: qefault,Lender mey,either In per�on or by agent,with or without bdnging any ection or proceeding,or by a recelver eppointed by a
<br /> �;�;�,: court and without regerd to the adequacy oi its secudty,entet upon end take possession of tha Property,or eny part thereof,In its own
<br /> ;.��,��="'� name or In the neme of the Trustee,and do eny acts which It deems necessary or desirable ro preserve the valua,matketability ot
<br /> - rentabillty of the Property, or any part thereof or interest thereln,or to increase the Income therefrom a protect the security hereof end,
<br /> '.~.�•.: •,.�_ with or without teking possesslon of the Properly,sue for or otharwise collect the rents,issues and profits thereof,Includi�g those past
<br /> ��-� �-',•,• due and unpaid,by notifying t�snants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues and proflta,less costs and expens-
<br />;,:.:,'. .
<br /> -. ;.:, es of operetion and collectlon Including ettomey's fees,to any tndebtedness secured hereby, ali in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> ��'+�:�-: •-w �;l�_Z'�g Ant�►��n���n and taking possession of the Property,the coilection ot such rents, Issues and profits,and the appiication
<br /> °= �'�'"'"� thereai as aforesald shall not cure or waive any defeuit or notice of defauit hereunder or invatiaate any ect done in ro��inv tv su�
<br /> �4 �
<br /> ��=s�.;.;�u� default or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithstending the continuance in possesslon oi the propertyr or the co ect on,
<br /> �°;;:;'.sti., receipt and eppUcatlon ot rents,issues or proflts,Trustee end Lender shall be entiUed to exerdse every right provided for in any of the
<br /> -'S.G._���ti{ Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,includin�without Ilmitation the�Ight to exe�cise the po�ver oi sele.
<br /> ,.,�;.��°-= Further,Lenders rights and ramedfes under this paragraph shatl be cumuletive with,and in no way a IlmiteUon on,Lenders dghts and
<br /> ` :� remedies under any asalgmnent ot leases and rents reoorded ageinst the Properiy.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be ltable to
<br /> •.�� a000unt only for those rents ectually recetved.
<br /> -��ees��} 11.Ev�nts of D�fau�.The fo l low ing s ha l l cons U tu te an Event ot Default under thls Dead of Trust:
<br /> =•.�� (a)Faiture to pay any installment oi principai or interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> -� =��=+�� (b)A breech of or default under eny provisfon contained in the Note,thls Qeed oi Trust,any oi the Loan InsUuments,or any
<br /> -�-`�� other lien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (cy A writ of execution or attachment or eny similar proceas ahall be entered agelnst Trustor which shell became a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any portton thereoi or interest therein;
<br /> ------ (d)There shall be filed by or egainst Trustor or Borrower an action under any preaent or future federel.atate or other statute,
<br /> - law or reSuletion reletlng to bankruptay,Insoivency or other reUef for debtore;or there shall be appolnted any tn�etae,receiver or
<br /> -----�- —° , Iiqutdator oi Trustar or Bortower or of ell or any part oi the Property,or the rente,iasues or proflts th8root,or Tnistor or Bortower
<br /> - - shall make any general essignment tor the benefit of creditors;
<br /> .��_�.� (e)The sale, Vensfer,lease, assignment, conveyance or tudher encumbrance of all or any part of or any interest In the
<br /> --_ " - Property,elther voluntadly or Involuntadly,without the express w8tten consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shall be pertnit•
<br /> _ ted to execute a lease ot the PropeRy that does not contain an opUon to purohase and the term ot which does not exceed one
<br /> ---_�; year,
<br /> - (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> -�,.�,�,;�; (g)Ii Trustor is not en Indlvidual, the issuance,sa�e, transier,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(ii a
<br /> --�'_,_�� corporadon)a total oi percent of ita issued �nd outatanding stock,or pf e partnenship)a tot�l of per-
<br /> w��_:� cent of partnership InteresLs,or(it a limited Ilabllity company)a total of percent ot the Iimited ifability campa•
<br /> -�_ �-� ny(nterests or voting rights dudng the period this Deed of Trust romains a Uen on the property.
<br /> ..'S-.�_�`,_.
<br /> ; ,�, ,s�:� 12.R�m�dles;Acal�nrtion Upon Dotaul�In the event of any Event ot Default Lender may,without notice except as requf
<br /> _ • ='',�;� by Iew,declare ail Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and p�yable with- _
<br /> _ '''.�x�•'� . out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of eny klnd.Thereafter Lender may: _
<br /> � • � (a)Qemand that Trustee exerdse the POWER OF SALE grentod herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cnuse l'rusta's inter-
<br /> V l 4 est In the Property ro be sold and the prooeeds to be distributed,all in tho manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; -
<br /> ��`�� �• • - (b) Exercise any and all rights provided for in any ot the Loan Instrumonts or by lew upon occurrence ot any Event of
<br /> �' ' .T•:; DetaulG and
<br /> • . �.� (c)Commence en actfon to toreclose this Deed oi Trust as a mortgage,eppoint a receiver,or speciflcally enforcs any of the _,
<br /> :� covenanta hereof.
<br /> . No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender is intended to bo exclusive of any other remedy heroin,in the Loan _
<br /> _ ,..S,j Instruments or by law provided or pertnitted,but each shsll be cumuladve,shali be in eddidon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> "�� • (n the Loan Instruments or now or here�fter exlsting at law or in equlty or by statuto,and mey be exercised concurrently,independenlly =
<br /> ° ___r•""-- —i�
<br /> •- � or succesive'ry.
<br /> �' �' ��� 13.Tnist�e.The Trustee mey reslgn et any time without cause,end Londer may at any time end without cause appoint a suc-
<br /> cessor or aubstitute Trustee. Trustee shell not be Ilable to any party,including without Ilmitetion Lender,Borrower, Trustor or any pur-
<br /> chaser of tfie Property,fa any loss or demage unless due to reckless or wliltui misoonduct,and shail not be requlred to take eny actbn
<br /> ' in connection with the enforcement of this Deed oi 7rust unless Indemnffled,in writing,for all costa,compensation or expenses which
<br /> _ may be assxiated therewith.In addltlon,Truatee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudicial or under the power of
<br /> sale granted hereln);postpone the saie of ali or any poMon of the Property,as provided by law;or seli the Property as a whoie,or In
<br /> separate parCels or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> 14.Fees and Expens�s. In the event Trustee solls the Property by exerclse ot power ot sale,7rustee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exerclsing power ot sale,including all Trustee's fees,and Lenders and
<br /> Trustee's ettomey's fees, actualiy Incurred to extent permitted by applicable lew.In the ovent Borrower or Trustor exercfses any�ight
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event ot Detault,Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor all costs and oxpenses actualty fncurred as
<br /> ' ' � e result of Trustor's default inciuding without Ilmitation all Trustee's and attomey's fees,ta the extent pertnitted by applicable law.
<br /> _ 16.Futurs Advances.Upon request of Borrower,Lender mey,et its optlon,make additionei and future advances and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shatl be secured by this Deed of Tnist.At no Ume shail the
<br />